Without equivocation, HAND’s Board of Directors & Staff decries the manifestations of white supremacy and systemic racism upon which this country was founded and prevails today. Black lives matter. We say the names of our brothers and sisters whose lives were cut short in senseless brutality. We stand with their families in solidarity and affirm our commitment to remain dogged in our pursuit for justice. 
Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna Taylor. George Floyd.  Philando Castile.  Freddie Gray.  Michael Brown. Korryn Gaines.  Alton Sterling.  Sandra Bland.  Tamir Rice. Eric Garner.  Shantel Davis.  Trayvon Martin.  Botham Jean. Their lives matter. Yet, there are countless others.
Prior to the ratification of the 14 th  amendment, black lives were merely a fraction -- an assigned value of three-fifths to be exact. Minimal progress has occurred to fully recognize and value black life. Four hundred years have passed, and black people are still fighting for their humanity, their freedom, their equality and now their survival. This country’s collective knee is still on the collective neck of black communities. All the while, a pandemic remains a lethal threat for people of color whose bodies have borne the burden of chronic disinvestment, active neglect, and continued insult resulting in toxic trauma and unrelenting stress and pain. 
We remain committed to organizing you - our members, around an agenda focused on real paths toward a racially just and equitable region. We must rise to this moment. We must not be silent, rather boldly affirm our commitment to dismantle this vicious system of inequity. 
HAND members last saw each other in person in March, when Dr. Ibram Kendi offered words for our racial equity cohort to reflect on. Today they seem to be more timely than ever:
“We have been taught that ignorance and hate lead to racist ideas, that lead to racist policies,” Kendi said. “If the fundamental problem is ignorance and hate, then your solutions are going to be focused on education, love and persuasion… The actual foundation of racism is not ignorance and hate, but self- interest, particularly economic and political and cultural.” Self-interest drives racist policies that benefit that self-interest. When the policies are challenged because they produce inequalities, racist ideas spring up to justify those policies. Hate flows freely from there.”
Join us, HAND Members. Join us, as we rise up to meet this moment. 

HAND Board of Directors & Staff

Heather Raspberry,
Executive Director, HAND
Monica Warren-Jones
President, HAND
Let us rise to this moment.

Warning: some of the content below contains strong language which may be unsuitable for children.