Did you participate in #GivingTuesday - either as a donor, volunteer or fundraiser? Here are two opposing viewpoints of the big online giving day - which one do you agree with?

I was thrilled to see the Internet taken over by people sharing why they give and there they give. I was also happy to see some of my clients participate, and small nonprofits doing such a great job sharing stories and compelling people to give! 
From the blog: 

SO many favorite resources this week: 

Are you ready to quit using Facebook for marketing? You aren't alone. Here is a fantastic rant... I mean, blog post on this subject by Jon Loomer! (I fully agree with him on this topic.)

Good news all around about online fundraising: "Charity Dynamics released The Next Ten Years in Digital Fundraising, showing that 88 percent of nonprofit professionals expect digital fundraising to grow from 7 percent of total fundraising to 20 percent or more within the next 10 years." 

"The majority (70%) of social media users would take some kind of action in response to a friend posting a story on social media about making a charitable donation." This is great news!  

Need a boost for your year-end fundraising? Read 3 Email Tactics to Boost Year-End Donations by John Haydon, and then join his email fundraising class. 

Your major gifts program needs social media. Here's why

Interested in Pinterest for your nonprofit? Listen to Joe Waters Selfish Giving podcast for tips and ideas! (Thanks for the shout out, Joe!)

On social media ROI - How to Measure Your Social Media ROI Using Google Analytics - simple yet important ways to make sure you aren't spinning your wheels. 

Infographic of the Week: "Social media users are a charitable group overall with more than seven in 10 (71 percent) donating to a charity in the past 12 months, and of those who gave to charity, 60 percent donated online." See the infographic here.

Neat tool: Create a Gratitude Gram - A shareable custom message of thanks that you create and post to Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest or send via email.(You can save to Instagram too!) Try it out here
Share your problems and your challenges with me by sending a tweet or by writing on my Facebook wall! Have a great weekend! 