Powerful New Online Course Mitigates Firefighter Risk

How To Avoid
Social Media Mistakes That Destroy The
Public Trust
A Powerful New "Red Flag System" Developed by Nationally Recognized Social Media Attorney Mark Fiedelholtz 
If You Think Your Busy Attorney Or Conference Instructor Properly Updated You On The New
Social Media Speech And Privacy Laws, Take
This Basic 5 Question Social Media Law Quiz...
"In Mark's class, I not only learned what I didn't know, but was
amazed to find out what I did know was wrong."

-Louis Carnell, Division Chief, Hillsborough County Fire, FL
When A 30 Year Digital And Social Media Attorney Specialist Offers His Expert Online Course For $9 Per Person, There Is A Genuine Concern About A Firefighter's Social Media Risk Exposure...
"I would also like to thank you for the time you took explaining to me the value of your course. You were not just selling, but were genuinely concerned about the liabilities of the employees. Your course has helped reduce our liability and has increased our knowledge in Social Media Law. The costs are minimal and the rewards are great. Thank you for your service."

Chief Wayne Woods
City of Johnson, AK
Firefighter Professionals Always Ask Me, Where Does All This Passion Come From To Protect Fire Departments From Social Media Liability?
My answer is simple, i grew up in a public service home near the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York. My dad was a judge, mom was a councilwoman and 35 year school teacher, and my cousin was a 30 year Congressman. So, you might say I'm wired to believe that law enforcement, military, and public service in general is a high calling that deserves great respect. For 30 years that belief system has fueled my drive to deliver "high quality" media liability training to public employees.

“Social Media Attorney Fiedelholtz is not only a leading expert in the area of digital media law, he is one of the most passionate instructors I have had the privilege to hear as well. I strongly recommend this
expert social media liability training.”

John Latty, Hall County Government , GA
Hundreds Of Departments Agree, This Type Of Specialized Training Can't Be Done In-House, And Must Be Mandatory For All Employees...
"Mark, great class. To the lay person, social media seems like such a great place to share your story. Your class opened my eyes to the liability that lies beneath the flashy facade. I had no idea of the possible legal ramifications of simply liking a post. I would highly recommend this course to every Fire Department across the country."

Fire Engineer, Steven Ford
Flower Mound Fire Department, TX
"Mark, after reviewing the online program, the Sterling Heights Fire Department enrolled 100 firefighters in the course."

City of Sterling Heights Fire Department, OH

“The value and need for this expert social media liability training can’t be overstated for
all public employees.”

District Chief Eric Rodriguez,
Dunedin Fire Department, FL

Courts Now View Social Media As A "High Liability" Human Resource Topic, Not Just A Public Relations Issue...

  • If you fire or discipline an employee for violating your social media policy, you must have documented proof that your policy was enforced with specialized social media liability training for all employees. Courts reject verbal warnings.

  • Your busy in-house attorney and PIO don't qualify in court as social media law experts that can deliver this type of specialized training to employees.
  • Making my $9 per person online social media liability course mandatory for all employees, shows the public that you care about preventing employee social media mistakes.

  • You also show the public that you care about preventing high insurance premiums from social media mistakes.

  • The good thing is, my expert $9 per person online course (there is also a one-time portal set-up fee of $297) doesn't deplete your training budget.
Don't Bury Your Head In The Sand Regarding The Urgent Need For My $9 Per Person Expert Social Media Liability Course For All Employees.
* There is a one-time portal set up fee of $297

Questions? Call 954-748-7698
Try Telling A Judge Or Jury That You Couldn't Afford
$9 Per Person To Give Your Employees Expert Online Social Media Liability Training That Saves Their Career And They Won't Find Anywhere Else.
"We have budget cuts."

"Our attorney keeps us updated."

"Our employees are too busy."

"We have never been sued".

"We are just a small agency."

"Our association keep us updated."

Questions? Call 954-748-7698
This Is Specialized Training That You Can't Do
In-House. Here's 2 Compelling Reasons To Quickly Register All Your Employees For My Online Course.
Reason #1
My online course gives you documented proof that you complied with new 1983 federal social media policy and training standards. These new standards require that all employees receive expert social media liability training to enforce your policy.
Reason #2
Requiring all employees to take my expert social media liability online course builds public trust. It shows that you care about preventing employees from making costly social media mistakes that infringe on the constitutional rights of others.
"I thought the course was interesting and well presented. Attorney Fiedelholtz is extremely knowledgeable and passionate."

- Chief Robert Sayles, Norfolk, VA

The Pandemic, Nationwide Protests, and
Presidential Elections Are Temporary...
But, an employee's post or tweet is a permanent digital footprint that can be viewed by millions and give your department a "black eye" forever.
Even If Insurance Indemnifies Social Media Mistakes, It Doesn't Repair The Damage To The Public Trust And Your Legitimacy As A Fire Department.
My Easy-To-Apply "Red Flag Warning System" Eliminates Having To Guess What Opinions And Jokes Are "Free Speech" And When You Have Privacy...
Firefighters gain a solid foundation of what opinions and jokes are constitutionally protected under the "Free Speech " clause of the First Amendment. Participants become smart fast on what words, pictures, video trigger libel, invasion of privacy and copyright infringement.
Once firefighters have a solid foundation in the area of libel, First Amendment law, privacy, and copyright infringement, they then learn specialized strategies to identify both obvious and hidden "high liability" social media content.
Upon identifying the toxic speech, employees can eliminate "high liability" speech from all their social media content, text messages, email, and other digital content. The ultimate outcome is that you post and tweet engaging content without overt worries about liability exposure.
My "Red Flag System" Targets The
Root Cause Of Social Media Mistakes...
Your Firefighters Learn New Career-Saving Skills To
To Identify Opinions That Aren't "Free Speech".
Your Firefighters Learn New Career-Saving Skills
To Identify Jokes That Aren't "Free Speech".
Your Firefighters Learn Career-Saving Skills To
Identify True Privacy On Personal Accounts
Your Firefighters Learn New Career-Saving Skills To
Identify The Hidden Liabilities Of Political Speech
Your Firefighters Learn New-Career Skills To
Identify Posts That Can Be Taken Out Of Context
Even The Best Written Social Media Policy Isn't Worth The Paper It's Written On Without Documented Proof That All Employees Received Outside Expert
Social Media Liability Training...
Social Media is no longer just a PIO issue. Courts view social media as a "high risk" human resource issue that impacts the constitutional rights of others. Under new 1983 federal standards, you must show proof that all employees received specialized training on the new defamation, First Amendment, privacy, and copyright laws.
"Mark's course contains new information that needs to be delivered to fire chiefs and firefighters to protect them and the organization."

- Chief Chuck Edwards
Bradenton Fire Department, FL
Legal Authority
Obvious Need For More In-Depth Training: 42 U.S. 1983, City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris 489 U.S. 378 (1989), Monell v. Department of Social Services, 436 U.S. 658 (1978), Powers v. Lightner, 820 F.2d 818 (7th Cir. 1987), Conn v. City of Reno 572 F.3d 1047 (2009), City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris 489 U.S. 378 (1989), Brown v. Gray 227 F.3d 1278 (10th Cir. 2000), Walker v. City of New York 507 U.S. 961 (1993), Brown v. Bryan County, Oklahoma 219 F3d 450 (5th Cir. 2000), Kniepp v. Philadelphia (3rd Cir. 1996), Davis v. Mason County 927 F.2d 1473 (9th Cir. 1991), Graham v. Connor 490 U.S. 386 (1989)
Never Ask Your PIO and Social Media Manager
To Write A Social Media Policy Or Train Employees.
This Is A "High Risk" Legal Area That Exposes Them
To "Unlicensed Practice Of Law Claims"...
  • The U.S. Supreme Court views social media policies and employee training as "high liability" legal issues. It's not just a public relations issue

  • If busy in-house attorneys don't qualify as social media law experts that can deliver specialized training to staff, courts would automatically reject non-lawyers training employees.

  • Inherent in writing social media policies and training are serious legal issues that expose PIOs and non-lawyers to unlicensed practice of law claims.
Legal Authority: Unlicensed Practice Of Law Claims: Sperry v. Florida 373 U.S. 379 (1963), Social Media and Smartphones Are High Risk Topics That Impact The Constitutional and Civil Rights Of Others: Packingham v. North Carolina 137 S. Ct. 1730 (2017), Riley v. California 134 S. Ct. 2473 (2014), Elonis v. U.S. 135 S. Ct. 2001 (2015), 42 U.S.C. 1983, Liverman v. City of Petersburg 844 F3d. 400 (2016), Monell v. Dept. of Social Services, 436 U.S. 658 (1978), See more cases and statutes on the bottom of this flyer.
Even after years of media training this class opened my eyes to developing liability trends I hadn’t considered.”

- Yolanda Fernandez Walker, PIO
St. Petersburg, FL
What Does This New Federal
Training Standard Mean To You?
Courts do not recognize PIOs and busy in-house attorneys as social media law experts. You must show proof that all employees received outside expert training from a top social media liability attorney specialist.
"Social Media Attorney Fiedelholtz proved today that if you don't have a social media law expert train your employees, you put your employees and organization at great legal risk."

- Craig Dispenza, Freehold Boro , NJ
Questions? Call 954-748-7698.
Being An Attorney Doesn't Mean You Are An Expert On Every Legal Topic. I'm Not Qualified To Write Real Estate Contracts Just Because I Specialize In Social Media Law.

In A Lawsuit, You'll Look Foolish Claiming That You Ignored My $9 Per Person Online Course Because Your Busy In-House Attorney Has The Same Expertise As A 30 Year Nationally Recognized Digital Media Attorney...
"Great program. Being aware of the hidden liabilities not discussed in other courses saves your public image, and big legal fees."

- Cindy Reid, Attorney, Davidson, NC

Questions? 954-748-7698
Legal Advice From A Top Social Media
Attorney In The Public Sector
Your not saving money by ignoring expert social media liability training that is only $9 per person, you are...

> Exposing your officers to costly mistakes
> Destroying your public image
> Big legal damages
> Higher insurance premiums impacts taxes
> Prosecutions that are dismissed
The Biggest Mistake You Can Make Is Placing
Blind Trust On A Social Media Policy Just Because
It Came From A Reputable Organization...
In this case, the in-house attorney drafted the department's social media policy based on information from nationally respected associations and other departments.
The Best Gift You Can Give Your Employees To Protect Their Career And Your Public Image, Is My
$9 Per Person Online Social Media Liability Course.
Registration Deadline To Keep
The $9 Per Person Price Ends
In 30 Days

Questions? Call 954-748-7698
The Cost Of This Online Course Is A Drop In The Bucket Compared To The Costs Of Litigation
And Loss Of Public Trust....
*There is a one-time department portal set-up fee of $297

Questions? Call 954-748-7698
Courts Reject Verbal Warnings As Adequate Training
To Enforce Your Social Media Policy Under
New 1983 Federal Standards...
Firefighters Do Work-Related Tasks On Their Personal Devices without Much Oversight.
Courts Rule That All Employees Must Receive Outside Social Media Liability Training...
Every employee has the viral capability on social media platforms to permanently destroy a person's reputation worldwide. Under new 1983 federal standards, it's negligence to only give out verbal warnings and fail to give employees outside expert training on new social media First Amendment and privacy laws.
Excellent workshop. It caused me to think about
social media in a different way."

- Chief Michael Goldsmith, Norfolk Police, VA
These Social Media Mistakes Undermine The
Public Trust Of A Fire Department. That's Why
My Online Course Is So Urgent...
Very informative social media class. I would not have known the extent of our potential liability but for attending this class."

- Jonathan T. Lanier, Assistant General Counsel, NC
There Has Never Been A More Urgent Time For You To Make My Expert Online Social Media Liability Course Mandatory For All Employees...
It's Not Just Millennial Officers That Make Social Media Mistakes. 99% Of All Firefighters Make Mistakes Due To:

  • Inadequate expert training on hidden nuances in the new First Amendment laws governing social media opinions and jokes.

  • Inadequate expert training on when you have privacy on personal social media accounts and devices.
  • Never fire or discipline an employee without proof that your social media policy was enforced by giving all employees social media liability training.

  • Never place blind trust on a social media policy from another agency, policy service, or trade association. Courts reject 99% of these policies because they aren't written by social media attorney specialist and use vague policy language and overlook key issues.

  • Never use verbal warnings as a substitute for expert social media liability training. Courts reject verbal warnings as adequate 1983 training on such a "high risk" issue.
"We don't need a 30 year digital media law attorney, our attorney has the same expertise to train employees."
"We have a social media policy and gave out verbal warnings to employees. That's enough to protect us."
"Our PIO and social media manager develops our policy and does the training. This protects us from liability."
In A Lawsuit, You Are Held Personally Liable For
Ignoring The Obvious Need For All Employees To
Receive Expert Social Media Liability Training...
Judge: "This court holds you personally liable under 42 U.S.C.1983 for failing to give employees affordable expert social media First Amendment, Defamation, and Privacy training to avoid costly social media mistakes. You knew or should have known that government employees use social media on their personal devices without much monitoring. They can reach millions and permanently destroy a person's reputation worldwide. Therefore, the need for expert social media liability training was obvious."
City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris 489 U.S. 378 (1989)
You Receive 2 Enormous Benefits With My Expert Online Social Media Liability Course
Social Media has become an integral part of how a police department communicates with the public. A law enforcement post or tweet can reach millions and become a permanent digital footprint. The average social media lawsuit is $500,000 and up. Even if your insurance company or risk pool covers an employee's social media mistake, you will encounter higher insurance premiums. The net result is that the taxpayer is saddled with paying more taxes for higher insurance premiums. Also, you lose the public trust.
When You Fire Or Discipline An Employee For Social Media Violations, You'll Be Sued For 1983 Failure To Train, Negligent Policy Drafting,
And Various Torts...
3 Embarrassing Questions
You'll Get In Court
To Attack Your Credibility
Judge: Do you have proof that the plaintiff received outside expert social media liability training before you initiated your disciplinary procedures. Your training records only show verbal warnings and a boilerplate policy?
Judge: Why did you reject expert online training that was only $9 per person? Also, why did you claim that your in-house attorney and PIO have the same expertise as a 30 year digital media attorney to train your staff?
Judge: With so much at stake, why did you place blind trust on boilerplate social media policies written by policy services and other agencies. Did you inquire if the model policy was written by a social media attorney specialist?
Most Employees Use Personal Devices For Work-Related Tasks Without Much Monitoring...
Courts rule that the need for all employees to receive expert social media liability training on the new speech and privacy
laws is obvious.
In A Lawsuit, To Prove "Deliberate Indifference"
Plaintiff Attorneys' Show Evidence That The
Decision Maker Was Arrogant And A "Know It All"...
  • I'm not worried about complying with the new 1983 federal standards that require social media policies to be enforced with outside expert employee training. If we get sued our insurance will cover us anyway.

  • We have budget cuts and can't afford $9 per person for outside expert social media liability training. We gave verbal warnings, that's good enough.

  • Our in-house attorney and PIO keep us updated. They have same expertise as a 30 year nationally recognized social media attorney specialist.
Fire Departments Have Reached A Fork In The Road With Social Media Policies And Training...
You Can Continue To Think It's A PIO Issue Where All You Need To Do Is Give Firefighters Verbal Warnings And A Boilerplate Social Media Policy, Or...
Comply with the new U.S. Supreme Court and 1983 federal training standards by making my $9 per person online social media liability course mandatory for all firefighters and civilian employees.
Making My Expert Online Course Mandatory Training For All Employees Sends A Loud Signal To The Public That You Care About Preventing Social Media Mistakes...
*There is a one-time organization portal set-up fee of $297
Fired And Disciplined Employees Win Big Settlements And Judgments By Proving That
Their Mistakes Were Linked To Inadequate
Social Media Liability Training
Courts hold chiefs, and other decision-makers personally liable for leaving officers unaware of the new social media speech and privacy laws. Employees were left uneducated on hidden liabilities in the new social media libel, First Amendment, privacy and copyright infringement laws.
If You Claim That You Can't Afford A $9 Per Person Online Course From A Nationally Respected Social Media Attorney, You Need To Immediately Stop Using Social Media.
Online Course Details
"This class was a wake up call and can save your career, your personal life, your agency, and
your co-workers." 

- Kristian DeVito, Colts Neck Township, NJ
There is a one-time portal set-up fee of $297 Per Government Entity. The portal fee is discounted for risk pools or associations with multiple members.
Do You Need To Take Our Online Course Out For A Test Drive Before Training All
Your Employees?

If So, Our Single Rate $79 Per Person (1 to 4 People)

(If you decide to purchase the group rate, we credit you back
your single registrations towards the portal fee.)

Call 954-748-7698 For Our Low $9 Per Person Group Rates
Choose Your Online Course Delivery Method
Big Benefits Of Our Online Programs
  • Work at your own pace
  • No travel
  • No overtime
  • 24/7 access
  • Set your own deadline for completion
  • Excellent support
  • Participant progress reports available
  • Course completion certificates
4 Different Course Formats To Satisfy Your Needs.
The Cost Is Still The Same, $9 Per Person.

  • One year to finish the course
  • Modules are easy to follow
  • Course is for non-lawyers
  • Take quizzes again and again
  • Legal updates all year

  • One year to finish the course
  • Modules are easy to follow
  • Course is for non-lawyers
  • Take quizzes again and again
  • Legal updates all year

  • One year to finish the course
  • Modules are easy to follow
  • Course is for non-lawyers
  • Take quizzes again and again
  • Legal updates all year

  • Phone Conference
  • Email Q&A
  • Timely Response
  • Access to our resource portal
  • Legal updates all year
New Virtual In-Service Group Training Option
< Includes Facilitator Trainer Guide
< Includes Course Class Materials To Copy
< Includes Course Quizzes To Copy
< Includes Course Support On Class Day
Call 954-748-7698 For More Program Details
"Having recognized our officers were inadequately informed about use of social media, the Natchez Police Department sought a class to correct the problem. Social Media Liability, by Mark Fiedelholtz quickly became the best choice.

 As offered, the class was for individual on-line study, over 12 months. The Natchez Police Department did not want that. Rather, we wanted a classroom version where we could look the students in the face and make sure they got the information. 

The course was modified by the instructor to take the same six hours, but through a classroom monitor, on-line. The class proctor was able to stop the several segments as needed to allow class discussion, point out elements of our policy and review where former employees had abridged the policy. As the instructor was not present, students were able to easily make pertinent comments without concern of being rude or interrupting.

 The course material was laid out in manageable portions. There was no fluff in the six hours with useful material and to the point. Additional resources were offered and the cost very reasonable especially given the alternative consequences. Each student was given a link to the entire course, by email, for future review.

 Through this course the Natchez Police Department did not become social media bullet proof but we laid on some good armor." 

Approved By Chief Walter Armstrong, Captain Thomas McGhee
City of Natchez Police Department
Simple 3 Step Registration Process
Send an email to mark@newsocialmedialaw.com
with your participant names and email addresses. You can always add more people later on.
I send out invitations to your participants within 24 hours of receiving your list. Your employees make up their own password and they have 24/7 access on any device.
My office will send out an invoice after we send out your course invitations. We can also send out a credit card link upon request.
Hundreds Of Governments Use My Online Course Because It's Affordable, No Overtime, No Travel,
No Scheduling Issues, And Mitigates Risk Exposure
Call 954-748-7698 For Our Low $9 Per Person Group Rates
Clearly Established Laws

Social Media and Smartphones Are High Risk Platforms:  Packingham v. North Carolina 137 S. Ct. 1730 (2017), Riley v. California 134 S. Ct. 2473 (2014), Elonis v. U.S. 135 S. Ct. 2001 (2015). Privacy Issues:  First and Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, City of Ontario, California v. Quon 130 S. Ct. 2619 (2010). Libel: New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 US 254 - 1964, Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc., 418 US 323 - 1974

Unprotected Opinions : Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Company, 497 U.S. 1 (1990). 

Obvious Need For More In-Depth Training: 42 U.S. 1983, City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris 489 U.S. 378 (1989), Monell v. Department of Social Services, 436 U.S. 658 (1978), Powers v. Lightner, 820 F.2d 818 (7th Cir. 1987), Conn v. City of Reno 572 F.3d 1047 (2009), City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris 489 U.S. 378 (1989), Brown v. Gray 227 F.3d 1278 (10th Cir. 2000), Walker v. City of New York 507 U.S. 961 (1993), Brown v. Bryan County, Oklahoma 219 F3d 450 (5th Cir. 2000), Kniepp v. Philadelphia (3rd Cir. 1996), Davis v. Mason County 927 F.2d 1473 (9th Cir. 1991), Graham v. Connor 490 U.S. 386 (1989),

No Qualified Immunity: Qualified immunity applies so long as the official conduct of the individual defendant "does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known. Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800, 818 (1982),  White v. Pauly, 137 S. Ct. 548, 551 (2017), Anderson v. Creighton, 483 U.S. 635, 640 (1987), Pearson v. Callahan, 555 U.S. 223 (2009). Cahoo v SAS Analytics Inc. 912 F.3d 887 (Cir. 2019).

High Liability Issues That Require More Than A Policy:: Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, 524 U.S. 775 (1998), Burlington Industries Inc. v. Ellerth, 524 U.S. 742(1998). State of Mind For Punitive Damages Kolstad v. American Dental Ass'n, 119 S. Ct. 218 (1999). Deletion and Blocking: Knight First Amendment v. Trump 302 F. Supp. 3d 541 (2018), Page v. Lexington County School District One 531 F.3d 275 (4th Cir. 2008), Virginia v. Black 538 U.S. 343 (2003),Good News Club v. Milford Central School, 533 U.S. 98, 200 Denver Area Education. Telecommunications Consortium, Inc. v. F.C.C. 518 U.S. 727 (1996), Gitlow v. New York, 288 U.S. 652 (1925)

Federal Courts Rule That Speech On Social Media Is Inherent Disruptive Of A Public Employer's Operations: Richardson v. Beckon 337 F. App'x 637 (9th Cir. 2009), Snipes v. Volusia Count, 704 F. App'x 848 (11th Circuit 2017). Dible v. City of Chandler, 515 F3d 918 (9th Circuit 2008).
Phone: 954-748-7698

Main Website: www.legallysafesocialmedia.com

Email: mark@newsocialmedialaw.com

Address: Effective Communications Inc.
13506 Summerport Village Pkwy.
Windermere, FL 34786