Maintaining Your Motivation
Most people have a hard time staying motivated to accomplish what they want in their everyday life. For this week we are going to provide you with tips on how to stay motivated through the course of whatever you're doing. These tips can be used for work, the gym, or even at home. If you believe these tips to be helpful, pass them along to your friends and family!
Goal Setting
If you are having a hard time doing something try to make it like a game where you need to do something in a certain time period so that it becomes natural. For the best results set goals for yourself such as exercising for thirty minutes each day. When making goals it is very important that they are measurable! Did you know that you want your goals to be measured in this way: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely? How did you miss that acronym? It spells smart!
Getting Motivated
Now, here is where motivation comes into play; you always want to be in a calm and happy state so you will be able to perform to the best of your ability.

  • A simple trick is to go into your task or whatever you need to complete with an open mind and a calm approach. 
  • Try listening to your favorite music; that can always help you get into that mood.

  • Using your family to help you get motivated can always be a great thing. It is very important to have positive reinforcement in your life so that you are staying on track. 
Keep it Going

It is in your best interest to regularly review your goals so that you are staying on track. This will also improve your overall self-esteem when you are very close to finishing your goals. If you believe that you are in a good place then you can even continue to make new goals for yourself to keep you even more motivated. Another great idea is to find a mentor that is an expert in the area that you are struggling in so that you can gain his or her knowledge on the item. 
If you Lose your Motivation

If you lose motivation then it is in your best interest to review your goals and see if they are realistic and timely. If you get super frustrated, take a break and breathe then get a fresh start. You can always talk to a friend or a family member or even your mentor. Check out our other resources to give you more tips.
Additional Resources
Whitemarsh Township Parks and Recreation |
610-828-7276 |