The Story of the Onion Thief
by Emsley D. Tromp ~ In a letter dated October 6, 2020, to the Chairperson of Parliament Ms. A. Pauletta, Prime Minister E. Rhuggenaath on the one hand, and in a recent press conference, the leader of the MAN party, Dr. I. Martina, on the other...
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| MHF Dossier
If you have not yet acquainted yourself with our MHF dossier, please feel free to do so now. The situation in St. Maarten has become Kafkaesque while our authorities look the other way. Our next series of articles in this dossier are going to be borderline bizarre. Stay tuned...
An audit at Mental Health, but no death investigation
PHILIPSBURG - Health Inspectors from the Inspectorate of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA) performed an audit at the Mental Health Foundation yesterday, and will continue to audit personnel for compliance with workplace policies...
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| Court News
Local businessman sentenced for selling SZV doctor cards
Public Prosecutor: Nothing but an "ordinary fraudster" ~ PHILIPSBURG - The Court in First Instance sentenced Danny Wigley last week to 15 months of imprisonment, with 10 months suspended, for forgery and for scamming Social and Health Insurances...
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Creative brains in overdrive
By Hilbert Haar ~ That opportunity makes the thief became once more clear from the case of a man who scammed Social and Health Insurances SZV in three years time for almost $190,000 - thus creating a handsome but illicit net monthly salary of more...
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| Local News
28 COVID-19 recoveries today
PHILIPSBURG - As of October 8th, there was one (1) person who tested positive for COVID-19; however there was a recovery of twenty-eight (28) persons; bringing the total active cases to fifty-seven (57). The total number of confirmed cases is now ...
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Commemorative coin on the occasion of '10 years'
Willemstad/Philipsburg - The Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten (CBCS) issued a unique commemorative circulation coin to mark 10 years of structural reforms since October 10, 2010. The CBCS officially presented the coin to the prime...
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What's on the Menu Today?
Whatsapp us via +1-721-588-0800 to get the latest menus from our selection of daily chefs and caterers delivering delicious dishes of food to your door. Here is our pick for today, October 8, 2020: KREATIVE JUICES CATERING Lunch for Delivery.
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Report Progress Committee on Pointe Blanche prison
PHILIPSBURG - To say that things are not going well at the Pointe Blanche prison is a serious understatement. In reality it is a mess and in spite of ten years of monitoring the Plan of Approach, in spite of by now 37 reports and numerous advices ...
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| News in Dutch
Een audit bij Mental Health, maar geen onderzoek naar dood
CAY HILL - Inspecteurs van de Inspectie Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid (VSA) hebben gisteren een audit uitgevoerd bij de Mental Health Foundation en zullen vanmiddag doorgaan met het controleren van personeel op naleving van...
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Oppositie tegen, toch meerderheid voor Nederlandse entiteit
WILLEMSTAD - Curaçaose oppositiepartijen zijn niet blij met het akkoord dat de Curaçaose regering met Nederland heeft bereikt over de nieuwe entiteit die de coronaleningen in banen moet gaan leiden. Maar de kans dat het Curaçaose parlement dit...
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CBCS President: 'Alternatieven zijn er niet'
Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - Alternatieven voor Nederlandse financiële hulp zijn er niet of beperkt en slechts tijdelijk, aldus Richard Doornbosch de nieuwe president van de Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint maarten.
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Knops: 'Nog geen akkoord'
Knops wel optimistischer dan aantal weken geleden Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - Van een formele overeenkomst tussen Curaçao en Nederland is nog geen sprake. Wel is het proces van onderhandelingen sinds het bezoek van staatssecretaris...
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Nederland mist politieke wil
AIV: Nog te veel afstandelijkheid in Koninkrijk Van een onzer verslaggevers Den Haag/Willemstad - De politieke wil binnen het Koninkrijk om meer verantwoordelijkheid te nemen is lange tijd gering geweest, stelt de Adviesraad Internationale...
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Boek over tien jaar 10-10-'10
Na unieke operatie overheerst de teleurstelling Van onze redactie Den Haag - De Gevolmachtigde ministers van Curaçao, Aruba en Sint Maarten - Anthony Begina, Eddy Paris (plaatsvervangend) en René Volenius - hebben samen met staatssecretaris voor...
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| Bulletin Board Announcements & Notices
Due to hot weather, CPS advises public about heat illnesses
With the extreme heat that the country has been experiencing during the past couple of weeks, residents and visitors are requested to take measures to prevent heat-related illnesses, the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a department within...
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CPS calls on the Community to Prevent Mosquito Breeding
Due to daily rain events, the community is being reminded to take a proactive approach in removing mosquito breeding habitats in and around your yard, the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), a government department under the Ministry of Public...
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| International News
Perspective | Illegal pyramid schemes are on the rise
Eliza Briscoe was told that all she had to do was put up $500 and bring in two additional people who would each contribute the same amount of money. In a little more than four weeks, she would get $4,000 in return.
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| Dutch News
It's name is Luca: Eindhoven students make car out of waste
Students at the Eindhoven University of Technology have produced a car made entirely out of waste products, including plastic recovered from the ocean. Other waste materials include horse hair, coconut fibres and flax. The Luca, as the car has...
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Museums agree to return stolen art
Many Dutch museum chiefs have said they will cooperate with the recommendation to return statues and other artefacts stolen during the colonial era to their countries of origin. The Dutch Council for Culture said on Tuesday that as many as...
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Police close illegal cigarette factory
Tax ministry inspectors and police have closed down an illegal cigarette factory on a remote farmhouse in Gelderland, arresting 13 people from eastern Europe in the process. The raid netted boxes containing 3.6 million cigarettes, 32 tonnes of...
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EU places massive Leiden vaccine order
The European Commission has signed a contract with Leiden-based pharmaceuticals company Janssen for the supply of 200 million doses of its coronavirus vaccine. Of those, at least 7.8 million doses would be allocated to the Dutch market, as soon...
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Newly registered coronavirus cases near 6,000
The number of new coronavirus infections registered with the public health institute RIVM soared by 5,831 overnight, a rise of over 800 on Wednesday, the agency has confirmed. The increase takes the daily total well above the 5,000 which...
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