The DVHS PTSA requests your help to serve or nominate others to serve on the 2024-2025 DVHS PTSA Executive Board.
Please nominate yourself or recommend nominees for one or more elected executive board positions and/or appointed and committee chair positions.Nominations can be submitted here!
All positions, elected and appointed, are for one-year terms. Elected positions must not be occupied by the same person for more than two consecutive terms.
The elected executive board positions are: President, Executive Vice President, VP of Legislation, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Auditor, and Historian.
The appointed and committee chair positions are: Communications, Grad Night, Health & Safety, Hospitality, Inclusion & Diversity, Membership, Mental Health & Wellness, Parent and Community Concerns, Reflections, Run for Education, Senior Scholarship, Sister School, Special Needs, Student Directory, and Teacher Grants.
Job descriptions for the elected positions can be found at http://toolkit.capta.org/job-descriptions/table-of-contents/
Names of the chairs and members of 2023-24 committees can be found at https://dvhs.srvusd.net/StudentsFamilies/PTSA/PTSA-Board/index.html
Elections will be held during the March DVHS PTSA Association meeting on March 19, 2024.
Please submit nominations here by Tuesday, January 30th, 2024.
For questions please contact