August 31, 2023
Articles for This Issue:
August 31, 2023
Notes from Caitlin: What Americans Don't Want to Hear
Caitlin Johnstone
Big Brave Western Proxy Warriors Keep Whining That Ukrainian Troops Are Cowards
Caitlin Johnstone
BRICS calls for global economic decision making in the interest of the majority
Abduhl Rahman
Global Governance Forum - Thinking About the Summit of the Future
Jody Williams & Augusto Lopez-Claros
Why We Can't Have World Peace
Roger Kotila

World Democracy Day Event
(early registration)

Notes from Caitlin: What Americans Don't Want to Hear
Caitlin Johnstone
The US is indisputably the most tyrannical regime on earth. Only the US is instigating wars around the world, circling the planet with hundreds of foreign military bases, starving populations with massive unilateral sanctions and blockades, and working to destroy any nation which disobeys it. 

No other government has spent the 21st century killing people by the millions in wars of aggression; only the US has. Continually trying to destroy anyone in the world who doesn’t obey your dictates is as tyrannical as it gets.

If you point this out you’ll get people telling you that if it wasn’t the US doing those things it would be someone else, but that’s ridiculous....
If I lived in Russia or China I’d still be focusing all my energy on criticizing the US empire, because it would be the world’s most powerful and destructive regime no matter where I lived.

The warmonger should get the same response as the Klansman (KKK), but they don’t get the same response. This is because racism (at least the overt kind) has been abnormalized in polite liberal society, whereas the warmonger has been aggressively and forcefully normalized to protect the interests of an empire that’s held together by nonstop war.

The challenge, then, is to abnormalize the warmonger in the same way as the Klansman. We must work to make it just as socially taboo to be an open warmonger as it is to be an open racist. We do this by bringing awareness to the horrors of the empire’s warmongering, and by driving home again and again just how monstrous these freaks really are.

Big Brave Western Proxy Warriors Keep Whining That Ukrainian Troops Are Cowards
Caitlin Johnstone
 "Western officials have been spending the last few weeks whining to the media that Ukraine’s inability to gain ground is due to an irrational aversion to being killed. They’ve been decrying Ukrainian cowardice to the press under cover of anonymity, from behind the safety of their office desks."
"This whole war could have been avoided with a little diplomacy and a few mild concessions to Moscow. It could have been stopped in the early weeks of the conflict back when a tentative peace agreement had been struck. It could have been stopped back in November before this catastrophic counteroffensive."

“American officials say they fear that Ukraine has become casualty averse, one reason it has been cautious about pressing ahead with the counteroffensive. Almost any big push against dug-in Russian defenders protected by minefields would result in huge numbers of losses.”

I’m sorry, US officials “fear” that Ukraine is becoming “casualty averse”. Because safer battlefield tactics that burn through a lot of ammunition don’t chew through lives like charging through a minefield under heavy artillery fire.

What are the Ukrainians supposed to be? Casualty amenable? If Ukraine was more casualty amenable, would it be more willing to throw young bodies into the gears of this proxy war that the US empire actively provoked and killed peace deals to maintain?
... The US had an agenda to lock Moscow into a costly military quagmire with the goal of weakening Russia, and to this day US officials openly boast about all this war is doing to advance US interests...
BRICS calls for global economic decision making in the interest of the majority
Abduhl Rahman
August 23, 2023.  Policies followed by the West such as sanctions, conditionalities in loan disbursal, and dollar hegemony were the targets of speeches made by the BRICS leaders on the first and second days of the summit.
Speaking on the second day, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also said that India fully supports the expansion of the bloc, adding that it welcomed “moving forward with consensus on this.” India also reiterated its proposal for the African Union’s membership in the G20.

The 15th BRICS summit is being held under the chairmanship of Ramaphosa on the theme ‘BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development, and inclusive multilateralism.’ Apart from the heads of states/governments of the existing BRICS members—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—over 60 other countries are participating in the summit. Certain crucial decisions are expected during the summit related to the expansion of the group and its objective of creating a non-hegemonic global economic order.

China’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao delivered the speech on President Xi Jinping’s behalf. In the speech, Xi emphasized that the BRICS model of development and growth is contrary to the West’s approach of hegemonization.

Asserting that countries should have the freedom to pursue their own development model, Xi claimed that one country, “obsessed with maintaining hegemony, has gone out of its way to cripple emerging markets and developing countries”— an obvious reference to the US.  
Xi noted that the world is forced to face a choice—between peace and stability and a new cold war—due to the hegemonic agenda pursued by the West, and pointed out that “hegemonism disrupts development, violates the nation’s right to prosperity and sovereign development.” 

Global Governance Forum - Thinking About the Summit of the Future
Jody Williams & Augusto Lopez-Claros

... the UN has to date failed in its foundational mandate to divert resources away from weapons and toward the establishment of global peace and security. This failure did not come because the task was impossible, rather it occurred because the countries which won World War II had no interest in disarming.

Early hopes for a “peace dividend” at the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, have in recent years given rise to renewed arms races and open talk of future wars, as a permanent member of the Security Council pursues an unprovoked war of territorial conquest.  

The permanent members of the Security Council have instead engaged in weapons profiteering and arms races. Instead of moving toward nuclear disarmament, these weapons that can destroy us all are being “modernized” while new weapons and other methods of death and destruction continue to be developed and used. In its 2022 nuclear year in review, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists declared that the global nuclear order was “in shambles.” And in January 2023 their Doomsday Clock moved to 90 seconds before midnight, “the closest humanity has ever been to Armageddon.”

Another such coalition was the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which championed the most comprehensive nuclear ban treaty to date. Unfortunately, no nuclear-armed nation or host country has had the courage to join the treaty.

To illustrate the challenges and cognitive dissonance disarmament movements often face, French diplomats have justified their non-signatory status by publicly stating that France will never give up its nukes because if it were to do so, no country would pay any attention to it – a highly questionable and appallingly cynical reason to hold on to nuclear weapons. 

Why We Can't Have World Peace
Roger Kotila     Earth Federation News & Views
We can't have world peace as long as the US government's foreign policy is to (militarily) conquer the world. Western think tanks refer to this grandiose wet dream to dominate the world as American "exceptionalism" and US "hegemony."
Every day through word and deed the US overtly (e.g., AUKUS to dominate China), and covertly (CIA with MI6 help), carry out its grandiose plans.
AUKUS is a pretend "defense" alliance between Australia, the UK, and the US with outreach to include Japan and South Korea. However, the alliance is seen by China as a military threat, especially in regard to Taiwan.
Russia and China resist disarmament because they see their countries encircled militarily by US/NATO, and now AUKUS. Weaker nations, especially socialist-leaning governments, see themselves being overthrown secretly by the CIA or by (illegal) US economic warfare (sanctions).
Unlike the Germans under Hitler, the US has a more effective propaganda machine to convince the public that the US is the "good guy" despite all of the factual evidence to the contrary. That the US can't be trusted is widely known by BRICS and the Global South.  (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa make up the economic group called BRICS.)
The Pentagon supports the US government's delusions of grandeur with "full spectrum dominance" which means military superiority on land, air, sea, space, and cyberspace. This scheme is super expensive and explains why the US military budget is so absurdly huge.
World peace is impossible as long as the US relies upon war and threats of war.  In reality, the so-called "defense" business is in truth the US War Business, with the code phrase "national security" used to manipulate Congress and the public for ever bigger budgets. 
World peace is virtually impossible unless the United Nations transforms from a treaty-based organization to a world constitution that yields a world (federal) government. History shows that treaty agreements can't be trusted. They are unreliable and too easily broken by national self-interest over the world's public interest.
World federalists supporting the EARTH CONSTITUTION (EC) know what is needed to save the world:  Either a "new UN" under the EC, or Earth Federation government with a World Parliament under the EC.  
Can we imagine a GLOBAL LEADERS PSYCHOTHERAPY SUMMIT conducted by psychologists and world federalists? Key leaders of powerful nations, like the rest of us, at times, can benefit from professional help.   
-- Roger Kotila, PhD
   Psychologist (ret.)
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