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Independent, Science-Based Evidence To Empower Canadians

Issue 2023 - Week 04       View this newsletter in your browser

Hello Sonya,

At the Canadian Covid Care Alliance we are dedicated to sharing evidence-based information to empower Canadians to remain safe and healthy.

All Cause Mortality (ACM) refers to the number of deaths in a population from any cause. It is a useful tool to look at the impact of an intervention. ACM does not change much from year to year for the general population. Over time, we can see a trend in the yearly ACM rate, and this would help us calculate the annual expected ACM rate. Excess mortality describes the number of deaths from all causes above what would be expected in a given year. In this issue, we present some research from around the world looking at the trends in excess mortality over the past couple of years and the challenges researchers face in analyzing this data. Are the excess mortality rates an indicator of an issue that warrants further investigation?

Unintended Consequences: "You Have to Analyze All-Cause Mortality"

All medical interventions have the potential to cause adverse reactions or side effects. Sometimes, these reactions may not be recognized as being caused by the product. One tool analysts use to detect these adverse events is all cause mortality (ACM) data. If the spikes in ACM occur around the same time as uptake of the medical product the signal is easier to recognize. However, correlation is not causation. Dr. Robert Malone explains the value of using all-cause mortality data as a tool to identify safety signals for medical products.

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Excess Mortality in Canada, US, Australia, and India

Dr. Denis Rancourt, an expert in data analysis, describes the findings of his analysis of all cause mortality in a number of countries. His findings reveal that it was government policies, rather than SARS-CoV-2 infection, that led to the excess mortality.

The articles referenced in the video are in the accompanying links at the BitChute video site. Dr. Rancourt is an author of those supporting publications, but he is also on the Board of CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest, which published the articles.

Watch 6-minute Clip
Watch Full Video

Critique of Mortality by Vaccination Status

In this interview by Dr. John Campbell, Professor Norman Fenton shares his analysis of the flaws in the UK reporting data. There have been errors in the way vaccination status has been defined. People who received the COVID-19 genetic vaccination may be labelled as "unvaccinated" and this makes it difficult to determine if there is a link with the product and all cause mortality rates. These flaws lead to inaccurate claims of safety and efficacy. Professor Fenton's analysis stresses the importance of using accurate and transparent data. He concludes there is no evidence of lower all cause mortality in those who have received the COVID-19 genetic vaccines, in contrast to what has been shared in the media.

Watch Interview

European Excess Deaths, Official Data

Dr. John Campbell takes a closer look at the European all cause mortality (ACM) data. He notes an alarming trend towards increased excess deaths in children, youth, and young adults that is not related to SARS-CoV-2 infections. He notes that actuary data from the United Kingdom has revealed similar trends. He calls for thorough analysis to determine the possible cause for this alarming trend.

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In this clip taken from Senator Johnson's hearing, Dr. Harvy Risch explains the risk of someone dying from a SARS-CoV-2 infection based on recent research.

View Clip
View Full Video (12/7/2022)

CAERS is an adverse event reporting system separate from government and public health agencies across Canada, determined to provide an accurate depiction of possible adverse events individuals have experienced due to the COVID-19 vaccine inoculation program.

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Our alliance of independent Canadian doctors, scientists, health care practitioners, and lawyers is committed to providing top-quality and balanced, evidence-based information to the Canadian public about COVID-19 so that hospitalizations can be reduced, lives saved, and our country safely restored as quickly as possible.

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