Ideas and tips to get along and get stuff done------------ --- ---- March 29, 2023
Who Should Decide What's Taught In Our Schools?

Folks, we're having a very special Make Shift Coffee House at 9:30am on Saturday morning April 1 at the Maine Coast Waldorf School, 57 Desert Road, Freeport, Maine.

It's special because this is a hot topic now being debated in school board rooms and in state legislatures across the country. And on social media.

It's also special because at a Make Shift Coffee House we actually DON'T debate things, and we're not going to debate this topic. Rather, we are going to discuss this topic with civility and respect. With the sole purpose of better understanding each other. In person. Face-to-face.

And it's special because we haven't had a Make Shift Coffee House in a long time. And we don't have any others planned.

For this unique event I've teamed up with The Chaplaincy Institute of Maine. After the Make Shift Coffee House in the morning, I'm going to spend the rest of the day with chaplaincy students discussing how to converse across differences.

As with all Make Shift Coffee Houses, this is not a debate. We're not here to persuade each other or change each other's minds. It’s simply about UNDERSTANDING each other’s views; how we have come to believe the things that we believe. It will be a unique opportunity to say what you think, and hear from others who think differently, with respect.

Below is a short video that explains what it's like at a Make Shift Coffee House.

Free Snacks and Coffee. Live Music. No charge. All welcome.

You don't need to register in advance. Just come.

Did you know that every Make Shift Coffee House has live music?

On Saturday, we're so happy to be joined by The Peterson Family String Band!

Come along
and check them out.

Do you know someone with strong views about who should decide what's taught in our schools? Please send this to them and encourage them to attend.
To Help You Get Along
Written and published by Craig Freshley. Thanks for walking along with me.
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