June 23, 2017

In this Edition:
New Moon This Weekend!
Plus Who Should You Marry
Your Wedding Chart; What it can tell you!

Marriage and Your Month of Birth

Your Month of Birth Reveals Whom You Will or Should Marry

Did you know that your marriage and your month of birth are intertwined?  That's what two independent research results suggest.  In one study, Marlis Moritz analyzed 2,549,000 birth data of women and men who were married between 1995 and 2000.  She found that marriages more often occur between people who are born around the same period or in the same month.

Indeed, according to her findings, people marry someone whose month of birth is within four months of the own month of birth.  Interestingly, this is also what 2 other researchers have found. Moreover, women seem to prefer men who are born just BEFORE their birth date.

Men seem to prefer women who are born just AFTER their birth date.  Her findings also confirm yet another study dating back from 1974.  Scientists found some remarkable significant results.

In their studies of animals they found that not every male will form a pair with any female or vice versa. It occurred to these scientists to study whether any such preferences could be found among human beings as well.  Accordingly, they analyzed nearly 3,500 marriages and found some statistically significant results, depending on the month of birth.  The odd thing is that both studies confirm each other's findings!

Month of birth is January
Women born in January most of all prefer men born two months later.  That's why females born in January most preferred males born in March, aside from males born in January.
They were also attracted to males born in October. They least preferred males born in April.  They also rather not prefer men born in June, August or November.
Men born in the second half of January preferred females born in the second half of October (twice as many marriages as expected by chance). They least preferred females born in July or September.

Month of birth is February
Women born in February most preferred males born in February or April. They least preferred men born in July, October or December.
The high divorce rate between females born in February and males born in July seems to be statistically very significant.
Men born in February most preferred females born in February or October. They least preferred females born in March or May.
Marriages between men born in February and women born in May seem to be quite "explosive."
Higher divorce rates than expected by chance also existed for marriages where the males were born in February and females born in May.

Month of birth is March
Females born in March seem to have no particular preference for males born in a specific month! Perhaps they get on well with almost every men?  There are two exceptions though, they least preferred males born in February or August.
Males born in March most preferred females born in January.
They least preferred females born in July.
Males born in March who married females born in July have an eight times greater divorce rate than would be expected by chance.

Month of birth is April
Females born in April most preferred males born in June or July.
They least preferred men born in September or November.
Males born in April most preferred females born in February.
They least preferred females born in January or May.

Month of birth is May
Females born in May most preferred males born in December.
They least preferred June born males.  Higher divorce rates than expected by chance existed for marriages where the females were born in May and the males were born in February.  Also, these females do not get on well with men born in April.
Males born in May most preferred females born in June or August.  They least preferred December born females.

Month of birth is June
Females born in June most preferred males born in November.
Higher divorce rates than expected by chance existed for marriages where the females are born in June and the males are born in October.  The females born in June also get on well with men born in May or June.
Males born in June most preferred females born in April.
They least preferred females born in October.
Males born in the period from the latter half of June tend to marry females born in the period from the latter half of July to the first half of August (twice as many marriages as expected by chance).
In general, men born in June also like women born in June and July.  They are less likely to be married with females born in January and May.

Month of birth is July
Females born in July most preferred males born in June, August or October.  They least preferred males born in March (The divorce rate is eight times higher than expected) and December.
Males born in July most preferred females born in April and December.  Higher divorce rates than expected by chance existed for marriages where the males were born in July and the females born in February.  Males born in the first half of July tend to marry females born in the period from the latter half of July to the first half of August (twice as many marriages as expected by chance).

Month of birth is August
Females born in August most preferred males born in August, they least preferred males born in September.
They also get on well with men born in May.
Males born in August most preferred females born in July.
They also get on well with women born in August, October and December.  They least preferred males born in November
They don't cope well with females born in January and March.

Month of birth is September
Females born in September most preferred males born in September.  They least preferred males born in January and April.
Males born in September most preferred females born in September, October or December.  They least preferred women born in April or August.

Month of birth is October
Females born in October most preferred males born in January.
They least preferred males born in June.
They also get on well with men born in February, August and September.  Males born in October most preferred females born in January.  They did not prefer females born in June. Indeed, higher divorce rates than expected by chance existed for marriages where the males were born in October and females born in June.  They also don't cope well with females born in February.  Males born in October get on well with females born in July and November.

Month of birth is November
Females born in November most preferred males born in October and November.  They least preferred males born in August.
Males born in November most preferred females born in June.
They least preferred females born in April.  Interestingly, males born in the second half of November (late Scorpio and early Sagittarius) divorced twice as often as males born at any other time of the year (regardless of the date of birth of the female!).  They also like females born in November and December.  They don't cope well with women born in January.

Month of birth is December
Females born in December most preferred males born in August.
They least preferred males born in May. They also get on well with men born in July, September and November.  Males born in December most preferred females born in May.  They least preferred females born in February and July.

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  Register at mariashaw.com. Scroll down to bottom of home page to register

What Your Wedding Zodiac Sign Says About Your Marriage
By Elizabeth Mitchell

Just like your birthday, the zodiac sign you get married under can say a lot about your future, for better or worse.

Aries Marriages
Your Wedding Date: March 21 - April 19
Aries is a very adventurous, bold, and independent sign. If you tie the knot during this time you'll thrive as individuals and not risk losing site of yourselves in the relationship. Your marriage will be filled with lots of spontaneity, too. Think exciting dinner dates, and unexpected romantic surprises. But be careful not to get too competitive with each other, as Aries couples tend to do.

Taurus Marriages
Your Wedding Date: April 20 - May 20
Taurus is an extremely sensual, decadent sign. You and your hubby enjoy the finer things in life, and you're definitely not afraid to indulge your taste for luxury. Good news: You're destined to have a very grounded marriage. Because both of you can get stuck and set in your ways though, it's important to mix things up more- in the bedroom and out of it.

Gemini Marriages
Your Wedding Date: May 21 - June 20
For Gemini couples; You'll have a really talkative marriage, and there will be a constant dialogue going on between you and your other half. Since you crave variety, keep things interesting by taking part in new activities together. Sign up for an exotic cooking class, learn how to surf this summer, or even go skydiving if you're up for it. Don't get scattered in too many directions however. You need to remember to prioritize your time together.

Cancer Marriages
Your Wedding Date: June 21 - July 22
Home is where the heart is for Cancers. You really like to pamper your husband (and vice versa). And don't be surprised if you have a lot of cutesy nicknames for each other. The danger Cancers face is getting a little too wrapped up as a couple and becoming homebodies. Make sure to get out, be interactive, and stay connected to friends and family.

Leo Marriages
Your Wedding Date: July 23 - August 22
Leo couples are likely to have a very dramatic, theatrical, and passionate marriage. You both have strong opinions and you're certainly not shy about sharing them. While it's nice that there's a lot of romance and passion, you do have a habit of getting too dramatic sometimes. This could result in a power struggle, so be careful not to boss each other around.

Virgo Marriages
Your Wedding Date: August 23 - September 22
Virgo is an extremely organized, refined, and healthy sign. You and your husband pay attention to the little things and you're all about the details. He's your cheerleader and you're his, which is why helping each other out comes so naturally. Though you may get stuck focusing on your problems and lose site of the bigger picture since you can be a bit nitpicky.

Libra Marriages
Your Wedding Date: September 23 - October 22
Libra is the sign that rules marriage. This is probably why October is one of the biggest wedding months. Libra marriages are, not surprisingly, very much about balance and give and take from both partners. The relationship is a real priority to you and your man. However, the danger lies in losing your individuality. Remember to break out of the couple bubble from time to time.

Scorpio Marriages
Your Wedding Date: October 23 - November 21
Scorpio is an extremely sexy and intense sign. There's bound to be a ton of passion in your marriage and you should have no problem keeping the romance alive over the years. Scorpio is also a sign of power and control though, so jealousy issues can crop up down the line. Be careful and make sure that if you're feeling hurt you talk about it. You don't want to let a power struggle ruin your marriage.

Sagittarius Marriages
Your Wedding Date: November 22 - December 21
The Sagittarius couple is very outgoing, adventurous, and worldly. There will most likely be a lot of travel in your future. You're constantly learning and taking classes together, and you're both incredibly open-minded as well. Nevertheless, you tend to take too many risks sometimes. Try not to live so much on the edge and hold down the fort at home.

Capricorn Marriages
Your Wedding Date: December 22 - January 19
Capricorn is the sign of tradition, which is why this winter wedding typically happens around Christmastime or the New Year. You and your hubby are all about legacy and honoring your heritage. You love celebrating the holidays and carrying on traditions from your childhood. One thing you both need to work on though is learning to enjoy the present instead of always planning for your future.

Aquarius Marriages
Your Wedding Date: January 20 - February 18
The Aquarius marriage can best be described as unconventional, quirky, and modern. You're each other's best friend, but you're also a very social couple that hosts a ton of parties. You enjoy going out and being amongst a big crowd. To keep your marriage strong, it's important to make sure you set aside enough time together.

Pisces Marriages
Your Wedding Date: February 19 - March 20
Pisces is the sign of fantasy, imagination, romance, and creativity. You and your hubby are no doubt an incredibly dreamy match. Expect vow renewals and anniversary getaways in your future. Beware of getting too much out of touch with reality, however. You don't want to let your emotions take over to the point where you aren't grounded as a couple and begin to overspend to accommodate your creative endeavors.

Picking the perfect wedding is important. Just as you have a birth chart based on the day you were born, weddings also have their own chart astrologically speaking and can tell a great deal about the energy and future of a marriage.

The Sun and Moon's placements represent the groom and bride and how they'll get along. The house where the sun falls, foretells what the focus and foundation of the marriage is. The wedding chart can also tell me what kind of troubles the couple will have. It can reveal a potential affair one day, interference from family members, money issues and much more. It can also reveal the good aspects and what wonderful things the couple can expect as well as the strengths and luck unfolding over the years. I do wedding charts often for clients and friends. If you'd be interested in having me pick the perfect wedding date astrologically, you can call 586-995-6791. 

If you are already married and you'd like to order a one question reading and ask about your wedding date, I can give an overall analysis of the date as well as a forecast of the ups, downs and aspects associated with it! Just click here to order:
Tell Me About My Marriage Based on its chart.
Remember to give me the anniversary date!

Moon road
10:32p.m. Eastern
9:32p.m. Central
8:32p.m. Mountain
7:32p.m. Pacific

Set your intentions for the month ahead over the weekend. Find some time and a quiet space and pray, state your intentions out loud and visualize them.You have all weekend to manifest. So the next three days are potent for working with the moon's energy.
Look to where the new moon falls in your astrology chart to find where the most potent intentions fall. Some of you should be manifesting new work or more money. Others should be wishing for the best relationship to appear. If you don't know where the new moon falls in your chart, please order a one question reading and ask by clicking here: 
I'll research your chart and have an answer back to you with a mantra you can say too.

On Saturday at 1:59 am EST, You may suddenly get  a strong feeling about  someone.   Thoughts are energy. If someone is thinking of you at this time, their thoughts will find you, wherever you are in the world. You will suddenly think of them  too  or a  shared  memory will strike you out of the blue. Note that this is a strong psychic call  coming your way from someone special Send that person love. Take time to talk to them telepathically, knowing you are getting through. Yes, this person can also be on the other side as well as here on the earth plane. It may be someone you have not seen or heard from in years. It can also be someone close to you that you currently are in contact with too.


It's said that we choose our friends but don't choose our family.  However on a soul level we have chosen them. This is our family karma.

-We've been in relationship with family members through many lifetimes.

-We make soul contracts before we are born of what our purpose is to be in this lifetime.

We reincarnated and forgot on a conscious level what our promises were. But we choose our parents to help us with these soul purposes and karma. We discover our greatest tests and challenges in life start with and stem from the family. 
Sometimes you may feel as if you were born into the wrong family, but you weren't. There's a reason you choose them. And unless you study astrology or some sort of revealing metaphysics or past life teachings, you may wander through y life blaming your parents, mad at your siblings or disappointed in something. I tell my clients that if you don't make something right with one of the parents karmically, then you will draw to you, a spouse or mate that has the same zodiac sign or energy as that parent. You will need to work through the lesson because the soul needs to fulfil the lesson and purpose. How many times have you heard someone say they Married their Mother? 

The family you were born into, is the blueprint for your soul purpose and lesson.

Our first soul mates are our mother and father, and its these two aspects of our soul that we have come to work with in this lifetime. Remember soul mates do not need to be romantic connections. They can be friends, enemies, siblings, co workers, parents and more. You can have many soul mates in one lifetime; each designed for a specific lesson to fulfil a soul contract.

The problems we face in our family sometimes seem impossible to solve. As children we didn't have the resources to handle the complex emotional issues we may have experienced and witnessed. The traumas that happened to us and our family, may have been too hard to handle so we then took on a role in order to survive or deal with them.

Your Astrology Chart is Map of your Family Karma
In our birth chart, our mother is the 4th house, our father the 10th, older siblings are the 11th house, and younger ones the 3rd house. Each grandparent can be traced through the birth chart and the stories revealed in the chart, may be the reason you can't move past blockages in this lifetime.
In our New Orleans Class on July 15, we will study the complex relationships, the joy filled ones and the loving ones that supported us. We will grow to understand what each family members' role is and how that affects our lives today; to heal and complete our soul purpose and contract that we made before we were born.

In this class: 
You will establish what your family karma is
-What are the biggest times in your life to release family karma
-Why Scorpio and Aquarius types have the heaviest Family Karma and so much more!
We will also do a release session with one specific family member or issue you wish to release.

(I can also do a Family Karma reading over the phone at my regular reading rates if you cannot make it to the class. 586 995 6791 to reserve a time.)

The family member doesn't need to be present or alive. The release work is for your soul purpose and healing.
You can PM as we only have space for 13 to 15 
Much like the Clearing and Cleansing Class but this one focuses on specific relationships. We will cover family karma as well as love relationships. Release work too. Explore the karmic reasons and contracts with the most important people in your life. There will be a portion of the class devoted to the solar return; the magical moment  every year we can harness some powerful energy. 

August in Minnesota
I'm taking prior appointments for readings for 
August 3/4. Call 586-995-6791 to schedule. Limited slots of 30 and 60 minutes.
Outstretched female healing hands with white light between and a vibrant multicolored flowing energy field background

Radisson Roseville, MN
Sunday August 6 - Psychic Fair 9a.m. to 4p.m.

4:30p.m. to 6:30pm- Crossing Over Gallery with Maria
Channeling messages from loved ones on the other side.
$45 per person includes admission to the psychic fair earlier in the day. ($10 value)
Special Notes
If ever have trouble with my website store's paypal link for orders,we now are offering a second way to take payment that should work. Next time you check out at my website store, choose the other option and you should be able to make payment with no trouble.
You can also email your order directly at  askmariashaw@aol.com

Last week's article worth a second look
Summer Solstice Ahead
A Special Story Unfolding

By Maria Shaw

Sun Tunnels out in the desert near the boarder of Nevada and Utah during the Summer Solstice at sunset.     Note  Slight graininess, best at smaller sizes

The planets are busy in the heavens this week, creating an alignment that will produce a very special story  to  span the next three months. The Solstice on June 21, marks the beginning of the summer season but also  an  exciting  new theme  in your life. Summer officially begins when  the sun  moves into the sign of Cancer but the solstice's influence will  be in effect  until the Fall Equinox in September. From the look of things, the  cosmos  are lining up to deliver a pretty nice  planetary  package for t he  summer ahead. There are many advantages to be had and some important decisions to make.

At the exact moment of the summer solstice, the moon will be in earthy Taurus complimenting the sun. This marks the emotional energy of the summer, which should be strong and satisfying. Venus, ruling love, money and joy, is also making a nice connection, setting the stage for summer love and romance as well as financial opportunities for some of you. And what more, Venus will be working nicely with Pluto in Capricorn, meaning karmic connections are possible this summer too. You may meet your soul mate or indulge in June romance. The Summer Solstice vibe is stronghighlighting love and money.

Yet, each of us will have our own key theme running from June 21 to September 21. Your summer solstice story may be quite different from your friends and neighbors as everyone's astrology chart is different. Here's something to consider: think back to the month of February 2017. Something in your life was changing, ending or being reconfigured then. This was happening to make way for what the Solstice is bringing you now. Something new is being created this summer season. A key theme will be highlighted. 

If you would like to gain insight as to what the summer's theme is for you, you may order a one question reading here and ask What's My Summer Solstice Story? I'll research your chart, record your reading and send it back to your email.

There are so many key astrological energies to work with this June, July and August. There will be some stress points too that I will give you a heads up on in another newsletter but for now, let's welcome the Summer Season in next week with anticipation and joy!

Everyone invited, Join us wherever you are!
Skip past to next article if not interested in the convention

Our Biggest Event with the Clearing and Cleansing Class

Maria Shaw's Halloween Cosmic Connections Convention
October 26-29, 2017
Saginaw MI 
4 Points by Sheraton

Drive in or Fly in! Shuttle available from airport

4 days of Enlightenment, Classes, Seminars, 
Psychic Fair and Shopping
Crossing Over Gallery and Paranormal Seminar
5 rooms of psychic fun!

Best Value Weekend Pass
$139 IS THE REGULAR PRICE BUT THIS WEEK YOU CAN GET IT FOR  $99 IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE FIRST 10 TO REGISTER FOR THE PREMIERE PASS.... includes all events except for personal readings and services Thursday through Sunday. Includes all evening events too.
Or call 586-995-6791 or email askmariashaw@aol.com

Thursday  October 26
6:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. Psychic Circle - NEW!
Messages will be delivered from our panel of intuitives to audience members. We will have free readings from pet psychics, medical intuitives, angel readers, past life experts and more in a gallery setting. Don't miss it!

Friday October 27
9a.m. - 10:30a.m.Check in
Psychic Fair Opens 9a.m. to 7p.m.

10:30am. to 2:30p.m. The Karma Class
Including the Karmic Debt and Relationship Release with Maria Shaw and Dr. Midge Miller
1 Hour Lunch Break Included
Part 1
Is he really your soul mate? Uncover the karmic promises and soul contracts you have with important people in your life. Is there an old lover you can't seem to let go of emotionally? Is your best friend closer to you than your own sister? Do you feel like you have a special connection with a co worker? Explore karmic ties that can span many lifetimes. Discover the unique connections and the the destiny you share.
Part 2
There are situations, hurt, pain and anger that we hold onto in family, romantic, work and past life relationships. They are tiring. They wear us down. They affect us on a very deep level and can hinder our personal and soul growth. These can be just a few examples:
-Perhaps you a stuck in grief mode after the death of someone close
-A toxic co worker or boss
-An ex lover or mate
-A parent figure
In this class, you are to focus on a one person or situation, you no longer wish to hold space for, in your life. We set the intention to let go of and release the karma contract with someone once and for all. This is a powerful and emotionally moving class. It will change your life...and theirs, forever.

3:30p.m. - 4:30p.m. Carroll Kinkaide - Body and Soul; Medical Astrology; Exploring health topics, issues and solutions. You'll learn what your zodiac sign can reveal about your health and ability to heal. Medical Astrology is a fascinating subject. While almost everyone knows their zodiac sign, they are not always familiar with characteristics associated with it, dietary and hygienic measures to be advised, and even preventative measures it provides to maintain one's health. The two oldest sciences of man's history are astrology and herbalism. It was stated in the 1700's, those who entered the profession as "doctor of medicine", in England, had to pass an astrological examination. And if the candidate was found deficient in the knowledge of medical astrology, the individual was deemed unfit to practice medicine! The usefulness of medical astrology, today, does not have to be restricted to doctors of medicine. With this class you will gain some truly unique insights about yourself and your health.
You do not need any astrological background to take this class. Carroll will share her vast knowledge in layman's terms. 

7p.m. to 9p.m. Crossing Over Gallery Gallery - Come with an open mind and heart as Maria and her panels of psychics share channeled messages from loved ones in heaven. The healing messages sent with love, often bring smiles, tears of joy and even giggles! Be sure to ask a friend who has lost a loved one to attend with you. Groups welcome and discounted when six or more book at the same time. For discount you must call Maria at 586-995-6791.

Saturday October 28 
9:15 a.m. - 10a.m. Brenda Lehn - How to Connect with your Angels and How they Can Help You. From Minneapolis, our special guest Brenda Lehn, shares her amazing spiritual awakening and journey thanks to The Angels. Brenda will share, how you personally can connect with your Angelic Guides to expand your consciousness and destiny. She firmly believes that their Divine Intervention and Guidance, led her to Saginaw Michigan to share their messages with you!
11a.m to 3p.m. 
Maria Shaw's Cleansing and Clearing Class  
This is the class taught around the country that has changed hundreds of people's lives; some within minutes! 
Lunch break 12:30 - 1:30
Clear and Cleansing 
Yourself, Your Home or Business and more!
Everything in the Universe is energy. Every person, every thought, every emotion is energy. Our energy systems can become blocked, distorted, and damaged by outside forces. This can create symptoms such as being too tired to depressed and sad and can even block progress and success. If energy is bad or heavy, you may not get a job promotion or you could find yourself in a long dry spell in regards to love. It's hard to meet someone and make great things happen when energy is blocked. But the good news is that our energy fields can be cleansed, cleared and healed. And that's what you'll do in this amazing class.
Energy Issues....
There are many issues that can affect us, leading to a variety of problems. The following are some specific issues:
Blockages are created when our emotions have not been acknowledged and released; negative thoughts, gossip and jealousy/resentment from others. Also, psychic attacks and negative energy from other people or spirit attachments can cause issues. Chemical, metal and atomic toxins as well as past life memories or experiences disturb our natural healthy state of being too. 
Sometimes, negative energy becomes attached to us through others. When we are in close relationships, we take on other people's karma and energy. Upsets in relationships and worries from two days ago to twenty years ago can still affect us, whether we recognize we are still holding onto the hurt or not. Other people's energy can absorb into our own auras. Sometimes, negative emotions, drug and alcohol use, psychic attacks or spells can block us from achieving balance and health. Even negative thoughts and behavior in communities and in the world can affect our energy. This is why I tell people to turn off the evening news before you go to sleep and don't watch gruesome horror movies. The negative news and scenes of murder and corruption are not positive energy. We don't need to go to bed with those thoughts on our minds. 
Imbalances can translate into fatigue, lethargy, weight problems and a lack of zest for living. Overactive energy or too much stimulation creates other types of problems including hyperactivity, panic attacks, emotional imbalances, and many types of health issues in the physical body.
Homes that don't sell easily or feel uncomfortable to live in will also be addressed in this class. I have had people take this class and their houses that don't move in the real estate market for years, sold within days after of doing the clearing! We will also clear negative and toxic work environments in this class as well.
Each of you will be tested to see which area of life there is an imbalance or where there needs to be an energy clearing. Then I will give you specific ways how to cleanse and clear energy so you do it yourself anytime. This is a very effective class!
Usually, it's one of these that needs to be cleared:
-Your physical body
-Your Home
-Your Office or Workplace 
You can attend Maria's class by itself or buy a day pass too. You do not need to purchase the entire weekend.

4p.m. Michelle Case - Enhancing your Energy through Essence. A scent can trigger a powerful memory and awaken something deep inside. Beautiful aromas can be used as a healing tool. They can help in manifesting and shifting a toxic situation or environment into a pleasant and safe one. Minnesota's Michelle Case will share her expert knowledge and experience in ancient oils and aromatherapy. Learn how you can shift energy in small and even big ways with one drop of a powerful essence.

7p.m. Paranormal Gallery with Channeled Messages from the Other Side - Join Joseph Lawson, founder of Lawson Paranormal and nationally respected investigator as he leads you through a tale of haunted cities and sites. Recent national investigations include the Eastern State Prison and Gettysburg Battlefields as well as the infamous Lizzie Borden House. The interactive evening highlights using paranormal equipment to communicate with spirits on the other side.

Sunday October 29
Two Tracks
Track 1
9:30a.m. - 10:15a.m. - Sandy Steele - Are you an Empath? Do you feel others joys, pains and energy? Can people zap your energy easily? Do you wake up alot in the middle of the night? Do violent movies or scenes affect you deeply? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you could be an empath; a highly sensitive soul that was born to share your intuitive gifts and healing with the world. But that's not always easy. Join Metaphysician and Healer Sandy Steele, as she explores different types of psychic energy. She'll share with you how to develop, enhance and use your "gift" in the everyday world as well as how to protect yourself from outside influences that could drain your energy.

11am to 11:45a.m. - Debby Harden - Connecting with the Crystal Kingdom; Making The Most of your Crystals from A to Z. We all have them but do we really know how to use them for maximum benefit? Healing energy is carried and vibrates within gemstones, for all kinds of uses. Carry a rose quartz with you to attract love and friendship. Wear aventurine to activate your lucky mojo. Use Black tourmaline to ward off negative people and protect you at all times. Debby will share her vast knowledge on the most popular crystals and gems available today and some little known facts, that have not been widely shared in the past. Make sure to attend this conference class. Bring you favorite crystal to class too as Debby can explain why you are drawn to it and its own unique uses.

2:00 p.m. - 3:00. - Elige Stewart - Crystal Grids and Pendulums for Manifesting: Harness the energy of the gemstones and crystals through different grid configurations to help manifest your desires. Specific grid patterns for physical healing, protection, success, drawing love and more will be explored. You will learn how to make a grid for protecting your home or personal space, using specific, proven techniques. Bonus: Learn to connect and engage in conversation with your Higher Self through the pendulum. Gain insight, clarity and direction to help supercharge your manifesting abilities!

T rack 2
9:30a.m. - 10:15a.m. - Tom Pierce - Finding Love - It's a Jungle Out There! Tom's going to teach you how to enhance your own personal Law of Attraction. If you aren't truly ready and prepared spiritually, mentally and emotionally for the perfect partner, then it won't be easy to draw him or her. Let Tom help with sage advice, spiritual wisdom and years of counseling. His no nonsense approach, will give you the tools you need to prepare yourself for the love of your life! Already attached? Learn how to strengthen the bond between you and your mate. You can get what you want and spiritually need from your marriage.

12:30 to 1:15p.m. - Kathy Tinglan - "Manifest Happiness". Learn how to let go of the things that are holding you back from living your life to the fullest. Step by Step...Techniques and tools to get you where you want to go, without waiting a lifetime to find your pot of gold. Unlock a potent soul portal and the energy inside to make things manifest quickly.

3:15p.m. - 4pm Dr. Midge Miller - The Benedictine Blessing. Don't miss this. A powerful and potent way to seal the joyful energy you experienced this weekend into your auric field. From the Divine and Blessed Mother, Reverend Midge, a high frequency of healing energy and light is transferred onto you. Take it with you, spread this light of love out into the world in the days and weeks ahead. Be the light you were born to be!

Best Value Weekend Pass
$139 IS THE REGULAR PRICE BUT THIS WEEK YOU CAN GET IT FOR $99 IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE FIRST 10 TO REGISTER FOR THE PREMIERE PASS.... includes all events except for personal readings and services Thursday through Sunday. Includes all evening events too.
Or call 586-995-6791 or email askmariashaw@aol.com

Maria and Dr. Midge Friday Karma Class Only $85
Friday night's Crossing Over Gallery - $45
Maria's Saturday Clearing and Cleansing Class - $85
Paranormal Gallery Pass with Joseph Lawson - $25
Two Day Pass - $99 (you pick the days)
Sunday One Day Pass - $50
Per Class Pass - $20 excludes Maria's classes and Crossing Over Gallery
Overnight Lodging at Sheraton Four Points, Super 8 (right behind Sheraton) and Holiday Inn Express next door. Call individual hotels for rates.
Flying in? MBS Airport with $10 shuttle to the hotel.
Restaurant on Premises. Pizzeria Uno


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If you are a Cancer and have a birthday coming within the next 30 days, read about your solar return

Your Magic Moment Happens 
Once Every Year
By Astrologer Maria Shaw

Each year, either on your birthday, one day before or after, there is a magical moment that occurs at a specific time. If you know the exact minute it occurs, you can tap into a powerful energy and make magic happen in your life for an entire year.
It's called your Solar Return. It's when the transiting sun comes back to the exact placement/degree as the moment you were born. This is your REAL birthday astrologically speaking.
Your Solar Return chart also represents a picture of your entire year ahead. It's like a map of what's to come.
The exact magic moment is different each year and is based on the location you spend your birthday that specific year. Once it is calculated, you must plan to do something to harness the energy of that magnificent energy. No one else is the world may have the exact magic moment or focus as you do unless they were born the same day, time and in the same city. Yes, it's that special!
I always make a point to research my solar return time, find a quiet place and read off a list of all of the things I want for my new birthday year. I pray, affirm and visualize these things at the exact magic moment. I have tracked my wishes and about 90 percent have come true!
Years ago I put on my Solar Return list, that I wanted ot get an agent to represent me. It's easy to get an agent to sign you when you are famous. But it's almost impossible to get a PR rep or agent when no one has heard of you. But I put it on my list on June 27th. In October, a Boston client sent me a local metaphysical magazine and in it was an article about a Hollywood agent who represented psychics, healers and the like. I read it and took it as a sign. I called him and within a month was signed to his firm. From there, he got me my TV Guide Channel gig, The National Enquirer and Soap Opera Digest weekly columns and other national television programs. He also secured radio and writing opportunities for me and I began a national tour. Impossible, most people would say. I thought so too but I worked my solar return; manifesting at the exact moment it peaked and it benefited me.
Another piece of advice about the solar return, is you must make a point to put only positive thoughts, actions and activities into your birthday. What's happening on your birthday, effects your entire year. You should take especial note of the entire 24 hours not just the magic moment time. So if you are having a great day and enjoying what you do, it's likely the overall energy of your year ahead will be the same. If you are arguing with someone, having a miserable birthday and so on, your entire year could be filled with the same tensions. 
Also the people who are part of your solar return will be a part of your entire year. I make a point to call my friends on their birthdays so I am sure to secure my position in their lives throughout the year!
One of my friends spent her birthday with me a few years ago. The entire afternoon she complained about her husband. All day, she was telling me about how unhappy she was and how terrible he was. Well, I was still spending time with her over the next 12 months AND every time we got together she was still complaining about her husband!
Make sure you do something you truly enjoy on every birthday, set intentions on your magic moment, be with people who love you and that are positive. Make this day count! The energy influences your entire year.
I can your solar return report and give you your magic moment time. I will need you birthday, time and city as well as where you will be for your upcoming birthday. The report is about 18 to 22 pages long and tells you what to expect for your year ahead plus your magic moment time so you will know when to do your affirmation work. Order here please and I'll have your report back today!