February 2022
This past summer I took the trip of a lifetime... I decided to live abroad!
This was a wild adventure for me. But something that stuck with me, I found myself through the business-woman who brought me to Italy.
Who is that business-woman? ME! 
While in Italy, I found my written voice, and a connection to those that resonated with my "ah-ha" moments. And, while I’m still “Jolene”, I’ve also embraced my full name … Dora Jolene!  
Now, I want to share those moments with you. From mentors, shared businesses, lessons learned, inspirations and so much more.
Below, I've started by sharing with you my business, Systems Success!
What is it all about? What resources you can find there and some of the businesses I've helped!

Systems Success
Systems Success, Inc. is dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs break through the complexities of growth through proactive strategies and solutions, freeing them to take their businesses, teams, and financial well-being to the next level.

What we do:
Systems Success works with companies, team leaders, and individuals in implementing key operational efficiencies so leaders can focus their time on where they are adding the most value. Our goal is to build an infrastructure that is not only capable of handling but inherently encourages, profitable growth.

Wanting to get in contact with me?
Reach out for a conversation with Dora Jolene today!