Jan 10 -- First semester grades will be available to view via the Infinite Campus portal. See "Checking Grades on Infinite Campus" further down in this newsletter.
Jan 14 -- DVHS COURSE Selection Chit Chat at DVHS Commons, 7 pm
Jan 19 -- DEADLINE to order 2025 DVHS yearbook.
Jan 20 -- Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday
Jan 21 -- Navigating Academic & College Planning Workshop at DVHS Library, 7 pm
Jan 25 -- Blue Pearl Dance (7 pm - 9:30 pm)
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DVHS COURSE Selection Chit Chat - Jan 14, 2025
It's that time of the year again! As our high schoolers embark on their academic journey, we understand the importance of thoughtful course selection. DVHS PTSA will host this informative discussion session on January 14, 2025 at 7 pm at DVHS Commons. Join us for an informal, informative chit-chat session to discuss various courses, academic pathways, and how to best support your child's educational goals. Please submit the RSVP form and add any questions you may have regarding course selection and the topics below. We will have a panel consisting of admin, counselor, and current students who are juniors/seniors, alumni students, knowledgeable parents etc. Incoming Freshmen parents are welcome!
- Understanding graduation requirements
- Exploring elective options
- Navigating advanced placement (AP) courses
- Tips for a balanced course load
- Q&A session for your queries
Please submit the RSVP form and add any questions you may have by January 10, 2025.
Let's come together to ensure our students have the best possible guidance for a successful academic journey. Your involvement matters!
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DVHS PTSA Presents: "Navigating Academic & College Planning" Workshop - Jan 21
Dear Dougherty Valley High School Parents,
We invite you to join us for an important PTSA presentation designed to help you support your student's academic journey and college planning process:
Event Details:
Topic: "Navigating Academic & College Planning: A Roadmap for High School Parents"
- Date: January 21st, 2024
- Time: 7:00 PM
- Location: DVHS Library
Presenter: Strive Path Academic College Planning Firm
This informative session will provide valuable insights and strategies for parents to effectively guide their students through high school academics and the college planning process. The presentation will help you understand:
- Key academic planning milestones
- College preparation timeline
- Strategies for supporting your student's success
- Important considerations for college planning
The workshop will be led by experts from Strive Path Academic College Planning Firm, who specialize in helping families navigate the complex world of college admissions and academic planning.
Space may be limited, so we encourage you to please RSVP by filling out the google form here to attend. All DVHS parents are welcome to attend this free PTSA-sponsored event.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best regards, DVHS PTSA
Rajee Subramanian
President (she, her, hers)
Dougherty Valley High School PTSA
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Senior Yacht Night: June 5, 2025 - Ticket sale is open!
DVHS PTSA invites all seniors to celebrate their graduation 2025! The Senior Yacht Grad Night tickets are now on sale! Join us for an enchanting cruise along the picturesque San Francisco Bay on the evening of June 5, 2024, the night before DVHS 2025 graduation day.
Just heads up to secure your spot on this exclusive yacht experience, as we have limited availability (first come first served) for approximately 300 guests at a cost of $210 per student until Dec 20, 2024, $220 per student until Jan 30, $225 until March 15. Your ticket includes a 4-hour cruise on the bay, round-trip bus transportation to and from DVHS, a delightful buffet, refreshing beverages, a lively DJ, casino tables, photo booths, and much more! Click here for the flyer!
Tickets sell out quickly in a few hours so please get it now! Click here for TICKET SALES! Open only to current senior students! Space limited, first come first served basis!
Looking forward to celebrating this significant milestone with your seniors on the open waters! We will have parent chaperones to keep them safe while on the cruise.
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Scholarship Opportunity for Seniors
The Thirty-Second District PTA annually awards up to six (6) $500.00 scholarships to seniors graduating from Contra Costa County high schools. To qualify, students must:
- Be a senior at a high school that maintains an active PTSA.
- Be a member of their high school PTSA.
- Be in good standing at their school with a minimum GPA of 2.0.
- Plan to attend an accredited career or technical school, community college, or four-year college.
Applications must be submitted electronically by Friday, January 10, 2025 at 11:59 pm: www.32ndpta.org/scholarships. Questions? Email scholarships@32ndpta.org or president@32ndpta.org.
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DVHS English Learner Advisory Committee Interest / Nomination Form 2024-25
Every school with 21 or more English learners must have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The DVHS ELAC is responsible for reviewing and using information from many sources to make decisions about improving programs at our school. Our ELAC gives input on how to use funding to improve academic achievement for English Learners. The next meetings will take place on Tuesday 2/4 from 5:00-5:30 pm on Google Meet and Friday 3/21 at 5:30 pm in the Auxiliary Gym at DVHS in collaboration with representatives from Gale Ranch Middle School and Windemere Ranch Middle School. This year we have open seats for parents/community members. If you would like to be a part of this council, please complete this form. We will be sending home ballots soon with the names of all parents that are interested in serving. Thank you!
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Street Smarts "Be Reel!" Video Contest is Here!
Enter for a chance to win amazing prizes! Contest ends at 4:00 P.M. on January 30, 2025!
Contest Overview: The Street Smarts “Be Reel!” Video Contest invites San Ramon Valley students to showcase their traffic safety knowledge by creating engaging public service announcements (PSAs). This initiative aims to raise awareness about traffic safety issues within the community, benefiting both participants and viewers.
Eligibility: Grades 6 – 8 and Grades 9 – 12 are eligible to enter, with separate contests for each category. Middle school and high school students can collaborate, but their entry will be judged in the high school category.
This Year’s Theme: “Safety First!” Get ready to showcase your creativity and knowledge! Start planning your PSA today! For full rules and guidelines, please visit Street Smarts Video Contest!
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SRVCPTA Reflections Showcase and Awards Ceremony
SRVCPTA Reflections Showcase and Award Ceremony took place on 3rd December at California High School , where Ryan W (Photography) and Gannon G ( Film Production) were presented Award of Excellence for advancing next level, i.e Thirty Second District level
And here are Award of Merit recipients :
Vainavi K Grade- 12 Literature (Dark Elbowed Goddess)
Sanvi G Grade - 12 Music Composition (Chasing Imperfections)
Sarah R Grade –11 Visual Arts ( Imperfection's Embrace)
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Checking Grades on Infinite Campus
To monitor your student’s grades, please use Infinite Campus. Please watch this tutorial video to help navigate this platform. we encourage you to watch the video together with your student.
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Seeking Students for Workshops on Menu Selection for Fall 2025
The Child Nutrition department is hosting Student Workshops at all high schools and two middle schools—Pine Valley and Diablo Vista—to engage students in menu selection for Fall 2025.
Students will provide feedback on current menu items, evaluate new recipes, and discuss healthy eating. Enthusiastic students passionate about food and nutrition are encouraged to sign up via the linked Google Sign Up Form. For questions, contact the Child Nutrition department at SRVUSDEats@srvusd.net.
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ASB Package
Support school events and save money by purchasing the ASB Package on the webstore! To purchase, click on the webstore link and log in before selecting Dougherty Valley High School in the dropdown menu and clicking on the “ASB” section. This package includes :
1. Yearbook ($135 value).
2. ASB T-shirt ($15 value)
3. Free Admission to all HOME EBAL athletic events ($80+ value)
4. Discount on Prideline Spirit Items
5. Discount on Junior/Senior Ball & Senior Wildcat
6. Discount for Homecoming Tickets
7. Supports our student Newspaper - "The Wildcat Tribune"
This is a limited time offer so don't miss out!
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DVHS Music Booster
Music Booster Board Meetings are held monthly in the band room at 6:30 PM. During the meetings, we discuss upcoming events, identify any needed support, and help make DVHS's music program the best-in-class. All parents are welcome!
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
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DVHS Athletic Booster
4-25 AthleticBooster Boa
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Team Donations
Thank you to all our parents who have already made donations to your athlete’s teams. Your team donations go directly to support the expenses in the team budget, so please donate! Any programs that hits the 75% received category will receive a bonus of $500 from Athletic Boosters.
Winter Team Donations so far:
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Sport | Percent Funded | Basketball - Women | 12% | Basketball - Men | 35% | Soccer - Women | 3% | Soccer - Men | 13% | Wrestling | 24% | | |
To run successful programs our teams need to hit their budgets. Your generous contributions are essential to providing our student-athletes with the necessary resources to not only compete at a high level but also to ensure the continued existence of our programs. Aside from the Head Coach, which is covered by the district, all other costs must be covered by parent donations. These funds support equipment purchases, facility use, League Fees, assistant coaching salaries, and more. Without your support, we risk having to cut back on programs or even eliminate them entirely.
We understand that everyone's financial situation is different, but even small donations can make a big impact. Your support will help ensure that our student-athletes have the opportunity to develop their skills, learn important life lessons, and create lasting memories.
Please make your donations to our winter athletics programs.Click here to donate. If you want to better understand your sport team’s budget and how your donations help, reach out to your team parent or email us at dvhighab@gmail.com. Your generosity will help us maintain the quality of our sports offerings and provide our students with a positive and enriching experience.
We are selling DVHS Athletics Swag! Portion of your order will go directly to Athletic Boosters! Check out our DVHS Apparel Store
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Crab Feed Tickets going on sale next week! Check out our instagram and Facebook for a link!
Have a business or know a business owner? We need YOUR help. We need the partnership and support of the greater San Ramon and nearby business community by way of your sponsorship in order to continue our athletic success. Please click for sponsorship opportunities.
Next Athletic Booster meeting
Next Meeting will be Monday, January 13, 2025 @ 5:30-7:00 p.m in DVHS Library.
We are Social:
Please follow us on Facebook
Instagram @dvhsathleticboosters
Twitter @DV_AthBoosters
Questions? Email us at dvhighab@gmail.com
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DVHS Library
How can you help support the DVHS library? There are a few ways!
We have an Amazon Wish List that we update frequently. Everything from bookmarks to games, school supplies, and, of course, books! Items get sent directly to us.
Make a donation via the Future Fund 100% of the donation comes directly to the library.
- Do you have any gently used AP/SAT/ACT/College prep books that are no longer needed? We’d love any issues from 2022 onward! You can drop them off in the front office or send them with your student.
Lastly, we would like to offer our sincerest thanks to families who donated to the DVHS Library during registration. Your donations will be used this year, for your student(s). Without donations, we could not thrive to the capacity that we do! If you did not get a chance to make a donation or want to donate again, it’s not too late! Please visit the FutureFund website to donate.
Please reach out with any questions! We are here to serve the fabulous patrons of the amazing DVHS community!
Mrs. Knapp Ms. Hussenet Annalisa Raphael
kknapp@srvusd.net ahussenet@srvusd.net araphael@srvusd.net
Teacher Librarian Teacher Librarian Library Media Coordinator
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Student drop-off/pick-up
It is important that everyone uses caution on the streets and in our parking lot. DVHS will have just over 3,000 individuals coming to campus at the start of each day. By law, fire lanes MUST BE CLEAR AT ALL TIMES and cannot be used for pick-up or drop-off; This is considered a civil code violation. Please plan for morning drop-off delays; the best time to arrive without any delays is between 8:05 and 8:15 am. Click here to see more information regarding traffic and student safety information.
Student drop-off and pick-up should be along the drive loop in front of the school, or families can park in the student parking lot. However, the staff parking lot is off limits for student drop-off and pick-up. The staff parking area consists of the first two rows of parking stalls closest to the school under the solar panels and the parking spots directly in front of the gym.
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Bike and scooter riders -- please note
Please be sure to lock up your bike or scooter when you arrive on campus. We've noticed an increase in bikes and scooters being taken from or being found in different areas around the school. Locking up your belongings is the best way to ensure they stay safe. If you see anything suspicious, please report it to a staff member right away. Let’s work together to keep our campus secure! Please note that DVHS is not responsible for lost or stolen bikes or scooters.
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Attendance Updates
This October, our school achieved an impressive attendance rate of 96.49%, showing an improvement over last year’s rate of 95.97%. Our goal is to reach 97%. To achieve this, we need the continued dedication and commitment of both our students and their families to ensure regular school attendance. Thank you for your ongoing support!
To maintain this positive trend, we kindly remind parents and guardians of the following important procedures:
Early Pick-Up
If your student needs to be picked up early from school, please notify the attendance office in advance (see phone numbers below). This will help us ensure that your student's departure is handled efficiently and does not disrupt classroom instruction.
Absence Corrections
Should you notice that your student has been mistakenly marked absent, please ask your student to communicate with their teacher to complete an absence correction form. This will help us keep accurate records and ensure that your student’s attendance is properly documented.
To report an absence, call 925-479-6400, press 1, then press:
Last name A-Ful, press 1 for Attendance Secretary Heidi Bindi
Last name Fum-Loz, press 2 for Attendance Secretary Angela Larraga
Last name Lu-Sand, press 3 for Attendance Secretary Laurie Bowen
Last name Sang-Z, press 4 for Attendance Secretary Tharsne Supramaniam
Again, thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to your student's education. If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding attendance, please do not hesitate to visit our Attendance page or contact our Attendance Office.
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DVHS PTSA Membership
Did you know that your donations to the DVHS PTSA are eligible for corporate matching programs? You can help the PTSA earn more money to support our students and school community simply by taking advantage of your employer’s donation matching program. Go to our page on the Benevity portal for more info: https://causes.benevity.org/content/dougherty-valley-high-school-ptsa.
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Update Your Newsletter Subscription | |
If you or your child will be at a different school site this coming school year, please take a moment to update your email list subscriptions to make sure that you receive summer communications. This is necessary because our newsletter/email lists do not get updated until after Labor Day. Just click on the Update Profile link down in the footer of this message and check the lists that you want to be on (and uncheck any you no longer want). This is also the place to update your email address if you've changed it.
All are welcome -- parents, family members, students, teachers, staff, and community members. Choose the school or specialty lists that best suit your interests. This is a great time for current 8th-grade families to join their high school lists. High School students interested in receiving their high school newsletters are also welcome to subscribe!
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Parents of recent Graduates: You're welcome to stay on the high school list, but if you'd prefer to stop receiving newsletters and school updates, click on the Update Profile link in the council newsletter and uncheck any lists you no longer want to hear from. We encourage you to subscribe to an Alumni Parent list or follow the DVHS PTSA on Social Media. | | | | |