Dear {First Name},
This unique season presents both significant challenge and strategic opportunity. If we're honest, those two realities are typically packaged together. As family, friends, neighbors and co-workers face adversity—hunger for help, community and spirituality is rising. How is God personally encouraging your heart and renewing hope? Who can you pass hope to this week?
To encourage and equip you, this is the first of a special six-week email series discussing the following questions many are facing:

  • Week 1: Why this?
  • Week 2: Where is God?
  • Week 3: What is going to happen?
  • Week 4: How much more can I take?
  • Week 5: How long before God does something?
  • Week 6: How do I move forward?

Please take the opportunity to share this—or any upcoming email in this series—with a friend or family member who may be struggling. Even better, offer to review the attached resources together through Zoom video conferencing!

("Zooming" is not difficult, but there is a learning curve. Watch these video tutorials to learn how: 1) "Zoom: Getting Started" 2) "Zoom: Advanced Features for Disciple-Making")
Adversity often causes us to ask questionswhy this, why me, why now, where is God? Click above to watch how those questions guide us to ask a different question that can lead to contentment, hope and perseverance.
Let us know if there's any way we can help. Thankful for your partnership,
Randy Murphy
Executive Director
Nate Hoot
Associate Director