After the release of my first book,
Soul Shift
in 2008, I was swamped with requests for the names of good Mediums. Through my story, people came to understand that a high-quality reading with a credible Medium can serve as a healing balm for those grieving the passing of a loved one.
I always stress that Mediumship readings are just one (optional) component of an overall healing process and should never be viewed as the end all be all. Further, I discourage people from consulting Mediums more than 2x per year as they may become addicted and ignore other important healing practices or therapy. Some people choose not to consult Mediums at all and prefer to pursue other pathways to healing.
I encourage people to invest the time and energy to learn how to form their own direct connection with their loved one. But it's not always easy for people in a fragile emotional state to accomplish this - hence the value of a Mediumship reading.
To address the requests I was receiving, I initially compiled a list of the top Mediums that I knew and began sharing it. But it soon became apparent that many of those on the list were overbooked, meaning that people in need had to wait months to a year for a reading appointment. Additionally, a few of the Mediums on my list charged more than some people could afford. I understood this from the Medium's perspective since many of them left good-paying careers to do readings full time, yet still had bills to pay.
In December 2013, my second book,
Messages from the Afterlife
was released and included information about my intention to start a Medium Certification program. At the time, I had a sneaking suspicion that there were probably many talented, yet undiscovered Mediums. If I was correct about this, I also deduced that these individuals would have short wait lists and most likely charge less than the well-known Mediums.
In the spring of 2014, I launched my program, intent on providing a valuable resource to people in need. As I say on my Certified Mediums
, "It has been established that evidential readings, or sittings as they are also called, can provide a therapeutic benefit to bereaved persons. Conversely, poor-quality readings with lesser mediums or fraudulent persons can derail the healing process for the bereaved."
While other sites list mediums, some of these sources do not test the mediums they endorse - instead, they are just recommended on the basis of testimonials. There are also lists provided by research organizations, but they tend to include very few mediums - many of whom are over-booked or no longer conduct private readings. So while no Medium can guarantee a good reading, my program was launched with the intention of providing people with the best chance at a helpful and healing experience with a credible resource.
Mediums certified through my program are required to conduct at least five (5) blinded test readings for five (5) different sitters unbeknownst to them, with passing results based on statistical accuracy.
This method of testing has proven successful and now, roughly five years into the process, I have certified twenty Mediums. And while I'd already built a solid group of Mediums, an entirely new group has recently come through the program and performed at a very high level. People like Michelle Clare, Isabella Johannson, Kat Baillie, Lauren Startt, Freya Dunne, Shelby Mae, Ann Van Orsdell, and Danielle Wolfe are great additions to the program. Those Mediums already on the site do a great job too, but I wanted to acknowledge those who recently earned certification.
If you are contemplating booking a reading, don't hesitate to check into the Mediums on my site,
. I built this program with no external funding and no profit motive. I made this investment to create a trustworthy resource for people in need.
Mark Ireland
My books
If you've not read my books, I suggest starting with Soul Shift, which recounts the amazing experiences that brought healing to my family after the passing of my youngest son, Brandon. Messages from the Afterlife is for science-minded readers and also those who wonder about the compatibility of religion with psychic phenomena and mediumship. Finally, Your Psychic Potential was written by my father and released posthumously. It is a development guide with instruction coming from one of the preeminent Psychic-Mediums of the 20th Century.
Recommended book
My friend Debra Martin is a wonderful person and one of the best Mediums and Healers I know. I've spoken to friends who brought loved ones with serious health issues to Debra and were overwhelmed by the positive results that followed their healing sessions. Debra's new book,
Proof of Miracles chronicles how she discovered her life purpose and how her God given abilities could be used to help others. It also recounts real cases that validate her gift.
Elizabeth Boisson and I co-founded the Helping Parents Heal organization less than a decade ago and the organization has grown tremendously. We now have roughly 80 affiliate locations across North American and Overseas. In 2018 we held our inaugural conference in Phoenix, with hopes of drawing 200 attendees. Needless to say, we were stunned when nearly 500 people showed up.
In 2020, we're shifting things East to Charleston, South Carolina and have some phenomenal, big name presenters lined up. If you're a parent who has had a child pass, I encourage you to join us in what will be a tremendously healing event. It's not just hearing from the presenters, but also the opportunity to make new friends from around the world who have experienced the same thing as you. I encourage you to join us for the
2nd Helping Parents Heal Conference in 2020!