You see it everywhere; suggestions that women should use alcohol to cope with life, especially to cope with motherhood. From "mommy's sippy cup" wine glasses to baby onesies that say "I'm the reason mommy drinks," our culture tells women this is an acceptable and normal way to handle stress.
Although it may have started out as a joke, there is nothing funny about it. Alcohol use among women has skyrocketed, especially during the pandemic. A 2020 study found women reported 41% more heavy drinking episodes after the pandemic and lockdown began. Heavy drinking is defined as four or more drinks within a few hours. Studies that went through November 2020 didn't show any signs that this trend is subsiding. In fact, it revealed it got worse for certain groups. Consumption among Black and Hispanic women had a 173% and 148% respectively by the end of 2020 and women with children under age 5 saw a 323% increase in consumption.
With these alarming rates of heavy drinking, our culture doesn't need any more encouragement to use alcohol as a coping mechanism. Since women metabolize alcohol differently than men, they begin having alcohol-related health problems sooner and at lower drinking levels.
In addition to health risks, using alcohol as a coping technique sends the message to kids that it's a healthy way to deal with stress. Remember, kids are always watching and learning from parents. Modeling positive coping skills and responsible drinking will help your kids develop a healthy attitude towards alcohol when they get older.