September 29, 2023

Dear Saint Andrew Catholic School & Parish Community,


Happy Fall! Though it continues to be unseasonably warm in Texas, the mornings are cooler giving us hope that cooler days and fall colors are on the way. The fall season is a very busy time of year that leads straight into an even busier time as we approach the holiday season and then the start of Advent. Please be sure to read through the Wildcat Weekly newsletter each week to keep up with all that’s going on at SAS!


Next Wednesday, October 4th, students will participate in the October Faith Families Assembly, as we introduce the Virtue for the month of October, the Virtue of Reverence. More information regarding the Faith Families lesson and the service project your students will be participating in that day will be communicated to parents.


Speaking of service projects, our service project for the month of September related to the virtue of the month, Faith, was a collection to benefit Sacred Hearts Catholic School in Lahaina, Hawaii. The school was completely destroyed in the horrible fires last month, but the Sacred Hearts school community has faith that through the generosity of others and by the grace of God, they will rebuild. We will continue collecting money through next Wednesday and students are encouraged to fill the collection jars that are in each classroom with their donations.


The Fall Festival is Sunday, October 8th, 11:00AM – 3:00PM on street, parking lots, and the athletic fields across from the school & church. Be sure to bring your families and make some very special memories as this long-standing, annual event is not to be missed! Please see more Fall Festival information below in this newsletter.


We will have our Fall Festival Pep Rally next Friday, October 6th at 2:30PM in the gym. Our cheerleaders are ready to get the excitement going and we look forward to our Wildcats going a little wild! Parents are welcome to attend and are asked to register at the link below (in this newsletter) so we can have name badges prepared in advance making check in at the front desk a little easier.


The First Quarter ends Friday, October 13, 2023. Please be sure to check your students’ academic progress via FACTS and contact the teacher with any questions. First quarter report cards will be given to parents during the upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences which will take place on Thursday, October 19th and Friday October 20th. Please look for a SignUpGenius (SUG) to sign up for conferences which will be emailed to parents by the end of next week and will also be in next week’s Wildcat Weekly.


Reminder: October marks the time of year each year when students are required to wear either the Red (PK – 5) or Navy (6 – 8) cardigan sweater as part of their Full Dress/Mass uniform. If your student does not yet have the required cardigan or if they have outgrown or lost theirs, please be sure they have one by the first Mass in October, which is First Friday, October 6th. Also, please be sure all sweaters are clearly labeled with your student’s name. We will send “Out of Uniform” notices to parents of students who are without the required uniform sweater by that date.


Finally, the Arrival and Dismissal Carline Procedures seem to be moving along quite well. The process is never perfect but overall, the carline is the safest arrival and dismissal option for our students. Please be sure to read the email that was sent to all parents today and is also posted below in this newsletter, regarding Arrival & Dismissal Procedure Reminders.


Have a wonderful, restful weekend! We look forward to welcoming our Wildcats back on Monday!


Saint Andrew, Pray for Us!




Laura Behee, M.Ed.



Fall Festival Volunteer Information/Service Hour Opportunity

The SAS Fall Festival would not be possible without our wonderful parent, teacher, parishioner, Nolan Catholic, and community volunteers. 

In order to make this year's festival the best, we require that one member from your family volunteer for ONE (1-hour) shift... however any additional shifts are appreciated! New this year: You can sign up for booths by grade level. Or, just sign up for your favorite booth.

Calling all 6th, 7th & 8th Grade students: Do you need service hours? Sign up to work a booth at the festival. Click HERE to sign up. Also, we need helpers after school on Wednesday to set up the Fall Festival Maze. Email Lisa Harrington at [email protected] if you would like to help.

Thank you for your commitment to SAS and for all your contributions toward the success of the 2023 Fall Festival!

Volunteer Booth Sign Up

Family Directory 2023-2024

Saint Andrew Catholic School will be publishing our school directory soon. If any information has changed for your student, including address, contact phone number, pickup, or emergency contact information, please follow the instructions below to update.

Log into your FACTS account.

Click on "Family"

Select "Family Demographic Form"

On this screen, you can select the appropriate field to update or change (remember to scroll all the way down to save).

If you need help accessing your account, please contact [email protected]

Arrival & Dismissal Carline Reminders

Thank you, parents, for helping to make the Arrival and Dismissal Carline process run as smoothly as possible. Though the carlines are long (with 643 students/457 families that is to be expected), we have seen great improvements over the last few weeks, not only in the time the process is taking but in the overall flow and compliance to the procedures as well. 

However, there are a few areas where we still need your help. Please click HERE for more information. We appreciate your continued support as we work to make the Arrival & Dismissal Procedures safe and effective for everyone.

Blessing of Animals

Next Wednesday (October 4th) we will celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. In honor of this great saint and the love and care he had for all of God’s creation, we will be holding a Blessing of Animals!


Students are encouraged to bring photos of their pet to school next Wednesday to hold during the blessing that afternoon. 


Parents are welcome to attend! If you do, please also bring your family pet to receive a blessing! If you would like to attend with your pet(s), please ensure that your pet is on a leash and controlled. All pets that are well-behaved around other people and other animals are welcome!  


The Parish will also be holding a Blessing of the Animals this Sunday (October 1st) at 2:00 pm in honor of Saint Francis.

            Date: Wednesday October 4th, 2023

            Time: 2:30 pm

            Location: SAS Soccer Field

  • Send your child to school with a picture of their family pet to hold during the blessing! 
  • Bring your family pet to receive a blessing in honor of Saint Francis’ Feast Day! 
  • There will be an Indoor Dismissal starting at 3:20 pm. Please follow the procedures for Indoor Dismissal. Contact the school if you have any questions!

Glamourcraft Picture Retakes

Glamourcraft make up & retakes will take place on Thursday, October 5th at 8:00am. Please send your child in dress uniform if you would like their picture retaken or if they were not here on the origninal picture day.

National Junior Honor Society Tutoring For 2nd - 6th Grade Students

Does your student (2nd - 6th grade) need help with homework, studying, or organization?


The National Junior Honor Society "Junior Ments" can help! Tutoring will take place every Monday in Mrs. Pennell’s classroom from 3:30pm – 4:00pm.

Parents can pick up in front of the cafeteria entrance at 4:00pm. Anyone left by 4:10pm will be taken to after care.


You must sign up each week at the following link. We have a limited number of spots available that changes each week, and we need to make sure we have a tutor for each student.

New Student Applications

For New Students Only: Scan the QR code or go to to start the admissions process for 2024-2025.

Please share this information with your friends, coworkers, neighbors, and family. Our Wildcat Parents are our best marketing tool!!!

Wildcat Plant Day

Saint Andrew 6th-8th grade students are eligible to help prepare the pollinator gardens in the Outdoor Learning Lab on Saturday, Oct. 7, from 8am to 11am for service hours. Please click HERE sign up for any or all 3 of the available hours, whatever is convenient for your student.   

  • Please have the students dress in clothes and shoes appropriate for working outdoors; sunscreen and a hat are advised as well. Closed toe shoes are required.  
  • Please have students bring a water bottle.
  • Remind your student to bring their service hour sheet. Please click here for a link to a service hour sheet that you may print.
  • Gardening gloves will be available, but they are welcome to bring their own.
  • Please drop off/pick up students in the front of the Early Childhood Center (ECC) pedestrian gate (the same gate that you would use to get to the gym for games). The pedestrian gate will be unlocked, and they should walk down the sidewalk to the Outdoor Learning Lab. You are also welcome to park and walk them down to the OLL.

Thank you! Please contact Jill Collard at [email protected] if there are any questions.


We are looking forward to our first year of 4H at Saint Andrew! 

Students in grades 3rd (8 years old before September 1)-8th grade may be members of 4H. We are waiting to hear if our charter allows for Clover kids (grades K-2).  


Please click HERE to read on for directions on how you can sign up for 4H, and what the plan will be going forward for Saint Andrew's 4H group.

If your student is planning on attending the 4H meeting on Thursday, please let Mrs. Collard know by clicking HERE. This form will close on Wednesday, October 4 at 9:00pm. Please note the meeting time has changed to 3:45pm to accommodate parents.

From the Nurse

Students cannot carry medications with them. All medications must be given out in the clinic. Students are not permitted to carry medicines in pockets, lunch boxes, backpacks, or anywhere else on their person.

In order to keep medications in the clinic, a medication form must be completed. You can obtain one of these from our website, front desk, or clinic.

Please remember that although you may have a responsible older child, things can fall out of pockets and end up in the hands of another student. Please be mindful that we have students of all ages present at all times. Thank you for understanding.

Home & School Association News

Thank you to Scott Steger for organizing Dad’s Night Out yesterday and thanks to all the dads who attended! It was a wonderful event!

UNIFORM RESALE – Saturday, October 7th 

Thank you to all the families who have donated and shopped at our Uniform Resale. We have already raised over $5,500 for the school, which means we have sold over 1100 items!


Our next monthly Saturday Uniform Resale is Saturday, October 7 from 10 to noon in the resale portable (enter at the gate near the back entrance to the library). All items are $5. If you are interested in volunteering to help at our monthly (on Saturdays) resale or potential weekly resale, please contact Megan Corpening at [email protected].


We are looking for two or three co-chairs to organize the Preschool and Kindergarten Christmas Party. The annual celebration is on Saturday, December 16 from 9 to 11 a.m. in the SAS gym. Parents of current preschool or kindergarten parents would be ideal co-chairs for this fun event for our pre-k and kinder families! Contact Allie Cruz at [email protected] if you are interested in co-chairing or helping at the event!


We are continuing our Prayer Partner Ministry for the 2023-2024 school year! This special ministry is a very easy program where you can get involved in our SAS community just by praying! Each parent volunteer will be assigned a teacher/staff member who will be your partner for the year. All you have to do is include that person in your daily prayers. They will be praying for you, as well!


Please contact Gina Guirola at [email protected] if you are interested in serving as a Prayer Partner this year. Also, if you would like to be partnered with a specific person, please let Gina know.


Weekly Rosaries are led by the Spiritual Life Committee of the Home and School Association. On Mondays, parents meet outside the front of the school after drop off (at 7:50 a.m.) to pray the Rosary.

Please join when you can – grandparents, siblings, and friends are welcome! We pray for the priests, administration, staff, faculty, families, and students of the Saint Andrew Catholic School community for the 2023-2024 school year.

All are welcome – even if you do not know how to pray the Rosary.



The Home and School Association celebrated Wildcats of the Week with Mrs. Alaniz’s class. The students helped with leading the school Mass earlier this month. To test their knowledge, students broke into two teams and had a trivia battle to see which team could correctly identify the most parts of the Mass. 

Fall Festival

Annual Fund/Fall Festival Perks

The Fall Festival is only 9 days away, and is sure to be a fun day! It even looks like we might have some cooler weather! This is a reminder that Annual Fund donors at the "Leadership Level", $2,500 and above, receive $50 in FREE Fall Festival Booth Tickets and a reserved parking pass. In addition to the Fall Festival perks, Leadership Level donors also will have a reserved table for the Spring Auction at Ridglea Country Club on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

Click HERE to fill out a pledge card and send it to the school office or email a copy to Vicky Horton at [email protected], by Thursday, October 5th. You have until May to pay out your pledge, and payments can be made with cash/check, credit card, or your FACTS account. You can also make a one-time or recurring Annual Fund donation online using a credit/debit card or your bank account by clicking here:

The online donation link and a FACTS account payment option can also be found on the school's website under "Support Us".

If you've already made your Annual Fund Pledge or Donation - THANK YOU!! Fall Festival perks will be distributed to all who qualify next week.

If you have any questions, contact Vicky Horton, Development Assistant at 817.924.8917 x2007 or [email protected].


It's Raffle time!!


Our goal for the 2023 Fall Festival Raffle:

Every SAS family sell $100 worth of raffle tickets

Family Goal Contest:

All SAS families who reach goal of selling $100 worth of raffle tickets will receive a pair of new style SAS Socks* ($15 value) for EACH SAS STUDENT IN FAMILY. The new SAS Socks may be worn with uniform ANY day (except Mass Dress Days). Sock Supplies are limited so please turn in your raffle tickets as soon as possible!

2023 Homeroom Contest: 

Homerooms with all students selling at least $100 of raffle tickets with their family will win a FREE CHICK-FIL-A LUNCH in the Parish Hall during a regular school lunch and recess (including food, music, and extra fun!) PLUS a SPECIAL LUNCH for the homeroom teacher. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, October 10th. The lunch will be scheduled after the Fall Festival during the month of October.

Top Seller Contest:  

SAS Families selling the most raffle tickets will win:

1st Place Family – $150 dollars of Fall Festival booth and food tickets

2nd Place Family -- $75 dollars of Fall Festival booth and food tickets

3rd Place Family -- $50 dollars of Fall Festival booth and food tickets

Top Seller Family Contest ends Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 4pm. Winners will be announced at the Fall Festival Pep Rally on October 6th at 2:15pm.

Additional raffle tickets can be sent home with your student by calling the school office (817-924-8917).

Click HERE to Purchase Raffle Tickets Online

Come sell your raffle tickets at a Mass this weekend! 

There will be tables set up after each mass for SAS familes to sell their raffles tickets. Make sure you put your family name on the raffle ticket to earn credit towards your family. Please come dressed in your mass uniform to the mass you will participate in. Thank you! Click HERE to sign up for a Mass time.   

Fall Festival Pep Rally

A Fall Festival pep rally, hosted by our SAS Cheer Squad and NJHS, will be held in the gym on Friday, October 6th at 2:15pm in anticipation of the Fall Festival on Sunday, October 8th.

Our Raffle Top Sellers will be announced during the pep rally. Go Wildcats! 

Parents are welcome to attend. Please sit upstairs in the gym.

Please click HERE to let us know you are coming and to give us time to print out badges. 

****Signing In for the Pep Rally: please bring your Drivers's License with you if you have not previously signed in at the front office using our Raptor System.******

Fall Festival Sponsors

Second Spring Campaign

Around Campus

Eighth Grade Students Celebrate the Feast of the Archangels

Today is the Feast of the Archangels—Sts. Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. Eighth grade students celebrated this feast by having an etiquette luncheon in the Parish Hall. Conversations were guided by an adult at each table. The students showed gratitude, displayed respect, and demonstrated kindness, while discussing various topics with their peers. Some of the questions discussed were: What are you most thankful for?, How would you describe a true friend?, What makes a hero?

A dessert of angel food cake with blackberries, in honor of the Archangels, was made & served by 8th grade teacher Mrs. Pennell at the end of the meal.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 

Over the last two weeks, Preschool 4, Montessori, Kinder, and First Grade students have spent time quieting their hearts and listening for the voice of the Good Shepherd. Last week, each class prepared our atrium prayer table with beautiful flowers, statues, of the Good Shepherd and the Blessed Virgin Mary, a crucifix, a prayer card with the scripture for the day, a Bible stand, and the Bible. A green altar cloth adorned our table to remind us we are in ordinary time known to the children as the “growing season” and a picture of the Good Shepherd. This week each class enthroned the Bible on our prayer table and we meditated on Psalm 119:105. The children learned the Bible is the most important book in the world because it is the Word of God. The Bible comes in all sizes, colors, and languages, so that all of God’s people may hear His word. 

If your family would like to bring the flowers that adorn our prayer table each week, please sign up here. Preschool and Montessori Kinder meet in the Early Childhood Atrium. Traditional Kinder and First Grade meet in the Parish Atrium. 

PRESCHOOL, BAUMGARTNER and ORTEGA - Early Childhood Atrium

Flowers for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Prayer Table


Flowers for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Prayer Table

Flowers for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Prayer Table

Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

Welcoming Our Newest Wildcats

This week Miss Kneblick, Ms. Behee, and Mrs. Harrington met with our newest 1st - 8th grade students to see how they were adjusting to life at SAS. You could tell they are all pretty excited to be Wildcats!! We are so blessed your families chose Saint Andrew Catholic School.

Police Officers Visit Preschool Today

Today Officers Morquecho, Vasquez, and Escalante visited preschool in honor of St. Michael the Archangel Feast Day. Thank you to all the offices who keep us sa

Parish News

Upcoming Liturgical Ministry Training Opportunities

Additional Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are needed at all Masses. All training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will be in the Church. (Please choose one).

Sunday, October 15 - 2:00-3:30pm OR

Thursday, November 9 - 6:30-8:00pm

Upcoming Reader training will be held for 6th grade through adults.

Saturday, October 14 – 10:00-11:30am AND

Final Evaluation October 21 – 10:00-11:00am

Please contact Dr. Christina Alves at the Liturgy Office for requirements and to register for all trainings. 817-927-5383 or [email protected]

Priesthood Appreciation Sunday Spiritual Bouquet Forms

Nolan Catholic High School News

Birthday Out of Uniform & Lunches

Students may dress out of uniform on their birthdays (or on the school day closest to the actual birthday) except for Mass days and field trip days. Summer birthdays may choose a special day to celebrate. Please let the teacher know when the student will be celebrating their birthday. (No sweatpants, athletic pants, leggings, or other athletic wear are allowed.) Thank you for your help in aiding your child in selecting appropriate attire for out-of-uniform days.

Parents are invited to eat lunch with their child on their birthday. We respectfully request that lunch only be brought for you and your child. We will have a special table where students can eat with their parents. Please notify the office no later than the day before you plan to attend lunch so we can make sure space is available and we can have your badge ready.

Safe Environment

We will have a number of volunteer opportunities this school year such as field trips, Fall Festival and other activities. Please make sure you are up to date with your training if you would like to drive or volunteer to help. You can check your training record by going to

If you do not yet have a profile and would like to take an initial session please create a profile at You will then be able to sign up for a safe environment session.

Upcoming Sessions offered at our Parish:

  • Renewal Session - Wednesday, October 4 - 6:00pm - 7:30pm in the Parish Hall

Required forms for Driving/Volunteering
The following forms are required if you are planning to volunteer/drive on a field trip. Please drop off completed forms in the office or email Lisa Harrington at [email protected].

Virtue of the Month
Bradley's After Care
Bradley's After School Care will provide service for our students who need care after school, each day from after dismissal – 6:00PM, and from noon to 6:00PM on early dismissal days. Parents must register with Bradley's After School Care prior to their student(s) attending after school care and Bradley independently bills families for services. More information and registration can be found at the following links. 

***Students who will be attending Bradley After Care will remain in their homeroom and not sent to the cafeteria until after the dismissal process is complete. Therefore, parents utilizing Bradley Aftercare will not be able to pick students up until 4:00PM each day. Aftercare this year will be held in the school cafeteria. Parents will pick-up from the front doors at the Commons, near the cafeteria.
Before School Care
Before school care will be available from 7:00AM – 7:30AM. Parents should enter and sign their student(s) in by accessing the front foyer entrance ramp near the electronic marquee (Ms. Graddy's room). Before School Care fees ($5.00 per day/per family) will be billed through your FACTS account. 
Lunch Service

Food 4 Life Catering will once again be providing lunch service to our students. 

Students who do not wish to purchase lunch are always welcome to bring a sack lunch along with drinks/milk from home.

NEW OPTION: A side salad is now being offered to students in Preschool - 3rd grades. It will be offered at the same price as the other side items. Also, your preschool - 3rd grade student will have the option to purchase a larger salad as their lunch. No other menu items may be bought with this salad is purchased.

Please click HERE for information on the lunch program and how to sign up for a lunch account.

Please click HERE for the October Menu.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 4

  • Faith Family Assembly - 7:55am
  • Blessing of Animals

Thursday, October 5

  • Individual Picture Retakes
  • Spirit Day (Spirit shirt with uniform bottoms and school tennis shoes)

Friday, October 6

  • First Friday Mass - 9:30am
  • Pop Sale sponsored by the SAS Cheer Squad - 12:00pm - 1:00pm in the cafeteria
  • Fall Festival Pep Rally - 2:15pm - 3:00pm - Indoor Dismissal

Saturday, October 7

  • Uniform Resale - 10:00m - noon

Sunday, October 8

  • Fall Festival - 11:00am - 3:00pm

Thursday, October 12

  • Day of Prayer & Adoration for Parents - All day in the Parish Chapel

Friday, October 13


For a complete listing of activities and events please check out the calendar on our NEW website!!

It is also available in FACTS/RW.

In Need of a Meal Train?

Please bookmark the link below to request a Meal Train from the Saint Andrew community in times of need. You will be contacted once you complete the form by the Meal Train Chair, Loretta Endres, for any clarifications or special requests. You may also call the school office and speak with the office staff (Mrs. Stephanie Fenyes or Mrs. Olga Buster) when a meal is needed. They will help connect you in your time of need.

Click HERE to request a Meal Train.

For questions contact--- Loretta Endres 817.680.6955 - [email protected]

Prayer Requests
Do you believe in the power of prayer?

If you have a special prayer need or know of someone who does and would like prayers from our SAS Community, please email Lisa Harrington with your request.

Saint Andrew Catholic School | 817.924.8917 | 3304 Dryden Road |
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