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18th November 2024

If you think HMG should allow sick and injured kids from Gaza

to be treated in our hospitals, please click here.

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News and comment from

Roy Lilley

Why bother...


It’s the start of the week. Let’s throw caution to the wind and think about doing things differently.

Whoopee! Yeh, right… 

… maybe you don’t want to do things differently. I get that...

... but you might want to do what we are doing, better. I absolutely get that. 

That’s the difference between modernisation and reform. A subtle but important difference that seems beyond the grasp of our great reforming leader.

What do you want to do ‘different’? Perhaps you have a list?

I tell you what, let me go first.

Let’s do inflammatory bowel disease, differently. 

I’m sure you don’t need me to spell out the consequences of IBD. When your sewage works play up, it can be a lifelong problem. There are treatments. No cures.

Stem cell therapy, microbiome modulation (fecal transplants), and other innovative approaches hold promise for the future.

Usually, IBD first occurs in teens and early twenties. It could emerge later with people in their fifties, or for an unfortunate some, anytime. Out of the blue. Whatever the timing, it’s with you from then on. Treatment is to manage the symptoms with daily drugs to prevent flare-ups and keep people well. 

Maintenance treatments.

The average patient might need two, sometimes three different drugs to keep them well. If there are three items on a prescription, the total cost would be: £9.65 × 3 = £28.95 a month.

If you are a typical patient it’s likely you’ll be a student at Uni, you might be eligible for help with prescription costs through the NHS low income scheme, or if you are in receipt of other qualifying benefits, you might get help. 

You can also purchase a Prescription Prepayment Certificate that give you a frequent-flyer discount.

Whatever, one way or another you might have to find £360 a year. Which you might call a chronic cost.

Applications for help are complicated and as people’s circumstances change, their entitlement changes. The upshot is one in ten people with IBD skip their medication and inevitably fall into relapse…

… which can result in needing far more aggressive treatment in hospital to get the symptoms under control or even emergency surgery.

All of which, in management terms is called failure demand… the excess cost and demand placed on a system, created by not getting the thing right in the first place.

The obvious root-cause-analysis-solution would be free prescriptions, such as they are for Addison’s disease.

So much for our great reforming leader's the little epithet doing the rounds; ‘shifting focus to prevention’.


… there is more. Despite the obvious, make IBD one of the conditions that comes with free prescriptions, (more here) there is the clunky application and palaver, to get help and…

… older people are exempt from paying prescriptions, as are people with certain eligible medical conditions and maternity. There are also income related exemptions.  Here's the gob-smacker...

... all this adds up to 89% of prescriptions are dispensed free of charge. Only 11% of prescriptions bring in revenues, of around £652m a year, and... 

... wait for it…

… the total cost of community prescriptions is over £9.69bn. Prescription charge revenues only cover about 7% of the costs.

There’s more…

… the administrative cost of managing NHS prescription services is part of the broader NHS Business Services Authority budget, which oversees processing charges and exemptions. However, specific figures for this administration are not readily separated in the public data.

Prescription fraud, including exemption abuse, might be around £271.8 million annually. 

Many cases are resolved administratively, such as by recovering money owed or issuing penalty charges, rather than through court prosecutions. However, severe cases involving fraudulent or stolen prescriptions may lead to legal action.

During 2020-2021, there were approximately 22 successful criminal prosecutions. Yup, twenty two.  The latest NHS counter fraud organisation accounts are here.

In 2022/23, only 1% of the DH+'s budget came from patient charges for prescriptions and other services.

Even taking into account recovery of fraud revenues, it’s hard to see the prescription recovery system as anything other than running at a huge loss, bureaucracy adds to the cost, inequalities and aggro. The counter fraud and administration effort, adds more cost.

The Monday morning question for the great reformer is… why bother?

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Dr Paul Lambden

I’ll Take Care Of You

'... the medical profession has arguably

thrown up more serial killers than all other


News and Other Stuff


>> Trusts given new target as elective milestone is missed - and therein the fallacy of targets. 

>> I’ll slash targets and devolve power - Streeting.

>> Amanda Pritchard has announced a programme to transform NHS leadership and management over the next 2 years - two years? Really? It'll take until next April for the funding, then recruiting staff, sorting curriculum, selecting candidates and running the courses. Transformed in two years? I don't think so.

>> Performance league tables - the NHS deserves better, study.

Come and join me, in conversation with NHSE's outgoing chair,

Richard Meddings...

Reflections on his time in office, impressions of the NHS and its future.

Click here for a free ticket to our session, the conference and a day pass for the whole exhibition and other sessions.

See you there, come and say hello!

Ed Smith, former chair of NHS Improvement, with a wide ranging experience of business, commerce, education, the voluntary sector and public services gives us...

... his thoughts on how he would get the NHS "FIXED'.

Campaign to give seriously injured Gaza children access to medical care in UK hospitals...

... supported by UK doctors, nurses and the British Arab Nursing and Midwifery Association.

There is a briefing being organised for MPs where they will hear from medical and nursing colleagues, who have been involved in treating and supporting children in Gaza...

... asking MPs to persuade our government to let the children into the UK for treatment.

You can help by clicking on this survey.

Thank you.

Roger Steer's

November, European 'alternative digest' of all that is politics, social and healthcare.

It's a must read bumper edition!

This week...

November's collection of research and QI evidence updates...

... soooo much good stuff!

5th Edition

New and updated content.

Learn how to navigate the bullies, manipulators and complainers who drive you mad. With example dialogue and techniques, it will help you navigate tricky situations and keep your cool.

⬇️ For more news, scroll down

This is what I'm hearing, unless you know different. In which case, tell me, in confidence.


>> I'm hearing - In a ballot of National Pharmacy Association members, 98% of those representing pharmacies in England expressed a willingness to close outside the minimum hours required by their contract. Does this mean they will close the pharmacy counter and stay open to sell hair slides and vitamins?

>> I'm hearing -  children’s hospice funding is half of adult funding. Some children’s hospices only get 15% from stat funding. Insiders tell me the reason goes back to the old feeling “it’s easier to raise money for dying children than dying adults”. 

More News


>> Nuffield Trust's take on announcement - of new "zero tolerance for failure".

>> Do Prostate Biopsies Promote - the Spread of Cancer Cells?

>> 36 conditions no longer treated on the NHS - as crackdown continues.

>> Microsoft Power Pages misconfigurations exposing sensitive data - NHS supplier that leaked employee info fell victim to fiddly access controls that can leave databases dangling online.

>> How will Quebec's new health-care agency - change the system?

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