Shalom Ramah Kehillah,
Just three weeks ago, we finished an incredible and moving month of virtual camp programming. Now, we are turning our efforts towards Kayitz 2021, with the road ahead dedicated to planning for an exciting and fun-filled summer in Ojai. We dearly missed being together in person, and we hope beyond hope that next year we will be back on the givah (hill) with our friends, singing loudly in the chadar (dining hall), dancing on the mirpeset (patio), and bringing the Ramah spirit back to our beloved camp and community.
Our 2021 enrollment will open in just two weeks on August 20th. We know that it may seem hard to think about and plan for next summer now, and yet, in order to have the summer that we are all dreaming of, we here at camp must begin planning now, and we hope that you will join with us in building toward Kayitz 2021 by enrolling your child(ren) early. We remain committed to open and transparent communication with our parent community, so below you will find some of our reasons why enrolling your children now makes a difference to us all.