Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Dawn works remotely

The Office will be closed December 23, 2024 - January 2, 2025

December 5, 2024

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Yesterday, I met with a Lutheran pastor from Indianapolis (Carmel area), and he shared with me a deeply troubling flyer (see attachment). This is no joke—it is an alarming reminder that the forces of racism and hatred continue to spread their poison, emboldened by a societal climate that tolerates such evil. As the Whitewater Valley Presbytery of the PC(USA), I fear we have been too slow, too cautious, and too silent in confronting this blatant wickedness.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote, "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Friends, the time has come for us to act and to speak boldly, prophetically, and without fear. The voices of hate and division are not afraid to spread their lies and their venom; why, then, are we hesitant to raise a resounding voice of justice, truth, and love?

This kind of evil thrives on our silence, on our reluctance to confront it head-on. It preys on the fears of our families and poisons the minds of our neighbors. It seeks to roll back decades of progress and undermine the image of God in every person. We must remember the prophetic words of contemporary theologian Dr. Willie James Jennings, who reminds us that "the church is called to break every wall of hostility, for every wall is a scar upon the body of Christ." How, then, can we remain silent when walls of racism and hate are being rebuilt in our communities?

The election of recent leaders may have emboldened these groups, but their existence did not begin there. Racism has long been a disease in our society—a sin that thrives on complacency. As Christians, we are called to love mercy, act justly, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). That means naming evil for what it is, resisting it in all its forms, and proclaiming that the kingdom of God is a kingdom of justice and peace, where no one is excluded, and no one is forgotten.

Theologian James Cone challenges us to see that the Gospel demands solidarity with the oppressed. He reminds us that "God’s liberation is at work wherever people resist the forces of death and dehumanization." Let us join in this divine resistance. Our families need to know that the church stands with them, that we are not afraid to challenge the lies of white supremacy and the systems that perpetuate them.

Friends, we must raise our prophetic voice. We cannot let fear of offending others paralyze us when our silence allows evil to grow unchecked. Jesus drove out the money changers in the temple with righteous anger; should we not confront racism with the same courage and urgency?

Let us do something—now. Let us organize, preach, and act boldly. Let us name racism as sin and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, which brings liberation to the captives and justice to the oppressed. It is time to reclaim the prophetic voice of the church and speak against this evil in the name of Christ, who calls us to love our neighbor and seek the flourishing of all people.

With courage and in faith,

Rev. Martin Garcia 


Amistad Church 

Richardson graduated in May with a Master of Divinity degree from Columbia Theological Seminary.

“The PC(USA) has done so much for me that it is hard to put into words,” said Mason. “Not only have I been supported financially, I have felt at home within our church. I have been given platforms to speak from and been allowed to ask hard questions.”

Mason is a young adult volunteer (YAV) alumna who is vibrantly engaged in the work of the church.

Rev. Sabrina Slater writes, “In 2017 I had the opportunity of a lifetime, studying in Switzerland at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute. While I knew that the body of Christ (the Church) was not limited to my local congregation, nor even one denomination I did not think I knew enough about ‘ecumenism’ to apply. Fortunately, others encouraged me to apply and I did, and to my surprise I was accepted & received the scholarship.

Pastors: General Assembly is Seeking Your Feedback Regarding

Board of Pensions

As many of you are aware, the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has made significant changes to its benefits plan. Beginning in 2025, health insurance for those enrolled in the plan will no longer automatically cover a spouse or eligible dependents. You can read more about the new plan on the Board’s website:

In response to these changes, the 226th General Assembly voted to ask the Association of Mid Council Leaders (AMCL is a national organization of presbytery and synod leaders) to select a team to “work with the Board of Pensions to explore adjustments to be made to medical dues plans for Pastors and Spouse or Families to help alleviate the burden on small congregations and present options for medical coverage for pastoral leaders needing family, spousal, or child coverage in 2026 and beyond.”

In preparation for its meetings with the Board of Pensions, this team from AMCL has worked with Research Services of the PC(USA) to design a survey to explore the effect these upcoming changes are having across the church. The team has asked presbytery leaders to send the survey to its pastors, commissioned pastors, and those serving in any validated ministry.

Here’s a link to the survey: It’s titled “GAEC-28,” which was the designation for the item of business that went before the General Assembly. Your responses are anonymous.

As always, thank you for the many ways you make a difference in the ministry settings where you serve!

Association of Mid Council Leaders Steering Committee

Take Survey

Irvington Presbyterian Church

Irvington Presbyterian Church has an abundance of sanctuary sized candles . They would like to offer them to a church if you are in need.

There are: 

24x 17"x1.25" off-white candles

2 x 25"x1.25" off-white candles

4+ sets x 10"x0.75" advent wreath taper candles 

1 x 10"x2.5" Chi Rho Christ Candle

Interested people can contact the Church office: or (317) 356-7225.

We'd like people to let us know by Christmas Eve.

Have you moved? Changed your email address? Retired? Did you contact Dawn at the Presbytery Office?

We are getting a new database and need your updated information. Please send to Dawn at or call the office at 317-923-3681

Thank you!

How is your church doing financially?

Do you ever wonder how well your church is doing financially? Or how your church compares to other Presbyterian congregations your size?

The Presbyterian Foundation is bringing back its popular evaluation tool that will help your church measure your sustainability, evaluate participation and leadership, set priorities, and much more. This web-based tool, called the Church Financial Health Assessment, asks you a series of questions in a simple format, producing a report with recommendations and resources that your church can use. 

And this tool is 100% free. 

What makes the Church Financial Health Assessment especially helpful is that it takes data your church reported during the Session Annual Statistical Report (completed each year by most churches) and pairs it with the answers you provide as you take the survey. You can see how your church is doing financially compared to other congregations your size, as well as measure against all Presbyterian churches nationally. Your answers are confidential. 

You can download a worksheet to gather the data you’ll need to complete the assessment here

And when you’re ready, you can take the assessment by clicking on the button below. 

Questions? Email us at or reach out to your Ministry Relations Officer. We’d love to hear from you! 

Take Assesment 

Sermon Coaching Groups

A Series of Six Zoom Gatherings with an Expert Homiletics Coach

As one component of our collaborative project, “Compelling Preaching for a Climate-Changed World,” Lexington Theological Seminary, The BTS Center, and Creation Justice Ministries invite preachers to apply to be part of a six-month Sermon Coaching Group starting in January 2025.

January 2025 – June 2025

Registration fee: $200

 Scholarships available.

Learn More
Apply Now

Applications are due by December 13, 2024.

The first meeting will be in January 2025. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted by your Sermon Coach about the specific date and time. Groups will choose their future meeting days and times at the first gathering.

To apply, please complete the application form, due by December 13, 2024.

Questions can be directed to the Homiletician in Residence, Carolyn J. Sharp, at

Click to Register
For more Information

Many of you are probably getting requests from pastors who are looking for help dealing in this time of growing division in their congregations. The Center for Healthy Churches / PneuMatrix is offering new clergy colleague groups for post-election pastoring. Each small group (12 people) will be facilitated by both a seasoned pastor and a therapist.


This virtual group aims to build a supportive network, provide professional insight, and create actionable strategies for Pastors who seek guidance and community while navigating the challenges of post-election pastoring to their congregations and ministries .

  • Challenge-Oriented
  • Navigating ministry in a polarized world? You’re not alone. Join a confidential, supportive clergy group for such a time as this.
  • Community-Focused
  • Experience the power of connection. Limited to 12 participants, our groups foster meaningful dialogue and collaboration.
  • Value-Drive
  • Professional facilitation by a seasoned pastor and therapist ensures practical strategies for real-world ministry challenges.

  • Six Online Sessions
  • Jan-June 2025 : specific dates TBD once groups are formed
  • Small Group Size no more than 12
  • Cost $400 (due at first mtg)
  • Led by Pastor and Therapist

Register HERE


Are you Celebrating a Milestone in your church? Please let us know!!!

Tabernacle Presbyterian Church

Annual Thank-Offering Dinner

Prayers for the Presbytery

Please Hold in Prayer: 

Jim Crismore who has been diagnosed with brain cancer and is receiving treatment.

Our Whitewater Valley Presbytery churches in pastoral search or transition:

  • Grace, Fort Wayne
  • Kingston and Springhill, Greensburg
  • Korean, Indianapolis
  • Orchard Park, Indianapolis
  • Tabernacle, Indianapolis
  • First, New Castle
  • First, Rushville
  • First, Shelbyville
  • CrossRoads, Westfield
  • Richmond, First


Hear our prayers, O Lord!



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Whitewater Valley Presbytery