Strategy in Motion
October 2018 Newsletter

Strategy in Motion
 Learning Forum

November 16, 2018
8:30-10:30 a.m.

Flynn and Company
7800 E. Kemper Rd.
Suite 150
Cincinnati, OH 45249


$49 for PinC clients

$99 for non-clients

Darcy Bien,
PinC Director

Darcy Misiak Bien, Strategic Planner
Darcy Bien

Sign Up for Strategic Planning Training Today!

You're invited to attend our next Strategic Planning Training & Certification session - December 6 and 7, 2018.
The Partners in Change training program provides a deep dive in the strategic planning process and increases your strategic toolbox with over 20 best practice strategic planning tools.

Click here for more information about the next training session's content and benefits.

Download Our Complete Strategic Planner Training Tool Kit!

We're here to help you through the entire strategic planning process from data gathering, through plan development and a successful implementation phase. 

We offer a complete  Strategy in Motion tool kit  for $49 or free individual strategic planning tools, all designed especially for small to medium-sized businesses. 

Click the button above to discover and download the tools that can help drive your business to even greater success.
Even 1 Hour Can Clarify Your Strategic Thinking
It's easy for any professional to get caught up in the day-to-day routine; taking care of pop-up crises and last-minute details.

But for leaders, it's especially important to break this cycle and carve out quiet time to think, reflect and plan. Research has shown that leaders should be spending 20% of their time on strategy - that's a day a week! How much time are you spending?

As Albert Einstein said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." 

In the book Traction by Gino Wickman, that's where a Clarity BreakTM can help. A Clarity Break - taken daily, weekly or monthly - provides uninterrupted time to work on yourself and your business.  

For more information about how to take a regular break, which fosters improved business results, click below to read the full blog post:

In the Spotlight: Gain Traction Through Our Next Learning Forum
At Partners in Change, we believe in Life-Long Learning. We also recognize learning is improved with discussion and practice. 

Join us for our first Strategy in Motion book club meeting to discuss the book Traction by Gino Wickman:

November 16, 2018
8:30-10:30 a.m.
Flynn and Company
$49 for PinC clients
$99 for non-clients

The book club discussion provides you an opportunity to discuss new ideas and hear what really works from your peers. We will discuss:
  • An overview of Tractions, Six Key Components of your business
  • Simple tools to help with a successful strategy implementation using the Entrepreneurial Operating System®
  • Hear from others and what has worked for them
This facilitated discussion will include an overview of the book, discussion of the tools and a continental breakfast.

Future Strategy in Motion book club meetings will be held on February 15 ( Playing to Win by A.G. Lafley and Roger Martinand May 17 ( Radical Candor by Kim Scott). All Learning Forum/Book Club sessions are at Flynn and Company: 7800 E. Kemper Rd., Suite 150, Cincinnati, OH 45249.

Contact Darcy Bien for more information or register for the Learning Forum here:
Our Purpose is to Be Your experienced guide helping plan your organization's future.

Our Core Values are Lifetime Learners, Challenging the Status Quo, Feedback is a Gift, Strategy is Energizing and Fun.

Our Vision is 100% Implementation by Our Clients.