Pets almost always come into our lives as a selfless act of love and service to us humans. I realize this more now than ever before as I sit in my heart and reflect on the contributions Blue and Snickers made in my life over the last 20 + years.

Both cats had huge Spirits and their agreement to incarnate into the confinement of small, physical cat bodies was their first great act of love.

Soul Connection : Blue and Snickers had a very deep Soul connection going back numerous lifetimes together (as I did with the both of them, hence them becoming Guides for me this life.)

I adopted them as kittens at a shelter in New Bedford, MA. They were in the same cage and I could tell they had already bonded so I decided to keep them together as I knew they would be good company for eachother.

From when I brought them home and voer the next 20 years, Blue and Snickers were always together; preening, sleeping, eating...
Our pets roles : I came to discover that each cat had their own special role.

Wisdom : Snickers was contemplative and wise. He would often assist me with healing sessions on clients. He retired from this role when he was about 15 yrs old.

Protector : Blue protected Snickers and I. My favorite day when we were living in Phoenix, AZ., 2 coyotes came into our fenced in yard looking for 'a meal'. Blue wasn't about to let her or Snickers be their 'meal' and chased them both out of our yard. I will always remember her acts of bravery and other ways she protected the 3 of us.

As I make my own inner shift into a deeper, more full understanding and appreciation of the role they played in my life...

I am able to move from a place of Grief to profound Gratitude.

A little while ago, I had a communication session with Blue and Snickers. I was hoping for a clearer understanding as to how Snickers' actual transition from physical to spirit form went our last day together.

Blue transitioned to spirit form last October. She told me once again that she was very grateful for all the things I did to help her transition. In fact, as I was holding her and whispering loving words into her ear that day, I felt her slip out of her body effortlessly.

Within about 30 seconds, I heard Blue's little voice above me say

" I am right here Mommy!! I am ok!"

Being able to hear her so quickly was a huge relief to me, and especially knowing she was okay! Her little voice was literally music to my ears. Since then, I have been able to hear her even better than before.

After her own transition, Blue continued to stay around Snickers and communicated with him on a regular basis. He still missed her physical presence terribly the next several months.
When it was his time, Blue wanted to 'pass it forward' in a sense and help me assist Snickers with his transition (from the spirit side) in the most loving way possible, the way I did with her.

Together, they showed me the visual of Snickers' transition, with Blue waiting to help as I held him one last time:

Blue was literally holding the LIGHT for Snickers to step into and that is exactly what he did...

I thanked Blue deeply for helping Snickers in this beautiful way and let her know I am so grateful and proud of her.

Although I miss both of these beautiful companions dearly in the physical, I can now hear Blue and Snickers even better than before. They continue to come through with Guidance on a high level and I have an ever deepening understanding and appreciation of who they were and who they continue to be.