PC(USA) Stated Clerk Addresses the Need and Impact of Per Capita
(OGA) In these days of diminishing resources and tight budgets, the Presbyterian Church (USA) continues to seek new and innovative ways to provide ministry and support to mid-councils (presbyteries and synods) across the country.
Presbyterians have used Per Capita
an annual per member apportionment assessed by the General Assembly (
Book of Order
, G-3.0106; see also Standing Rule F.4.b.), and by many synods and presbyteries to enable Presbyterians mutually and equitably to share the ecclesiastical and administrative costs of sustaining our witness to Christ—as a sign of the covenant that binds us together. The current Per Capita Assessment is assessment is $35.73 per member.
Approximately 73 percent of Per Capita contributed by our church members remains in the Presbytery of Baltimore. These funds are crucial to the Presbytery’s ability to provide its churches with administrative oversight and mission evaluation. Per Capita also provides for a fair and interdependent system of governance that undergirds our faith community and identifies us as a Reformed Church. Treasurers are encouraged to
remit regular Per Capita payments
, ensuring that the Presbytery may better resource its churches throughout the year.
For the wider church,
Per Capita
is the primary source of funding for the Office of the General Assembly and makes possible numerous services on which Presbyterians depend, including the biennial meeting of the General Assembly.
In his monthly video conversation,
The Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson
, Stated Clerk for the PC(USA), discusses the importance of Per Capita and what it means to the larger church and Presbyterians in general. Click below.
For questions about Per Capita, contact the Presbytery or visit
This article was reprinted with the permission of the Presbyterian News Service.
All meetings are held at the Presbytery of Baltimore's office unless a different location is indicated.
- Commission on Spiritual Leader Development meets at 1pm on Wednesday, Mar. 6
- Gathering Team meets at 11am on Thursday, Mar. 7
- Trustees meet at 10am on Tuesday, Mar. 12
- Baltimore Dakota Partnership meets at 7pm on Tuesday, Mar. 12
- COLA meets a 1pm on Wednesday, Mar. 20
- Cuba Partnership meets 7pm Wednesday, Mar. 20
Celebrating Women's History Month
Yesterday PC(USA) ce
lebrated the "Gifts of Women Sunday," a day to honor women who exhibit grace that knows no boundaries.
Women have been a growing and active part of the Presbyterian Church (USA) for more than 200 years. Presbyterian women’s groups strengthen the Presbyterian Church and play a major role in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom. As events celebrating Women in ministry are held this month throughout the nation and denomination, we invite you to share stories of women in your church who are
doing God's work.
Click here
to tell us about a woman from your church who deserves to be honored this month.
Confirmed Dates for the Dismantling Racism Training in 2019
Monday, May 20, 2019 at Chestnut Grove PC
(3701 Sweet Air Road, Phoenix, MD 21131), 8:30am to 5pm.
Morning refreshments and Lunch are provided
Registration Fee is $20. Registration Opens in March
Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019. Location TBA.
Registration opens in August 2019.
CPR/AED Training for Church Members
Granite Presbyterian Church is hosting a CPR/AED training session at 12 noon on Sunday, Mar. 24. Class size is limited; pre-registration is required.
Spire Series: R
esponding to Gun Violence
At 2:30pm on Sunday, Mar. 24 --
First and Franklin Presbyterian Church will host a concert to honor those who have died as a result of gun violence this past year. The concert will feature Faure's Requiem, a premier of a new composition by Dr. Mark Hardy, as well as other works. The concert supports the work of
Baltimoreans United in Leadership Development (
First Presbyterian Church of Howard Co. will host
Dr. Wayne Higgins, Director of NOAA's Climate Program Office, at 2pm on Sunday, Mar. 10. Dr. Higgins will illustrate and discuss
The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Impacts, Risks and Adaptation in the U.S. Bring your smartphones or iPads! For additional information, go to
Churches in need of
Blue Hymnals may contact
The Rev. John Schmidt of Central Presbyterian Church to obtain copies. Free of charge. First come/ first served.
Youth/Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
Spaghetti Dinner & Auction Raises Thousands for Church Youth Program
General Presbyter Jacqueline E. Taylor lends a hand ladling out spaghetti at
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County's Spaghetti Dinner & Auction. The event, held Sunday Feb. 24., raised more than $6,300 and benefited the church's youth program and activities.
Acts4Youth Urgently Needs Meals
Acts4Youth is a Christian ministry providing mentoring for at-risk Baltimore City youth. The program meets with nearly 100 students weekly outside of school to provide a spiritual foundation and share a hot meal designed to nurture the students physically and strengthen community. This year Acts4Youth has seen a slowdown in the number of meals it is receiving. Meals are needed on Tuesday evenings at
Second Presbyterian Church;
and, Wednesday evenings and Saturdays for lunch at
Central Presbyterian Church.
TE Jenny Williams will facilitate a 6-session time of prayer and reflection Monday evenings, 3/11/19 through 4/15/19, 7pm to 8:30pm at the Church of the Redeemer. Guided by the work
Out of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life
by Henri Nouwen and with a focus on Lenten themes, the sessions are designed to encourage the intentional creation of a time for contemplation and reflection in our daily life and to share the same in a weekly community practice. This is a program of Inner Harbor Wellness. Contact Jenny if you would like to attend:
or all 410.523.3961.
First Call, First Steps (Seminary students and candidates)
Mar. 7, 2019 Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, VA
Apr. 1, 2019, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Pittsburgh, PA
Growing into Tomorrow…Today
(pre-retirement seminar)
Mar. 7-8, 2019 Princeton Theological Seminary, NJ (Registration open until Feb. 18, 2019)
Aug. 22-23, 2019 Montreat Conference Center
Montreat, NC (Registration opens May 20–Aug. 2, 2019
Render Unto Caesar
(terms of call and clergy taxes)
Mar. 6, 2019 Princeton Theological Seminary, NJ
(Registration open until Feb 18, 2019
For other locations, please contact Devin Johns, program administrator at 215-587-7459 or email
with FCFS in the subject line.
Jacqueline E. Taylor
General Presbyter
John "Jack" Carlson
Stated Clerk
Mary Gaut
Deputy Stated Clerk
Debbie Ingram Schmidt
Associate, Spiritual Leader Development
Susan Krehbiel
Director of Congregational Advocacy
Wanda Morgan
Office Administrator
Deborah Greene
Director of Communications
Chuck Brawner
Administrator of Finances
McKenna Lewellen
Coordinator, The Center
Kate Foster Connors
Director, The Center
Presbytery of Baltimore | (t) 410.433.2012 | (f) 410.433.2066| office@baltimorepresbytery.org |