Wicker Park Bucktown Pipeline 7.26.11

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Philin Phlash's Photo blog |
Need booklets? Call 773-960-3997 to arrange booklet pick-up. |
Kendell Carter's "Liberation Summer," at monique meloche gallery, closes 7/30.
Here are a few images we snapped, though the pieces look better 'IRL' so pop by and see them while you still can!

Photo by Philin Phlash
This past weekend, thousands of people gathered in and around Wicker Park's main hub of Milwaukee/North/Damen, to enjoy dancing in the streets, hula-hooping, and shopping, all while drinking beer and sangria and listening to great music. Our dispatch from the trenches of Wicker Park Fest, with photos, would've been today's main story, though we figured we should get the word out about an 'IRL' FUNdraiser, slated for this Sat., July 30, 6:30PM at the Congress Theater, 2135 N. Milw.  | Headliner comic Azhar Usman is co-founder of the Allah Made Me Funny: The Official Muslim Comedy Tour. We have a hunch that you'll enjoy Usman's hilarious wit, musings, and observations too this Sat. night!
Talented performers, offering everything from stand-up and sketch comedy, to magic and burlesque, a live DJ, food samples from eight (and growing!) sponsors, FREE domestic beer (from 6:30-8PM), will be in abundance, along with a Raffle of Curiosities featuring over 20 amazing and original items you would never find anywhere else at the same time! Copies of We're in the Neighborhood booklets, featuring over 100 businesses, schools, and groups, will be available, too! You can acquire tickets online, or pop by Crespo's Finer Foods, 2157 W. North, where we've tucked a few comp . tickets into booklets, just to the right of the nutty bars.  |
"Earth Tone," a collage by Dimitri Pavlotsky, is one of many raffle items that you might win!
We look forward to breaking free from virtual chains and hanging out with you IN REAL LIFE! This is an ALL-Ages event is intended for readers to mix, mingle, exchange promotional materials, and hawk whatever you'd like, even if you're not on the flier, which we created rather quickly, having been tied up with distribution of booklets and covering news, etc. Many thanks to the awesome folks at the Congress Theatre who donated the space to us, for the purpose of attempting to bring our virtual readership together, and raise a few bucks since we barely broke even on the printing costs associated with the booklet. We thought print was important, and figure the real world is too-- hope to see you in it this Saturday! Thanks for everything, Your Pipeline Team** Also occurring this Sat. Night is Shrek, Forever After, showing at Holstein Park, sponsored by the Chicago Park District and Charter One Bank. Check out the details and a suggested Saturday night plan for community-minded Bucktowners. Headed to the annual Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival? Pop on by the Congress before or after-- all arts fest goers will receive a free raffle ticket!  |
Photo by Philin Phlash
RETAIL SPACES is sponsored by Eva Bergant @properties Realtor.
A current client is looking at places along Lake Shore Drive. What's interesting is that we are finding condos and co-ops. The list prices are closer to each other than ever. The big difference is that the monthly assessments for co-ops are as much as 4x higher than for condos...
...In other news, there were 13 closings in Bucktown/Wicker Park this past week. Four were detached single family homes and nine were attached. The highest closing was a 4-bedroom, 3.1 bath $850,000 Short Sale, in the 2300 block of W. Shakespeare, and the lowest was a 1-bedroom, 1-bath vintage condo in the 2000 block of W. Concord, which found a buyer at $230,000! Get the full scoop on co-ops vs. condos, and closings HERE.
 | Eva |
Eva Bergant is a Bucktown resident and local Realtor with a community driven style. In addition to being president of the Bucktown Community Organization (BCO), Eva has long served as the chair of the Bucktown Garden Walk.
Do you have a real estate topic that you'd like explored in a future column? You can reach Eva by email, or 312-543-6819. |
LINKYPOOS is Sponsored by
Cat & Mouse Game Store,
2212 W. Armitage, p: 773-384-4454
Fantastic savings, up to 70% off, will be spoken and accounted for at our annual Summer Clearance Sale Spectacular!
From kids' games and strategy games to jigsaw puzzles and brainteasers, It will be a great opportunity to beef up your game collection, add to your stash of on-hand birthday presents, or prepare for the new school year with some fun stuff for a classroom.
Read More. Want a sneak peek of the goods? Join us on Facebook!
| The July 15th Thrillist featured West on North, 2509 W. North, dubbing it, "a deep-fried haven in Humboldt Park." WON's grand opening details were also covered in this Time Out Chicago blog post by Julia Kramer.
 | Ken, of Uprise Skate Shop, in front of one of the two Urban Dweller deers/ photo by Alisa Hauser | According to this post on the Johalla Project's Blog, vandals stole one of the deer sculptures that was part of the Urban Dwellers installment. It was recovered nearby, but will not be immediately reinstalled.
CBS Local writer Amy Bocchetta published a Guide to Family Fun in Bucktown featuring many of her and her family's favorite local haunts, like the Holstein Park pool, and many local shops including Cat & Mouse, the sponsor of this Linkypoos column!
The Bristol's Debbi Peek Takes 1st Place at U.S. Leg of World Cocktail Competition via @EaterChicago
 | After the fest was over on Sunday night, these two musicians were marching around, making music in front of the Double Door before the free Blitzen Trapper after-party! Photo by Alisa Hauser
The A/V Club made the rounds at Wicker Park Fest with their Summer Survey which asked the locals questions like 'How did you get here today?,' 'What is your favorite thing about Wicker Park? The bottom of the article also includes some pretty neat Youtube videos from the Fest including some dude climbing a pole out of the crowded madness on Milwaukee Ave. and a performance by Wild Flag. For more scenes from the Fest, Time Out Chicago has a photo gallery of the weekend here, and NBC Chicago has their gallery here. (check out Pipeline's fest photobucket album and recap ) Grid Chicago has a sneak peek at the new bike racks that will soon be installed near six corners. They're actually pretty cool looking! CONGRATS to Piece Pizzeria, named Number #1 Indie Pizzeria in the U.S. per this Chicago Eater update. Read the rest of today's Linkypoos here! -compiled by Nandika Gervais, Alisa Hauser Got a recent media link to share? Email it to Nandika. |
Fro-Yo Showdown
A couple enjoys cool treats at Yo-Lite, photo by Alisa Hauser
Last week, Yo-Lite, a new frozen yogurt shop, opened up almost a stone's throw from the Forever Yogurt on North Ave. In the heat of the summer, frozen yogurt is a pretty big draw and it definitely is a trendy alternative to ice cream, but is it cool enough to warrant the one-on-every-corner-Starbucks treatment? The Pipeline visited both the new Yo-lite and Forever Yogurt to find out which one has the better product, price and atmosphere.
First stop: Yo-Lite at 1843 W. North Ave., where the storefront is crisp, clean (maybe too clinical looking?) and quite simple. It did just open, so maybe they are still getting around to decorating or they just like it that way. Before grabbing a cup, douse your hands in some complimentary Purell, from the store's dispenser. Yo-lite offered nine flavors on the day we visited - mostly your basic flavors like strawberry, Dutch chocolate, blueberry and vanilla.
We tried a dollop of strawberry and a dollop of chocolate, covered in a sprinkling of crumbled Butterfinger, from Yo-Lite's very large toppings bar. The current introductory price is just 30 cents an ounce and my exactly five ounce treat cost me about $1.70. Read/See more. |
Community News is proudly sponsored by Yuca Cafe, 2257 W. North (at the corner of Oakley and North). Yuca Cafe serves up delicious Cuban-Mexican fusion food, great art, along with a serene back patio, and lots of healthy blooming orchids everywhere!
Oh yeah, we almost forgot.. there's Free Wi-Fi, A/C, and BYOB too!
Check out a recent brunch on video appetizer.
Visit Yuca Cafe Monday-Sunday, 7AM-5PM
Gorilla Tango Theater released some great news this past week, and it had nothing to do with an upcoming show... cue in Winston Danger Abbate, pictured at right, an offshoot of GTT's co-founders, Kelly and Dan. Read all about Winston here!
Yahoo! contributor Gina Pisano posted this article about Pulaski Park's Sports Camp, which runs weekdays from Aug 8 to Aug 19, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call (312)742-7559.
The latest edition of the BCO's e-newsletter contains lots of useful information, particularly on a new SSA #33/WPB funded mural project looking for walls, as well as a call for volunteers for upcoming Garden Walks.
 | Pulaski School: Wordsmiths Wanted |
"Do you have a way with words?" begins an email from Friends of Pulaski School, who're looking for assistance with relaunching its school's website. Details/who-to-contact here.
A graffiti tagger was chased down by three officers and arrested on the evening of Sunday, July 17, while vandalizing trash cans and a garage, per this July 21 e-update from Ald. 'Proco' Joe Moreno.
Look for the people wearing LOVE shirts on Saturday. We'd love for you to join us!
The court date for the tagger is set for Sept. 1. Pipeline readers wishing to attend court and report on happenings in the following week's e-newsletter are welcome to join our Wordpress network and help us out! Email us! If more than a few people respond, we will have a meeting at Yuca Cafe, or, better yet, pop by the Congress this Saturday night and introduce yourself to the people wearing the LOVE T-shirts. (After publishing weekly original content for over two years now, if we've learned anything, it's that it takes a community to cover the community).

The fountain in Wicker Park was vandalized this past weekend, according to Doug Wood of the Wicker Park Garden Club, who reached out to area police, community, media, and business forces via email earlier today (Wed), with photographs of the damage. Wood's email was promptly replied to by Micheal Fus, Chicago Park District Preservation architect, who wrote that the graffiti will be professional removed soon. Chock full of new news is the July 1st Edition of Holstein Happenings, from Friends of Holstein Park. The Holstein Park Pool opened a few weeks back. There is a Chicago Park District swimming class for youths ages 6-12 years, which takes place on weekends from 5 to 6PM. Get the updated (as of 7/1/2011) pool schedule HERE.
The Wicker Park Garden Club welcomes volunteers to assist with gardening in the park on Saturday mornings, from 10AM-1PM, through the fall. In other Wicker Park news, there's softball every Monday (more on this 16" blog) and the next FREE Magic Boat puppet show occurs this Sun. July 31st, 11AM. There's no need to trek to your nearest grocery store for produce in the summertime when you can pop in on a great local market... The Wicker Park's Farmers' Market , 1425 N. Damen, occurs every Sunday from 8AM-2PM now through Oct. 30 and has many participating vendors. THE BUCKTOWN APPLE PIE CONTEST needs you! Visit FOHP to learn more about how you can help make this October event a reality. Check out a few of the photos that The Pipeline snapped at last year's event. Send an email to contest organizer Michelle to get involved.
This past Sunday night, Sanjeev, left, of Cumin, reported that at least four people from the fest suffered heat exhaustion outside Cumin's door over the two day fest and cooled off inside his modern Nepalese and Indian restaurant, which provided A/C and water to those who most needed it.
'Where is She Now?' an Up Close interview with Paula Barrington, by Pat J. Daily, which we were unable to feature in the printed booklet due to costs, is Sponsored by Cumin Modern Nepalese and Indian Restaurant, 1414 N Milw. Back in 2009, Paula, former executive director of the WPB Chamber of Commerce, invited us to assist her with putting together a weekly member e-newsletter, which evolved into The Pipeline.
Mention that you heard Cumin was supposed to be included in the We're in The Neighborhood booklet, but there was some sort of snafu, as in Alisa was doing too many things at once and neglected to send Cumin's ad to the designer, and you will receive $1 off your next lunch lunch buffet at Cumin!
 | Paula Barrington, now in Uptown! |
Paula Barrington shows me a small plastic jar sitting on her desk. It's labeled "Argyle Street Asian Blend," from the Spice House in Old Town. Per the store's Web site, the neighborhood tribute is a mixture of "toasted and black sesame seeds, lemon grass, ginger, cilantro, onion, garlic, chile peppers, coriander, white pepper, and salt."
But Paula notes that there's more to Uptown than its vibrant slice of Asia along Argyle, a couple blocks north of her office on the eighth floor of the Broadview Bank Building at the neighborhood vortex, Broadway and Lawrence. For one thing, Bucktown-Wicker Park is "younger, more affluent, with more disposable income." Which means that when she says Uptown is "much more diverse," it means there's a lot of people there who are not so affluent.
With that in mind, Uptown's chamber is partnered with two other outfits in a kind of triumvirate. Paula heads up Business Partners--the Chamber for Uptown (that's what the Uptowners call their Chamber of Commerce). Allied with the chamber are Development Partners (real estate developers, urban planners, and "economic development specialists"), and Community Partners, a group of nonprofits and social service agencies. Read more here.
The Week Ahead is  sponsored by Jackson Junge Gallery and Framing
1389 N. Milw. P: 773-227-7900; Tues-Sa. 11AM-8PM; Sun. Noon-5PM | Thurs. July 28 2-8PM: Polish Triangle Markeplace (Polish Triangle, at Ashland/Division/Damen) 6-11PM: Third Year Anniversary, Atomic Sketch (Green Eye Lounge)
 | Park events- click to enlarge | Fri. July 29 6-9PM: Wicker Mic (Wicker Park) 7-11PM: Art Opening: Reframing Ruin: A prelude to the Bloomingdale Trail Photo Exhibit (2644 N. Milw.)
8PM: Comedy: Astronaut Theatre (Gorilla Tango) Sat. July 30 11AM: Super 70% Off Clearance Sale Begins (Cat & Mouse) 1-6PM: Vintage Heaven Market (Heaven Gallery) Sat. July 30 6:30PM: FUNdraiser: Bizarre Bazaar!!!!!! If you are reading this, or have been reading or relying on the pipeline for local news, for more than a few months, or maybe even a couple of years, we'd love for you to come out and join us at this first ever FUNdraiser, raffle, VARIETY SHOW, and booklet launch! Don't see your name on the flier? Call 773-960-3997! All welcome to come out and promote yourself, your wares, your services, mingle etc. (Congress Theatre)
 | Cick to Enlarge | Dusk: Movies-in-the-Park, Shrek, Forever (Holstein Park)
Sun. July 31 8AM-2PM: Wicker Park Farmers Market 11AM: Magic Boat Puppet Show 10AM-3PM: Logan Square Farmers' Market
Wed. Aug. 3 3PM: Month-long IPA FEST 2011 Kickoff (Quenchers Saloon)
Sat. Aug. 6
 | a piece by MichaelO, view it IRL Sat. Aug. 6 at OhNoDoom
| 6-10PM: Art Opening: Assembly Line Collective (OhNo!Doom Gallery)
Mon. Aug. 8: Opening Day of Native Foods Cafe! (1484 N. Milw.) Thurs. Aug. 11 7-9PM: First Ward Meet-and-Greet with Ald. 'Proco' Joe Moreno (Jackson Junge)
Mon. Aug. 15 Dusk: Movies-in-the-Park, Scott Pilgrim (Wicker Park)
Fri. Aug. 12- Sat. Aug. 13 BUILT Festival by FUZE (Aldi Parking Lot) Sat. Aug. 13 2PM: Artist Talk!: Brian Morgan of Momentum Wild (Jackson Junge) SAT/SUN: 8/27-28: Bucktown Arts Fest ART WATCH:
Dina Petrakis: A Year in Humboldt Park (Birchwood Kitchen) Stephanie Owen (Three Birds Gallery) Selected works by Charlie B. Thorne (Eye Want's Eyeporium Gallery) Philin Phlash Retrospective Photo Gallery (Skewerz) Through July 30: Kendell Carter: Liberation Summer (monique meloche) ART Teachers: Redefined (FIAA bldg; 3rd Floor Gallery) Out of Darkness: stef sola (RGB Lounge) Through Aug. 25: Momentum Wild (Jackson Junge Gallery) PERFORMANCES OF NOTE: Through July 31: The Rose of Stambul (Chopin Theatre) *Do you have an event to share? Let us know! |
100% FREE!
FIND Your Copy of WIN Today!
| Yuca Cafe, 2257 W. North Bucktown Fitness Club , 2100 W. North West on North Restaurant , 2509 W. North Bon Bon Vietnamese Sandwiches , 2333 W. North Crespo's Finer Foods, 2157 W. North
D& D Food & Liquors, 2006 W. Damen
Stuart Simon was standing at the bus stop when we struck up a conversation and found out he was born in 1936 at St. Elizabeth's Hospital up the street. We offered Stuart a booklet. He surprised us by saying, "Oh that? I already have one!" Then he dug deep inside his bag and fished out a copy he said he'd just picked up while at The UPS Store, 1658 N. Milw.. Wow!
The Couples' Corner, 2014 W. Division
Cat & Mouse Game Store, 2212 W. Armitage Club Lucky, 1824 W. Wabansia
Olivia's Market, 2014 W .Wabansia See many more spots HERE*.
VAS Foremost Liquors , 2300 N. Milw. NOW Studio , 2515 N. California The Red Apple Buffet , 3161 N Milw.
** Are we missing your establishment? We are in the process of distributing booklets. Call 773-960-3997 to pick up a box, or a partial box. Just a few boxes remain. Thank you! | Offer Expires: When Booklets are Gone |