Who is Louisiana Right to Life?
Watch New Video, and Chip In for #GivingTuesday!
Do you have one minute to watch our new video about Louisiana Right to Life?

Our mission is to build a completely pro-life Louisiana, and I believe every day we are making progress toward that goal!

Since I came on board 12 years ago, I have believed that if every pro-life person in Louisiana just chipped in something every year, we would have the means to make amazing strides to reach our goal. As we approach #GivingTuesday, please consider chipping in just $25 to further our outreach on college campuses. You can start your giving today!

Thanks for your support. I am honored to stand alongside you to defend the lives of all!

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper

P.S. Please pray for the leaders and students at our PULSE Camp this weekend in Dry Creek, just north of Lake Charles!
Burton Joins Black Advocates for Life Team
Pastor Jonathan Burton, a former college and professional basketball player, has spent his adult life trying to impact lives through sports and community development. He retired from basketball to start the non-profit Cross It Up, Inc., and he and wife Brandy are currently working on a church plant in the New Orleans Ninth Ward. And he’s joined the Louisiana Black Advocates for Life team as Associate Director to make even a bigger impact in the Black community.

Will You Help Us Better Equip Our Pro-Life College Students on Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving to kick off the charitable season, is Nov. 27, and we hope you will consider a donation to Louisiana Right to Life. You can give straight to our #GivingTuesday  campaign, or you can give to Louisiana Right to Life through the #IGiveCatholic campaign. This year’s Giving Tuesday donations will go toward better equipping our pro-life college students as they share the pro-life message on their college campuses.

Are you a high school or college student looking for something to do this weekend? We can still fit you into a few open spots at PULSE Weekend Immersion Southwest. The event is Friday through Sunday at Dry Creek Baptist Camp near Lake Charles. Students, this is your chance to grow in pro-life knowledge and persuasion skills and much more!
The Cenla Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast, rescheduled earlier this month due to bad weather, is Friday, Nov. 16, and there are still a few seats available. The breakfast is at 7:30 a.m. at the Granberry Conference Center at Louisiana College. Guest speaker will be abortion survivor Sarah Zagorski. Please join us to pray for moms and babies in the Central Louisiana area!
The Scotton Family, featured in the adoption documentary I Lived on Parker Avenue , will be honored with the 2019 Proudly Pro-Life Award at the 20th annual Proudly Pro-Life Award Dinner on Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019, at Chateau Country Club in Kenner. Cocktails are at 6 p.m., and the dinner begins at 7 p.m. Tickets and full tables are now available!
Louisiana Right to Life's annual calendar featuring babies from across Louisiana is now available for 2019. Each month features a beautiful child and includes inspirational messages and information about the pro-life movement in our state. Not only is the calendar filled with fun and interactive material, it is designed to educate and inspire those who see it.
All six of Louisiana's Congressmen were easily re-elected on Nov. 6. Also, two pro-life candidates won their respective special elections for state Senate (District 26) and House (District 33) on Nov. 6. One more House race (District 90) will be decided by runoff on Dec. 8, as will the Secretary of State's race.
Louisiana Right to Life will sponsor five Life March events around the state in January and February - in Lake Charles, Baton Rouge, Shreveport-Bossier, Monroe-West Monroe, and Pineville-Alexandria. Mark your calendars and plan to attend and show your love for life! Our 2019 Life March T-shirts will be available soon!
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is a day pastors utilize to raise awareness about what the Bible teaches about the sacred gift of human life, how life is under attack, and what the church can do protect it. It's coming up on Jan. 20, 2019!
Louisiana Right to Life has produced 10 new "Life Minutes" audio tracks aimed at educating the public about pro-life issues. The eighth "Life Minute" has been released. Please listen and feel free to share it!
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1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife