Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Who's Hiring in the Hamilton Region, Workforce planning Hamilton updates, Connect to Careers Virtual Job Fair is the best way to recruit new talent C2C 2022, Boosting employment success for youth transitioning from care, Ontario Launching School-based Vaccine Clinics as Students Return to In-person Learning, Labour Force Survey, December 2021, Hope and career development: 9 articles you should read, Review Hamilton's Labour Force Information for December 2021
Who's Hiring in the Hamilton region
is hiring REMOTE part-time job opportunities to apply visit
Hamilton Family Health Team is hiring a Phone Receptionist - Full time
Goodwill Amity
is hiring for a Job Developer
Workforce Planning Hamilton Updates
Employer One Survey 2022 has launched NOW!!
Workforce Planning Hamilton has partnered with The City of Hamilton to roll out this year’s Business Impact Survey focusing on “Addressing the Needs of Hamilton’s Economic Recovery”
Fill out the survey now:
WPH Virtual tutorial Session - Hamilton's Largest Job Board
Workforce Planning Hamilton is thrilled to announce the launch of its new website and is inviting you for a virtual tutorial session -Hamilton's Largest Job board on Monday, January 31st, 2022, 10:00 am - 11:30 am to register please e-mail: nourhan.wassim@workforceplanninghamilton.ca
Hamilton Youth Workforce is now LIVE!
The Hamilton Youth Workforce! Brought to you by Workforce Planning Hamilton.
An Instagram page centralized for youth employment and opportunities. to stay tuned for more exciting news, and updates please follow and share now! Click here to join
Historical research shows many small to medium-skilled trades employers lack digital/computer literacy skills and an overall human resource presence. Therefore, these employers may be missing out on valuable information available through the internet and community connections. Prior to the pandemic, there was a skilled trades shortage, many sectors showing low employment rates and an ageing workforce connected to a lack of newly employed manufacturing and construction apprentices. Click here to view the full report
Are You an Employer Looking to Hire?
Register for Connect to Careers Fair Today!
March 2, 2022, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET
Connect to Careers is presented in partnership by McMaster University, Mohawk College, Redeemer University, Workforce Planning Hamilton, and the City of Hamilton's Economic Development.
Workforce Planning of Hamilton will have a booth to support all of our local community and service providers in the Hamilton region, and everyone is welcome to join at no cost. Please join so that students and job seekers can learn more about your organization's various programs and employment opportunities.
If you are interested, please contact Nourhan at nourhan.wassim@workforceplanninghamilton.ca
to register your organization.
Boosting employment success for youth transitioning from care
Ontario Launching School-based Vaccine Clinics as Students Return to In-person Learning
Those who have experienced the child welfare system and are preparing to or have already aged out of care and into independent lives face extreme obstacles and lack of opportunities needed to build successful futures for themselves. These challenges include lack of access to education and employment training, poverty and even homelessness.
In terms of educational achievements, only 46% of kids in care in Ontario graduate from high school, compared with 83% of their peers. With gaps in education due to lack of access to resources and supports, many young people struggle when entering a long-term career to obtain an income level that allows for their needs to be met. In their lifetime, youth from care will earn approximately $326,000 less in their careers than the average Canadian.
TORONTO — With elementary and high school students returning to in-person learning on January 17, Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education, was joined by Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health to announce the launch of school-based vaccine clinics for youth and staff, along with a significant deployment of rapid antigen tests. These new measures build on the province providing millions of high-quality masks for staff and students and thousands more HEPA filtration units.
“We are meeting the unique challenges presented by the Omicron variant head-on as we do everything we can to support in-person learning,” said Minister Lecce. “Our government is taking nothing for granted, which is why we are launching school-based vaccination clinics, distributing millions of rapid antigen tests and have deployed non-fit-tested N95 masks to staff and three-ply masks to students.”
Vaccination is the province’s best defence against the highly transmissible Omicron variant. Current vaccination rates among children aged 12 to 17 years old are encouraging with more than 82 per cent having received two doses. Of children aged five to 11 years old, nearly 50 percent have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, but more can be done to encourage and support vaccination, which is why Ontario will launch school-based vaccine clinics when students return to in-person learning.
Labour Force Survey, December 2021
Employment rose by 55,000 (+0.3%) in December, while the unemployment rate was little changed at 5.9%.
There were more people working full-time in December, particularly core-aged men aged 25 to 54. Most of the employment growth was in Ontario. Nationally, gains were driven by the construction and educational services industries.
After having regained its pre-COVID level for the first time in November, total hours worked were little changed in December.
December Labour Force Survey (LFS) data reflect labour market conditions during the week of December 5 to 11. Public health measures in place during the reference week were largely similar to those in place in November and were among the least restrictive seen during the pandemic. The widespread emergence of the Omicron variant, and associated adjustments to public health measures, occurred after the December reference week.
Hope and career development: 9 articles you should read
Hope a vital ingredient in general well-being, as well as in career development, but you might be feeling like it’s in short supply these days. New restrictions in many parts of Canada amid surging COVID cases have left many feeling like there’s “no end in sight.”
While we weather this latest storm together, we’ve pulled together some words of wisdom from career professionals about hope. Many of the articles are geared toward supporting your work clients or students, but there are suggestions you can apply to your own life as well. If nothing else, we hope this provides a little reprieve from “doomscrolling” through the news.
“Young people are particularly vulnerable to social pressures, believing that their peers are leaving them in the dust and that they are running out of time.
Steel Conference Jan 17- Jan 21
Hamilton HIVE’s STEEL conference is an exciting, week-long event built to sharpen both your social and professional skills.
About this event
Hamilton HIVE’s STEEL conference is an exciting, week-long event built to sharpen both your social and professional skills. Our presenters cover a multitude of skill sets that aim to empower and advance emerging leaders and young professionals. The conference will feature a series of speakers, interactive workshops, and breakout sessions to enhance community involvement and cultivate the necessary skills relevant to both students and professionals for personal and career success.
GOODWILL Career Centre
Book your eligibility interview now: SAO@goodwillonline.ca 905-526-8482 X 2290
• Free 5 weeks training
• Receive 10 nationally recognized micro-certifications
• 4 weeks paid job placement
• No experience needed
The Resume Makeover Masterclass — Hamilton Happening Tomorrow!!
Learn The Best Job Search Secrets To Effectively Finding, Landing and Thriving In Your Dream Job"Resume Makeover Masterclass" - Over 40,000+ People Taught!
Get Up To 17 Interviews In As Little As 3 Weeks By Making Few Small Tweaks To Your Job Search (Even If You've Tried Everything And Still Haven't Been Able To Get A Job)
JOB SEEKERS: Spending Countless Hours Applying for Jobs With No Interviews?
"DISCOVER HOW I GET PAST APPLICATION SYSTEMS & GET UP TO 6 INTERVIEWS A WEEK...And How You Can Do The Same Even If You're Struggling To Get Past Online Applications, Have Limited Experience or Limited Network!"
Review Hamilton's Labour Force Information for December 2021
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is a one-stop online resource centre and phone line dedicated to supporting Hamilton businesses with their COVID-19 business questions and concerns.
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is brought to you by the Hamilton COVID Concierge Team, comprised of the City of Hamilton and the three local Chambers of Commerce.
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca