Dear Founders,
What a wonderful weekend!
It was such a blessing to celebrate the ministry of our dear Rev. Elder Alejandro Escoto. I so enjoyed hearing from his former colleagues via video, as well as seeing his reaction to the many wonderful things they shared about him. And the pictures! Thanks to Larry Rodriguez and Sandra Contreras (members of the Creative Worship Team) for putting together all the pictures and giving us such an impressive presentation. Thanks also to Cesar Maldonado and Roger Owens (and all their helpers!) for the amazing meal they prepared for the gathering.
We also participated in the first-ever Huntington Park Pride. FMCC/ICMF were on full display, and I was also invited to sit on a panel to talk about the history of our church, which originated in the home of Rev. Troy Perry in Huntington Park on October 6, 1968. Thanks to Carl Kent-Smith and Sandra Contreras for representing the church along with me.
Can you believe it? Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. While we will not have an in-person service, I will be available to impose ashes on the corner of Vermont and Prospect (in front of Starbucks) 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. as well as in the chapel here at the church 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. A service of meditation and self-imposition of ashes will be available ONLINE all day Wednesday in English and Spanish on our Facebook and YouTube pages.
This Sunday is a day to celebrate Love with our annual Blessing of Relationships in worship. This coincides with Valentine's Day (on the 14th) and American Heart Month (February). I invite you to WEAR RED for worship. Bring your significant other(s) to worship as we take a few minutes to pray a special blessing over your relationship(s).
The message this Sunday is entitled, Whither Thou Goest, words of love and devotion spoken by Ruth to Naomi. If you'd like to read ahead, check out Ruth 1:16-17 (KJV) and II Kings 2:6-10 (Common English Version). I look forward to seeing and worshipping with you this Sunday!
Pastor Keith