Why I Won’t Take That “Vaccine.”
And, just maybe, why you shouldn’t either.
Plus, things you might want to know before choosing it or after taking it.
By Alice Buehring,
Integrative Spiritual Life Coach,
Master Herbalist
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner
Energy Healer,
Retired Certified Counselor
April 4, 2021
I really did not want to have to write this article. I really didn’t. But after:
1. Receiving the last two “get your shot” notices,
2. Reading the outright lies and misinformation included in them,
3. Knowing this is what is being shoved down everyone’s throat in the media and literally into arms, and
4. Being aware of what’s hidden from the general public,
Out of conscience, I could not, not write this.
I know I’m taking the chance, given today’s short attention spans plus rampant cancel culture, that you might just skip this article. However, it is time to speak up for truth and share FACTS and let those facts speak for themselves. I suggest this information is worth your time and could be worth the life of a friend, loved one, or even yourself. That is NOT an exaggeration.
In my studied view, we are in deep trouble here.
I can only provide you with what I have discovered, add my questions, suggestions, and warnings. I ask that you read through all of this with an open heart, holding judgment until the end. Then, feel free to judge all you want. Please know that I always support your right to choose and decide what’s best for you and yours. I can only hope those choices are fully informed.
So given that, here’s why I will NOT take those COVID 19 shots, and just maybe you shouldn’t either.
Okay, here we go. Remember to breathe.
Continuous messages say that these COVID 19 “vaccines” are “safe and effective.” Are they? Have there been any related deaths or serious injuries?”
My definition of a safe vaccine is that you can take the shot and generally not expect to die or have a seriously adverse medical event. Any adverse events would be rare, something like one in a million. My definition of effective is that the vaccine keeps you immune from catching the disease, and you cannot spread it to others. These are the assumptive definitions that the pharmaceutical industry has led us to believe through the media and the medical system throughout decades of vaccine use.
Unfortunately, despite the pervasive brainwashing mantra from the pharmaceutical industry, the medical industry, and the media about vaccines being both “safe and effective,” documented scientific studies show otherwise.
o Here are a few of those studies listed in one place
1200 Studies – The Truth Will Prevail
You don’t have to believe me about the vaccine lack of safety issue; instead, consider that US Congress passed a law to relieve the pharmaceutical industry of all liability for damages for injury or death from “unavoidable side effects.” These effects are so prevalent; pharmaceutical companies would be sued into bankruptcy if they had to keep defending lawsuit damages.
o US Congress in H.R.5546—99th Congress passed the
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
CDC, and NIAID Director, Dr. Fauci, say you can still get COVID 19 and its variants and spread those viruses after complete vaccination; that’s the definition of NOT EFFECTIVE. If you catch COVID after complete vaccination, your symptoms may or may not be less than having the original virus without the shots. However, now the bugs can “immune escape.” They can adapt and create a new, more potent, maybe more lethal variant to come back to bite you or others later. This process is already happening.
People are dying and have been seriously injured after taking these vaccines. Between December 14, 2020, and March 26, 2021, people received 136.7 million COVID vaccine doses. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System now shows at least 2,249 deaths, 7,726 serious injuries, included in 50,861 cases of adverse reactions reported related to those COVID 19 shots. Ever see that in the traditional news media?
o Direct quote:
“In the US, 136.7 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 26.
From the 3/26/2021 release of VAERS data:
Found 50,861 cases where Vaccine is COVID19
Event Outcome Count Percent
Death 2,249 4.42%
Permanent Disability 911 1.79%
Office Visit 7,812 15.36%
Emergency Room 29 0.06%
Emergency Doctor/Room 8,258 16.24%
Hospitalized 4,815 9.47%
Hospitalized, Prolonged 9 0.02%
Recovered 19,080 37.51%
Birth Defect 56 0.11%
Life Threatening 1,448 2.85%
Not Serious 18,686 36.74%
TOTAL† 63,353† 124.56%
(Because some cases have multiple vaccinations and symptoms, a single case can account for multiple entries in this table. This is the reason why the Total Count is greater than 50861 (the number of cases found), and the Total Percentage is greater than 100.)
This week’s VAERS data show:
· 19% of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
· 45% of those who died were male, 43% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
· The average age of those who died was 77.7 and the youngest death was an 18-year-old.
· Of the 578 cases of Bell’s Palsy reported, 63% of cases were reported after Pfizer-BioNTech vaccinations — almost twice as many as reported (36%) following vaccination with the Moderna vaccine. Seven cases of Bell’s Palsy were reported with Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine (1%).
· Using a broadened search for any reference to anaphylaxis in chart notes resulted in 15,193 reports, with 52% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, 45% to Moderna and 3% to J&J. With each vaccine, nearly 42% of anaphylactic reports occurred in people aged 17-44.” End quote
All that carnage happened in just a bit over three months, folks.
We continue to be told this “vaccine” is “safe and effective.” Tell that to those who have died or have been seriously injured. I disagree that 2,249 deaths, 7,726 serious injuries, and 50,861 cases reported in three months equals the definition of “rare.” Consider that during a similar period, 12/14/20 to 3/11/21, there were 85 flu vaccine deaths reported in the US. I also find that number appalling. However, you can see it is significantly less. And you do NOT hear either of these numbers in the media. Do you know of any other product with this track record that would still be allowed to stay on the market? It is just the first three months of the vaccine program. What will the numbers be in a year or two? Ask yourself why this is allowed. Ask yourself why this is NOT publicized. Ask yourself if you consider this number of adverse events “rare.”
What are these shots, and how are they different from standard vaccines?
These shots are not made via the regular vaccine formula, process, or theory. This is a new technology, never before successfully used on humans. If you have taken these shots and want to know how they will interact with your body, Dr. Tenpenny explains this well. Also, if vaccinated and you still experience fatigue and a fuzzy brain, here is why.
What are the results from clinical trials?
COVID “vaccines” are not yet licensed vaccines. They are “experimental biological agents,” aka a “gene therapy,” or an “experimental mRNA agent.” In the case of AstraZeneca, it is a “double-strand DNA biological agent.” Neither concoction follows the usual rules for making a vaccine. Testing and trials are in the beginning stages. These trials are ongoing. These trials are NOT scheduled to be completed until 2022-2023, and long-term results are UNKNOWN at this time.
Although drug companies have been trying for decades, there has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine. They tried to develop something for MERS and SARS unsuccessfully. Even so, drug companies now utilize new technology, skipping COMPLETE and appropriate animal trials, regardless of these past results.
Regarding the last vaccine they tried to develop for a SARS coronavirus—SARS-COVID ONE—the initial animal trials looked fabulous; lots of antibodies were produced. But when the animals were exposed to the wild virus, they ALL died.
· ALL the ferrets died.
With SARS COVID 2, the drug companies have done some animal trials, and once again, they have lovely antibody outcomes; hence the effectiveness percentages told us. However, they have NOT done the rest of the trials subjecting those animals to the wild virus. Ask yourself, why ever not, given the prior trial outcomes for the very similar SARS? Plus, this time, they used mice, which, it seems, have a tougher time catching this bug. So why didn’t they use ferrets like last time? It seems ferrets are the usual choice for testing respiratory bugs because their respiratory systems are the most like humans. Ask yourself why the drug companies made that deliberate decision.
So, they have only used partial short-term animal trials. As of 3/1/20, I noticed one company says they are beginning human trials exposing vaccinated people to the wild virus—now, after giving millions of shots and without trying that on animals first. Scary. So, if they are beginning this NOW, and those trials will not be completed until sometime in 2022 or 2023, just precisely, HOW do they know it is “safe and effective” for you, here and now? The truth is they don’t know. Trial results are not complete. THEY DON’T KNOW. What gives them the right not only to say but also to insist that this is safe and effective?
o Robert F Kennedy Jr. Interview on COVID vaccines and more
The COVID “vaccines” utilize RNA bits as a new way to do vaccines, an as-yet unproven method. RNA can change DNA. Let me say that again, RNA can CHANGE DNA. While scientists did not think these mRNA bits would permanently change DNA at first, many of them are now saying they are concerned that they actually do permanently change DNA. Then there is the controversy about the “nano” lipid particles and whether they are programable. While the jury’s still out on these itty-bitty items, they are definitely IN the shot. If your DNA changes detrimentally, just how will you fix that? What impact will that have long term? What other impact will that have on future generations? Will there be future generations, given some of the side effects could be miscarriage and sterility? Incompleted trials mean all of that is UNKNOWN.
o Moderna Vaccine White Paper – “DNA Vaccines Have a Risk of Permanently Changing a Person’s DNA”
“… DNA vaccines have a risk of permanently changing a person’s DNA.” ~ Moderna Biotech White Paper (I’ve included this quote because the original paper has been taken off the internet since I first found it. So I could only share this article that discusses the white paper and a quote—in case this link is taken down also.)
o Also, refer again to Dr. Tenpenny’s video noted above
That’s one of my main points here. Long-term effects ARE UNKNOWN. Nobody knows what these things will do in the long term. The studies have not been completed. Instead, now we are being subjected to the most extensive human drug trial in history. Would you knowingly and voluntarily sign up to be part of a new tech drug trial? I guess we will all know in a decade or sooner just what long-term effects these “vaccines” provide. We are just in the beginning, and in my studied view, it’s not looking so good so far.
Pharmaceutical companies have a long track record of continuing to implement vaccine policy without studying possible results. For example, there are NO studies on the effects of COMBINING multiple vaccine doses at once. Yet the powers that be combine types and doses, insisting we trust that they are “safe and effective.”—And with no studies, you tell me how they know that? What study concluded that? No studies support this. Those studies do NOT exist.
So, in my studied view, these COVID 19 “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective and may indeed harm a great many people, certainly more than could reasonably be considered “rare.”
Can you trust Big Pharma, the CDC, the NIAID, and the NIH authorities to have your best health interests at heart? Do they have any other agenda?
I do not see reasonably expected and truthful information freely disseminated to the public. Instead, I see lots of downright inaccurate information lambasting us on every front. And I see that those trying to get the truth “out there” find themselves the target of censorship, erasing, de-platforming, even severe things like firing, career ruining, and even “disappearing” of dissenters happening. Debate is not allowed. Those who question, want to talk about it, or dissent are criticized and called names. Please tell me what happened to adult behavior, respectful debate, and the right to speak freely? If people disagree. Fine. Great even. Disagreement is valuable and helpful to bring all sorts of new ideas and better solutions into being. But what’s happening here is censorship of dissent on a horrific scale. And the truth about vaccines in general and these new “vaccines” in particular is deliberately hidden from you. You might want to ask yourself, “Just why is that?” Given the long-term consequences yet to be discussed or even determined, I suggest there are significant reasons for concern. Before we get to those long-term consequences, you might want to look into the intentions and agenda behind the boatloads of just plain wrong information you are being fed. I’d want to know. That’s why I did all this time-consuming research. Just what do the drug companies have to hide here?
o 74 holistic and alternative medicine practitioners who died unexpectedly
Google Censors, Shadowbans, and Blacklists Alternative Health News
In my studied view, we are being “groomed” by Big Pharma. They do NOT want you to have sovereignty over your own body or health freedom of choice. Instead, they want you to keep buying their drugs and taking their profitable vaccines. So, they groom the public.
o They have a majority influence over the media through ownership or majority ads.
o Pharmaceutical companies influence the medical system by providing medical school funding
o Big Pharma influences budding physicians through funding of medical schools and specifically directed curriculums about vaccines and drugs. Students are mostly taught, “Here’s the vaccine schedule. Make sure your patients comply.” Because of this, physicians are often unwilling to implement a revised vaccine schedule for those who present a history of having vaccine intolerances. Those physicians that try may find their licenses in jeopardy, even when they follow all the requirements.
§ Oregon Pediatrician Publishes Study Comparing Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Kids
o Pharmaceutical lobbyists are the largest group of lobbyists in the US capital, bigger than oil and gas.
o Pharmaceutical companies fund BOTH republican and democratic politicians’ election funds.
o Big Pharma provides significant funding for the CDC, NIAID, and WHO. Revolving door leadership between these agencies and Big Pharma executives sets up vast conflicts of interest.
o The resulting impact of this influence is massive and punitive if not followed.
o Ads can be pulled from the media.
o Show hosts can be fired.
o Funding can be withdrawn from medical schools if the curriculum is not followed or an unwanted curriculum is also offered.
o Private physicians and clinics often receive compensation for patient care based upon the percent of patients in a particular insurance plan that is “fully vaccinated” or not.
o Politicians trying any investigations can have election funding pulled.
o Big Pharma’s current intention seems to be focused only on getting a profitable “vaccine” on the market.
o If you notice now, annual shots are discussed as a possibility--equals ongoing guaranteed profits.
o Another benefit for drug companies includes that those injured by the vaccine become drug customers for life to manage those “vaccine” induced injuries—more profits for them.
o Does this sound like someone you can trust with your health and wellness?
o Those that own our health own our life.
o There is more to this story. There is an agenda, and it threatens our health, freedom, and body sovereignty.
o Follow the money.
§ Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma
§ The Truth About Vaccines docu-series
How many drug ads do you see on news media programs? How many
covid “vaccines are safe and effective” stories do you see in actual news stories? If these stories were really “news” and not just Big Pharma propaganda, there likely would be stories included about all those not so “rare” side effects. There would be stories on when, how, and who died. How many are experiencing bell’s palsy, anaphylaxis, or cardiac disorder resulting in death, blood clots resulting in death, miscarriage or premature birth, auto-immune dysfunctions, neurological disorders, ER visits, and more? There are plenty of injury and death stories to tell here. The media usually thrives on that. Factual, objective, independent journalism would ensure these reports be more balanced.
Generally, vaccine ingredients include known poisons as adjuvants. Vaccines include adjuvants to shock your immune system into making those antibodies. They use aluminum, thimerasol (aka mercury), formaldehyde, often in doses considered highly toxic. These are poisonous to humans, most especially tiny humans. Read the package inserts. It’s appalling. Drug companies continue to include these toxic substances without regard to all the known harmful effects. I’d hate to think this was intentional. Hummmm. Although I don’t currently see any of those ingredients in these new vaccines, the mRNA and DNA bits could be even more dangerous. Again, the trials are not complete, so the results are UNKNOWN.
o Pfizer COVID 19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet including ingredients
o Slide from a video Dr. Bergman lecture