Dear Friends,
I love playing card games, board games, and sports games. My wife, Voni says I can make a game out of anything. I have also learned from her, that I make games out of situations or issues that sometimes may not be the time to play games. One of the “games,” at least I call it a game, is to hide around a corner and jump out to scare people. They don’t always see it as a game…ha,ha. One time, I spent about an hour hiding under Pastor Mike’s desk, just so I could grab his leg and say, “boo,” when he came to sit down. It was one of the highlights of my life as he jumped to the roof and screamed like a baby. I don’t think he would say the same.
Hide and Seek is a wonderful game to play with your kids, a youth group, or your family. Like me
though, we must remember when it is time to play games, and when it is time to be real about our lives with others and not hide ourselves from the world. You see, the world needs you. It needs your story. The enemy tells you to hide, to isolate. God says to stretch out your hand and reveal your weakness. You are the only you God ever created, and he calls you “good!” Even more, God calls you His “Beloved!”
This Sunday join me as we talk about how we have been the ones called out, sent out, and taught that it is in our weakness we are strong! It often seems easier to hide our stuff. But what if, just what if, the church became the place where we revealed our weakness and didn’t hide it? What if we saw more, and more stories of healing and hope? Our baptism stories have been a highlight of my ‘24. What new stories might the year ‘25 bring? “Stretch out your hands” and prepare to worship with me this Sunday!