Help Our Chamber Win (Again)
Play the Chamber Challenge!
Vote once a day through March 31!
Generating business prosperity through promotion, advocacy and education for our members
Dear Chamber Members & Friends,

We think our Chamber is THE BEST for lots of reasons!

(Reason #73 - Our Legislative Committee not only reviews Maryland's proposed laws with general business implications, but they also review industry-specific bills by member request!)

Let's tell everyone we know!

Forward this email to your friends and coworkers!
Click on the link above and vote for
The Charles County Chamber of Commerce
to be recognized as Maryland's Top Chamber!

Let's keep the streak!

Vote once a day, every day, now through Thursday, March 31.
We'll send a reminder every day - vote before you leave work!
(Don't want the reminders? Don't "unsubscribe"! Just email us at [email protected] and we'll remove your name from the Chamber Challenge Email list.)

Or visit the site linked below, scroll down, click on
Charles County Chamber of Commerce
and then click Vote at the bottom of the page!

It's the Maryland Small Business Administration's version of
"March Madness" and it's easy to play!
Votes can be submitted anonymously.
No personal data will be collected.
Limit one vote per day per IP address, phone, or email address.

There will be a live reveal of the Top 3 winning chambers during the
37th Maryland Small Business Awards Luncheon on June 8, 2023
at Martin's West in Woodlawn, MD. The ceremony is part of the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA) National Small Business Week celebration, highlighting the importance of small business to the local and national economies and honoring outstanding local entrepreneurs and their advocates.

Learn more about the Chamber Challenge
Click on the Youtube Video or Scan the QR Code

Thank you to our "Pay It Forward" Partners
To become a "Pay It Forward" Partner, contact the Chamber
at 301-932-6500 or email [email protected]