Everybody is looking for employees but the supply just can't meet the demand...

The manufacturing community has been hit hard! Large populations of “Baby Boomers” are leaving the workforce and few people exist with the critical skills necessary to fill those voids.

  • Hiring entry-level employees allows you to move existing workers up to fill those positions.
  • Being proactive is key! Start reaching out to your future employees, NOW!

The Manufacturing YOUR Career, Manufacturing LINK , is a searchable database of Massachusetts manufacturers that will be provided to Massachusetts high schools as a resource for education, outreach and jobs.

"The LINK" is FREE Marketing to an important target audience.It is a way for your company to reach potential future employees, help them learn about your business, your processes and products, offer them tours, presentations, internships or other interaction and post entry-level positions targeting soon-to-graduate high school students.

Putting your company on the Manufacturing LINK takes only a few minutes.
Provide your company name, address, website and any pertinent links or videos, the type of manufacturing you do, outreach you are willing to offer and a contact person in your company for them to connect with. The database will be searchable by name, town, region and type of manufacturing. Students/teachers can learn about and interact with your company.  You determine what you are willing to offer for outreach on a case-by-case basis.

The Manufacturing LINK “goes live” mid - February 2019, but will not become a valuable resource for schools and manufacturers…..without the manufactures!  Join the LINK!
For more information about LINK listings con tact: Karen Myhaver, karenm@massmep.org ,
508-831-7020 Ext 44
MassMEP |www.massmep.org