Feb 19 -20 -- Block Day Schedule
Feb 21 -- Regular Day Schedule
Feb 19 -20 -- California Healthy Kids Survey
Feb 19 -- 3rd Quarter progress report ends
Feb 20 -- Mock Admissions Case Study event on Feb 20th, 6-8 pm for DVHS juniors & parents only
Feb 24 -- Music Boosters meetings
Feb 24, 26 & March 3, 6 -- Parent/Guardian Info Night by DVHS Counseling Dept.
March 4-7; 10-13 -- CAASPP assessment for Juniors
March 19-20 -- CAST exam for Seniors
March 31 -- SENIORS deadline for ordering caps & gowns
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DVHS Counseling Department
The DVHS Counseling team will host Parent/Guardian Information Nights, providing valuable insights into the course selection process and preparing your student for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year. No RSVP is required for these information nights. Please plan to attend!
Incoming 12th graders: 2/24, 6:30 PM - Performing Arts Center
Incoming 11th graders: 2/26, 6:30 PM - Performing Arts Center
Incoming 10th graders: 3/3, 6:30 PM - Performing Arts Center
Incoming 9th graders: 3/6, 5:00 PM - Main Gym
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March 4-7; 10 -13; 19-20
Juniors will take the CAASPP Math assessment March 4 - 7 in their English classes and the CAASPP English Language Arts assessment March 10-13 in their US History classes. Seniors will take the science portion of the exam (CAST) in their Gov/Econ classes March 19 & 20. For more information and a bell schedule of the testing, please see the CAASPP bell schedule and the SRVUSD CAASPP page.
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California Healthy Kids Survey
Reminder: The California Healthy Kids Survey will be administered on February 19 and 20. This anonymous survey helps us improve student well-being and school climate.
If you DO NOT want your child to participate, please email Assistant Principal Earvin Buckner at ebuckner@srvusd.net to opt out.
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Mock Admissions Case Study event
The College & Career Center is planning the Mock Admissions Case Study event on Feb 20, 6-8 pm. It is a a fun and informative evening event that pulls back the curtain on the college admissions process. Families can discover what makes a candidate stand out at different types of colleges and pick up valuable tips for applying—with a mini college fair at the end. Parents will stay in the main meeting room, and students will break out into different classrooms.
This event is for a total of 100-125 juniors plus one parent per student. Since we believe there will be much more interest than available spots, please
click here to SIGN UP ASAP
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3rd Quarter progress report
The 3rd Quarter progress report ends today, and final progress report grades will be available to students and parents at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, February 19. Please be sure to check your student's grades and reach out to teachers if you have any questions or concerns.
To monitor your student’s grades, please use Infinite Campus. Please watch this tutorial video to help navigate this platform. I encourage you to watch the video together with your student. For second semester grades, have student’s select Term 4 (T4).
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DVHS PTSA 2025-2026 Nomination
The Dougherty Valley High School PTSA works closely with the DVHS administration, staff, and leadership, as well as PTA leadership at the San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs to provide leadership, support programming, advocate for children, and keep parents up to date on what they need to know to be partners in their children's education and what's happening in the community. We invite you to join us!
Each year, the PTSA holds open elections for all positions and invites Parents, Teachers, and Students to participate. There are several ways to get involved. We are looking for office holders (new and returning) for the DVHS PTSA for the 2025/26 school year.
All positions are now open:
President, Exec Vice President, Vice President, Family Engagement, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Financial Reviewer, Historian
Committee Chairs/Appointed positions
Parliamentarian, Communications (Newsletter & Website), Communications (Social Media), Grad Activities, Health & Wellness, Honorary Service Awards (HSA), Hospitality, Inclusion & Diversity, Legislative Advocacy, Membership/Registration, Reflections Arts Program, Run for Education, Senior Scholarships, Sister School, Special Needs, Teacher Appreciation, Teacher Grants
If you are interested or you know someone who may be best for any of these roles please nominate yourself or your friend in this link by Feb 28!
Elections will be held during the March Association meeting on March 18, 2025.
For more information on roles and responsibility, please visit capta
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DVHS Music Booster
Music Booster Board Meetings are held monthly in the band room at 6:30 PM. During the meetings, we discuss upcoming events, identify any needed support, and help make DVHS's music program the best-in-class. All parents are welcome!
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
- Monday , Feb 24
- Monday, March 24
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DVHS Athletic Booster
4-25 AthleticBooster Boa
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Team Donations
Congratulations to all our Winter teams for successful seasons! Good Luck with Playoffs!!
Thank you also to all our Winter Sport families who donated, but we are still 49K short for our winter sports operating budget. If you haven’t donated yet, please do so now. Click here to donate. If you want to better understand your sport team’s budget and how your donations help, reach out to your team parent or email us at dvhighab@gmail.com.
Winter Team Donations so far:
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Sport | Percent Funded | Basketball - Women | 52% | Basketball - Men | 91% | Soccer - Women | 68% | Soccer - Men | 74% | Wrestling | 83% | | |
ATTENTION Spring Athlete Parents!
Spring Sports parent meeting will be on February 20th at 6pm in the Commons. At this meeting, you will receive more information from your team parents and coaches about your winter sport team’s budget, please review and donate. Winter Sports Donations are 49K short for our winter operating budget and these shortfalls pose a serious threat to the continued success and sustainability of our beloved sports teams. We do not want to have the same for our spring sports. Your generous contributions are essential to providing our student-athletes with the necessary resources to not only compete at a high level but also to ensure the continued existence of our programs. Aside from the Head Coach, which is covered by the district, all other costs must be covered by parent donations. These funds support equipment purchases, facility use, League Fees, assistant coaching salaries, and more. Without your support, we risk having to cut back on programs or even eliminate them entirely.
We understand that everyone's financial situation is different, but even small donations can make a big impact. Your support will help ensure that our student-athletes have the opportunity to develop their skills, learn important life lessons, and create lasting memories.
Please make your donations to our winter athletics programs. Your generosity will help us maintain the quality of our sports offerings and provide our students with a positive and enriching experience.
We are selling DVHS Athletics Swag! Portion of your order will go directly to Athletic Boosters! Check out our DVHS Apparel Store
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Crab Feed - We are SOLD OUT!! Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket and supported DVHS Athletic Boosters! We are looking forward to seeing you on March 7th!
Our ONLINE AUCTION starts on Monday 2/24!! Look out for some exciting team baskets, winery experiences, services from local businesses, sports tickets, graduation parking spots, gift cards and much much more! If you won’t be able to attend our crab feed, this is a great way to support DVHS athletics. Link will be available on our Athletic Booster Website on 2/24!!
Next Athletic Booster meeting
Next Meeting will be Monday, March 3rd, 2025 @ 5:30-7:00 p.m in DVHS Library.
We are Social:
Please follow us on Facebook
Instagram @dvhsathleticboosters
Twitter @DV_AthBoosters
Questions? Email us at dvhighab@gmail.com
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In-person Dyslexia Simulation - An Interactive Event for Families & Staff
The SRV Council of PTAs' Exceptional Education Committee is hosting an in-person, interactive workshop that will help individuals gain a better understanding of and empathy for children and adults with dyslexia. Leaders of Decoding Dyslexia CA’s Tri-Valley Dyslexia Support Group will facilitate the experience.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
6:00 to 7:30pm
in the Board Room at the San Ramon Valley Unified School District Education Center
699 Old Orchard Rd., Danville, CA 94526
Please REGISTER to attend so that we have enough materials for everyone and can plan accordingly.
Dyslexia is a language-based learning difference that makes learning to read, spell and write difficult. Participants will be guided through a series of exercises that simulate how those with dyslexia experience reading, writing and processing information in the classroom.
The experience is designed for adults, but families with older children may wish to participate together. Guests from other school districts are welcome!
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DVHS English Learner Advisory Committee Interest / Nomination Form 2024-25
Every school with 21 or more English learners must have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The DVHS ELAC is responsible for reviewing and using information from many sources to make decisions about improving programs at our school. Our ELAC gives input on how to use funding to improve academic achievement for English Learners. The next meetings will take place on Tuesday 2/4 from 5:00-5:30 pm on Google Meet and Friday 3/21 at 5:30 pm in the Auxiliary Gym at DVHS in collaboration with representatives from Gale Ranch Middle School and Windemere Ranch Middle School. This year we have open seats for parents/community members. If you would like to be a part of this council, please complete this form. We will be sending home ballots soon with the names of all parents that are interested in serving. Thank you!
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DVHS 2025-2026 Dance Program Auditions
All who are interested are welcome! Auditions are open to all levels and experience in different dance styles. Click here for flyer with more information, clinic dates, and audition dates.
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ASB Package
Support school events and save money by purchasing the ASB Package on the webstore! To purchase, click on the webstore link and log in before selecting Dougherty Valley High School in the dropdown menu and clicking on the “ASB” section. This package includes :
1. Yearbook ($135 value).
2. ASB T-shirt ($15 value)
3. Free Admission to all HOME EBAL athletic events ($80+ value)
4. Discount on Prideline Spirit Items
5. Discount on Junior/Senior Ball & Senior Wildcat
6. Discount for Homecoming Tickets
7. Supports our student Newspaper - "The Wildcat Tribune"
This is a limited time offer so don't miss out!
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DVHS Library
How can you help support the DVHS library? There are a few ways!
We have an Amazon Wish List that we update frequently. Everything from bookmarks to games, school supplies, and, of course, books! Items get sent directly to us.
Make a donation via the Future Fund 100% of the donation comes directly to the library.
- Do you have any gently used AP/SAT/ACT/College prep books that are no longer needed? We’d love any issues from 2022 onward! You can drop them off in the front office or send them with your student.
Lastly, we would like to offer our sincerest thanks to families who donated to the DVHS Library during registration. Your donations will be used this year, for your student(s). Without donations, we could not thrive to the capacity that we do! If you did not get a chance to make a donation or want to donate again, it’s not too late! Please visit the FutureFund website to donate.
Please reach out with any questions! We are here to serve the fabulous patrons of the amazing DVHS community!
Mrs. Knapp Ms. Hussenet Annalisa Raphael
kknapp@srvusd.net ahussenet@srvusd.net araphael@srvusd.net
Teacher Librarian Teacher Librarian Library Media Coordinator
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15 apps parents should know about
Courtesy of the Contra Costa count District Attorney's office and the San Jose PD's Silicon Valley Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, check this list and descriptions of 15 apps you should know about as a parent.
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Student drop-off/pick-up
It is important that everyone uses caution on the streets and in our parking lot. DVHS will have just over 3,000 individuals coming to campus at the start of each day. By law, fire lanes MUST BE CLEAR AT ALL TIMES and cannot be used for pick-up or drop-off; This is considered a civil code violation. Please plan for morning drop-off delays; the best time to arrive without any delays is between 8:05 and 8:15 am. Click here to see more information regarding traffic and student safety information.
Student drop-off and pick-up should be along the drive loop in front of the school, or families can park in the student parking lot. However, the staff parking lot is off limits for student drop-off and pick-up. The staff parking area consists of the first two rows of parking stalls closest to the school under the solar panels and the parking spots directly in front of the gym.
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Bike and scooter riders -- please note
Please be sure to lock up your bike or scooter when you arrive on campus. We've noticed an increase in bikes and scooters being taken from or being found in different areas around the school. Locking up your belongings is the best way to ensure they stay safe. If you see anything suspicious, please report it to a staff member right away. Let’s work together to keep our campus secure! Please note that DVHS is not responsible for lost or stolen bikes or scooters.
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Attendance Updates
Attendance rates have improved!
Our attendance rates this year have improved every month compared to last year! This helps tremendously with ADA funding. December alone saw a .79% increase in attendance compared to last year. Overall, we are up to 96.78%; a .49% increase for the semester compared to last year.
In case you are wondering how this compares to the semester before COVID (8/2019-12/2019), the attendance rate then was 97.14%. We still have a little work to do to get back to that... but we are getting there!
To maintain this positive trend, we kindly remind parents and caregivers of the following important procedures:
Early Pick-Up
If your student needs to be picked up early from school, please notify the attendance office in advance (see phone numbers below). This will help us ensure that your student's departure is handled efficiently and does not disrupt classroom instruction.
Absence Corrections
Should you notice that your student has been mistakenly marked absent, please ask your student to communicate with their teacher to complete an absence correction form. This will help us keep accurate records and ensure that your student’s attendance is properly documented.
To report an absence, call 925-479-6400, press 1, then press:
- Last name A-Ful, press 1 for Attendance Secretary Heidi Bindi
- Last name Fum-Loz, press 2 for Attendance Secretary Angela Larraga
- Last name Lu-Sand, press 3 for Attendance Secretary Laurie Bowen
- Last name Sang-Z, press 4 for Attendance Secretary Tharsne Supramaniam
Again, thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to your student's education. If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding attendance, please do not hesitate to visit our Attendance page or contact our Attendance Office.
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Support the Future of DVHS: A Call for Continued Generosity
Over the past several months, the San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) has been grappling with a significant challenge—a $24 million budget shortfall for the 2025-2026 school year. Given this financial strain, your continued generosity has become even more crucial. At Dougherty Valley High School (DVHS), your support plays a vital role in helping us provide essential resources and opportunities for our students.
Thanks to your donations, the DVHS Education Fund (Ed Fund) has been able to direct all your contributions directly back to our school, enhancing the educational experience for every student. Our goal is to ensure that the funds we approve benefit the entire student body, and we are proud to share the results of your support.
Impact of Your Donations
Classroom Size Reduction: The largest portion of our funds, totaling $390,150, went toward reducing class sizes in core academic subjects such as English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. This initiative enabled smaller class sizes and allowed students to pursue a 7-period day.
Classroom Supplies: Once again, we were able to cover the $80,000 cost of essential classroom consumables for teachers, eliminating the need for parents to make additional donations for subjects like Science, Art, Math, or English. Your support has ensured that all DVHS students have access to the materials they need to succeed.
Facing New Challenges
Over the past couple of years, the Ed Fund has utilized its reserves to address growing needs, including additional outdoor seating and classroom furniture replacement. While donations have increased, we are now facing a concerning decline in corporate matching gifts—from $117,000 last year to only $57,000 as of January 2025. This unusual shortfall means we may have to make difficult decisions in the coming school year about scaling back on crucial initiatives, such as classroom size reduction or essential supplies.
How You Can Help
We urge you to consider doubling your impact by taking advantage of corporate matching programs. Many companies offer matching donations, and it’s an easy way to increase the funds available to support our students. To find out if your employer participates in corporate matching, please visit the following link and search for your company name: Corporate Matching Gifts
For any questions, please reach out to Lily Ding at dvhsedfund@gmail.com.
Thank you for your continued support of the DVHS Education Fund and for helping us provide an exceptional education for every student.
The DVHS Education Fund | A qualified nonprofit under IRS Section 501(c)(3)
EIN: 65-1297028 | Website: DVHS Education Fund
Athletic Boosters open positions
Interested in working with DVHS Athletic boosters? These positions are currently open: Director of Fundraising; Matching Funds; Team Manager Representative. Contact dvhighab@gmail.com for more info!
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DVHS PTSA Membership
Did you know that your donations to the DVHS PTSA are eligible for corporate matching programs? You can help the PTSA earn more money to support our students and school community simply by taking advantage of your employer’s donation matching program. Go to our page on the Benevity portal for more info: https://causes.benevity.org/content/dougherty-valley-high-school-ptsa.
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Update Your Newsletter Subscription | |
If you or your child will be at a different school site this coming school year, please take a moment to update your email list subscriptions to make sure that you receive summer communications. This is necessary because our newsletter/email lists do not get updated until after Labor Day. Just click on the Update Profile link down in the footer of this message and check the lists that you want to be on (and uncheck any you no longer want). This is also the place to update your email address if you've changed it.
All are welcome -- parents, family members, students, teachers, staff, and community members. Choose the school or specialty lists that best suit your interests. This is a great time for current 8th-grade families to join their high school lists. High School students interested in receiving their high school newsletters are also welcome to subscribe!
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Parents of recent Graduates: You're welcome to stay on the high school list, but if you'd prefer to stop receiving newsletters and school updates, click on the Update Profile link in the council newsletter and uncheck any lists you no longer want to hear from. We encourage you to subscribe to an Alumni Parent list or follow the DVHS PTSA on Social Media. | | | | |