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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 7, Issue 4 (July 28/16)
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Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

Help Wanted in Hamilton, Online Job Vacancies 2016 Q2

financial_advisor_chart.jpg This quarterly report by Workforce Planning Hamilton highlights important local labour market information such as: number of job postings by month, type of job postings, job postings by skill level, top job postings by occupations and the top 10 employers in Hamilton.

The top 10 employers in Hamilton (based on the most job postings) include: 

1. City of Hamilton
2. McMaster University
3. Shoppers Drug Mart
4. Walmart
5. Mohawk College
7. Royal Bank of Canada
8. McDonald's
9. Saint Elizabeth Health Care
10. Tim Horton's

Read the report here.
The 10 most in-demand jobs in Canada (and what you can earn from each)

Workopolis has been around since 2001, and over the years has noticed a few things, such as which jobs Canadian employers are most desperately trying to fill at any given time.

If you're looking for something new, here are the 10 most in-demand jobs in Canada right now.

Federal think-tank warns Canada's growing digital workforce may face declining incomes

The rapid rise of "virtual workers" - Canadians who do contract work online - threatens to lower wages and undermine social benefits such as employment insurance, minimum wage and maternity leave.

That's the stark message in a new federal study whose conclusions raise questions about whether improvements in traditional workplace programs and protections, created in a previous era, will help a young generation that more frequently takes digital jobs on contract.
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Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca