Who? What? How?
January 23rd, 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany
Today's Craft
What if your body really fought about who was the most important? So sad for the tonsils!
A Yummy Parts of the Body Snack.
One friend in Children's Chapel said this would be really fun with fruit, too!
Ways to Pray
Today's Collect
Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Praying the Lectionary with Rev. Dr. Lil Smith
  • Do a scan of your body.
  • Notice the parts of your body that are weaker and need your attention.
  • Tell each part that is weak, “I love you, and I need you.”
  • Be grateful for your body.
  • Expand your focus to your community.
  • Tell each part that is weak, “I love you, and I need you.”
  • Be grateful for your community.
  • What is your invitation from God today?
  • Give thanks to God for this time in prayer and for any new insights you have received.
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