September 2018
Who Succeeds as a Franchisee?
Hint: They Wear 8 Hats
Do you envision yourself as a future franchisee? How can you know whether you have the right personality type to succeed? Many people believe only a true “ Type A ” entrepreneur should pursue franchise ownership. The truth is actually quite different.

The most successful franchisees have something important in common. They’re able and willing to follow a proven system in order to replicate the success of the business. While an “entrepreneur” seeks to express creativity and find their own niche, it’s actually a “Steady Eddie” — willing to follow direction and trust the system — who will strike gold as a franchisee.

In addition, a successful franchisee is comfortable wearing many different hats. How many of these roles would you be comfortable playing?
Do you know someone who can benefit from our services?
If you happen to know someone who might be interested in business ownership, who would like to explore their options, or who just wants to know more about franchise business opportunities, please provide my contact information to them. 

Franchise businesses are not just about replacing one's employment, they are also perfect for individuals who want to establish a parallel path for supplemental income, create an asset or create long-term security. If you prefer that I call someone, please tell them in advance that I will be contacting them.
When your refer folks to me, I will contact them in a timely manner and provide them some personal information about myself.     

You're welcome to email me at: or phone at:  916-905-5819.
Chris Mesker | FranChoice | 916-905-5819 | Email | Website