A Message from Our Staff to You!
Back row - left to right: Angie Vokaty, Josh Schwartz, Kevin Rische, Gail Rubenstein, Ken Mikle
Front row - left to right: Kelssee Rubeinstein, Jan Markell, Nicky Nelson
Jan Markell--Who could have imagined that 2023 was going to be the year of the Jews? God knew, before the beginning of time that this would be the year they would receive worldwide attention because of a brutal terrorist attack, be hated worldwide, and also be prayed for worldwide by believers.
Thank you for standing with and supporting this ministry—called to be a watchman on the wall—on behalf of Israel and the church. Both have significant end-time roles. They are the two primary tools God is using to bring His plan of the ages to its ultimate fulfillment! Perhaps today!
Kevin--Thank you for your faithfulness and encouragement during this past year. Because of your continued prayers and support, we are able to contend daily for the faith, and provide spiritual answers and reasons for the hope that lies within us--Christ Jesus.
Pastor Josh Schwartz--It is such a blessing to be part of the Olive Tree family. I pray for all of you often and I encourage you to keep your head up and your eyes fixed on Jesus this Christmas season. Just as He came 2000 years ago, so will he come to take us, his church to be with Him. Blessings!
Ken--Hello OTM listeners. I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. It has been my privilege to meet many of you and it has been a blessing to be a part of this ministry and to serve the King of Kings! My prayer is to meet many more of you before the trumpet sounds. Keep watch. Our Lord is returning soon.
Angie--I feel very blessed to serve the Lord through this ministry for such a time as this. We pray for you and are here to encourage you to finish the race God has set before us. Our hope comes knowing one day very soon, the trumpet will sound and the shout from Heaven will be heard to meet our Lord and Savior in the air, NEVER to be separated from Him again. Thank you for being a watchman on the wall with us. Maranatha!
Gail-- I've been blessed to work at Olive Tree Ministries since the summer of 2009. I've spoken with so many of you on the phone over the years that a lot of you feel like dear friends. Thank you for your friendship.
Kelssee--To our extended OTM family, it has been my privilege and honor to have served you this past year. What a joy it is to pray for you. May you find strength and joy knowing that you are cherished.
Nicky--I am so grateful to be here at Olive Tree Ministries and to be a part of a team that truly cares for each other and those we meet, either in person or on the phone. God has truly used this ministry to reach others with the truth. I am very thankful to be a part of this team.