
  • Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalm 143:8
Why Wasn’t the Prodigal Son’s Father Angry with Him?

The Prodigal's father showed no anger toward his son at the fact he had lost his inheritance or sinned so greatly. You would think there would have been some anger or scolding from his father about his past behavior, but we see absolutely nothing at all. Why? Jesus is telling this parable to two groups of people: sinners and tax collectors with whom He is eating and the Pharisees who are offended by His association with these sinners.

This parable in Jewish culture in Jesus’ time was highly offensive. What the Prodigal did to his father was the highest possible insult his son could have done. Many families on that day would have held a funeral and told their friends and family their son had died. He would never be mentioned again as part of the family.

Jesus knew this parable would offend the self-righteous sensibilities of the Pharisees, but it would also unveil God’s heart to them. The father in the story has two sons: the elder works hard for his father’s love, respect, and inheritance. The beautiful insight we get from this parable is it shows us the contrast between life under the old covenant and life under the grace of the new covenant.

Those who lived under the law were sin-conscious because that was why the law was given, to show Israel their sins and need for a savior.

“Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20).

Notice the elder brother's accusations at his younger brother. He kept a record of all his sins and reminded his father of what they were. I believe this was done to try and influence his father into treating him according to what he had done. He sinned against you, so you should punish him. He deserves to be punished! The self-righteous never see mercy as an instrument of restoration; they only understand punishment as a detractor to sin or punishment for sin.

What is fascinating in reading this exchange between the oldest son and his father is how the father reacted or, should I say, didn’t react. What his oldest son was telling him about his youngest son was old news to the father because he had heard essentially the same confession of sins from the Prodigal earlier, after he had run to him, embraced, and kissed him. He had the same reaction. He said nothing. He did not even acknowledge the sins of the Prodigal at all. This is precisely what Jesus wants everyone listening to Him to see. And here is the contrast between the old and new covenants. The law reminds you of your sins, but the blood of Jesus reminds you they are forgiven and forgotten by God.

The father's heart represents the reality of the new covenant in how he responds to the Prodigal's feelings of failure and unworthiness. The recovery and restoration of their relationship were all his father's doing. All the Prodigal had to do was receive everything his father wanted to do for him. He couldn’t pay for his sins. He believed he had destroyed his relationship with his father forever. Everything he couldn’t do, his father did for him. His father forgave, restored, and blessed him abundantly. He did this, even when the Prodigal tried to convince him his sins were so great and terrible he could never be his son again.

I can only imagine the joy Jesus must have had to declare these amazing truths about His Father to those sinners, tax collectors, and Pharisees who listened to Him.

“Love keeps no record of wrongs” (1 Corinthians 13:5).

“God is love!” (1 John 4:8).

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