Inspire Every Student, Every Day

Finishing 2023

As we wrap up 2023, we enter the time of year where Minnesota winters can get treacherous. In the case of inclement winter weather our school district will be utilizing up to five eLearning days. When we have weather-related school cancellations, instructional time is lost. While eLearning days cannot replace the face-to-face time students have with their teachers, it can provide better continuity when the interruption occurs.

If an eLearning day is called, our families, students, and staff will have some time to adjust their day and our teachers will be accessible both online and by telephone during the normal school hours to assist parents and students.

Weather decisions are some of the toughest school decisions to make. Our Superintendent must balance school operation expectations and the needs of our students while exercising caution and safety. There is no guarantee forecasts or projections will be completely accurate. Slight variations can have dramatic effects on the decision to conduct or cancel school. Many factors such as; temperature, precipitation, wind speed and direction, duration of expected conditions, timing, and severity play a major role in these decisions. Consideration also must be given to visibility, existing snow, road conditions, and highway department recommendations.

If we have more than five inclement weather days, the school board will determine if the days will be made up. Families will receive weather related announcements via an automated phone call, text message, and email from the school district if they are signed up to receive "priority" notifications in Parent Portal. In addition, the district will post messages on local tv and radio stations, on the school district website, and on our social media sites.

New this year! Our Cub Kids Preschool will be participating in eLearning! Any Cub Kids families that do not have a Parent Portal account can email Stacy: to set up their account.

eLearning info







  • Monday, December 11 - School Board Meeting
  • Monday, December 11 - Truth and Taxation Meeting
  • Monday, December 11 - Grades 6-12 Holiday Choir Concert
  • Thursday, December 14 - Cookies and Milk with Santa
  • Friday, December 15 - Grade Check for Grades 7-12
  • Monday, December 18 - Grades 6-12 Holiday Band Concert
  • Friday, December 22 - Winter Break Begins
  • Tuesday, January 2 - Classes Resume

High School - Principal Bonnie Spohn

National Honor Society collected 346 items during their food drive. This was over 100 more items than last year! Mrs. Schultz’ 12th-grade Flex class collected the largest amount and won the traveling trophy. Thank you to everyone for your support!

Wildcat Activities

Every week, the activities department recognizes a student(s) as our Wildcat of the Week. These students are recognized not only based on their accomplishments, but also how they display the R.O.A.R principles - Respect, Ownership, Attitude, and Responsibility. Our most recent Wildcats of the Week for 2023 was Victoria Debernardis (fall musical) and our Fall All Conference winners: (Girls Tennis) Ella Wieland, Delaney Hanson, Madisyn Claseman; (Volleyball) Kendra Gerhardson and Piper Barney; (Cross Country) Stella Moline, Kyla Vick, and Jett Kubesh; (Football) Mason Delzer, Grant Paffrath, Ethan Holme, and Marshel Johnson

This year, we are excited to include our 6th graders in our holiday concerts. This will be a great opportunity for our 6th through 12th graders to showcase what they have been working on. Be sure to mark your calendars and come out to see two great shows!

Calling all Band Alumni! At this year's Holiday Band Concert on December 18th, we will be featuring the piece "Sleigh Ride" by Leroy Anderson. Since this piece has been a tradition at NLS, we would like to invite any alumni who played it during their high school years or in college/community bands to join us on stage for our big finale! Interested in performing with us? Please contact, Mrs. Becks, NLS Band Director via email: by Friday, December 15th for more information and a copy of the music.

Middle School - Principal Dr. Jenn Fuchs

Upcoming! We hope you can come and show your support to our band and choir students. The Choir Concert will be on December 11 and the Band Concert will be on December 18 at 7pm in the NLS PAC!

We have awarded our November 2023 R.O.A.R Awards to Madalyn Lungren, McKenna McDowell, Caleb Walz, and Anna Goelz.

  • Madalyn was nominated for Responsibility. She works hard, uses all her time in class well, does what is asked of her and works well with others. Maddie goes above and beyond to be successful in the classroom and is a joy to be around.
  • McKenna was nominated for Attitude. McKenna is kind to everyone. She shows up ready to do her best in school and with a "can do" attitude. She really fits all of the ROAR behavior.
  • Caleb was nominated for Ownership is always striving to do his best in class. He is always willing to help others when needed. He can always be counted on to display ROAR behaviors and he encourages others to do so as well.
  • Anna was nominated for Attitude. Anna truly displays all areas of ROAR. She is always working to the best of her ability, offering to assist others, and is respectful of everyone. Her positive attitude is contagious in the classroom. She's a great classroom leader!

Prairie Woods - Principal Randy Juhl

The Book Fair is coming to Prairie Woods December 6 - 8, 2023. Your child will be coming to the media center to preview and purchase books. Don't forget the sales tax! General Hours: Wed., Dec. 6: 8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Thur., Dec. 7: 8:15 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Fri., Dec. 8: 8:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Parent Shopping Times

7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. Wednesday - Friday

2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Wednesday

2:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday

Online shopping is also available now until December 14: Prairie Woods Online Book Fair

Please take time to talk with your child about the importance of dressing for the weather. We ask all families to please send a winter hat, gloves, boots, and a warm coat with your child to school. We want to be ready for winter weather. We will plan to go outside for recess daily, unless temperatures are below 0º or wind chill is below -5º.

If school is dismissed/closed early, due to inclement weather, all activities are automatically canceled, and students will be sent to designated locations per your instructions to the classroom teacher at Back-to-School conferences in August. **There is no PALS Program on days that school is dismissed Early for inclement weather. If school is two hours late, we will serve a quick breakfast. The breakfast will consist of a breakfast bar, cereal, craisins, and a juice box. Remember breakfast is free as long as students take all the required contents. On late start days, morning PALS will start at 9:00 a.m.

October Students of the Month! Congratulations to these students for showcasing Respect, Ownership, Accountability, and Responsibility behaviors!

Kindergarten - A. Hofstad, A. Anderson, C. Porkornowski, L. Dahl, A. Blomker, W. Bertram

First Grade - A. Miller, O. Christensen, B. Marquardt, D. Wallentine, G. Ashburn

Second Grade - G. Gomez, L. Mateski, H. Johnson, T. Skindelien, E. Elisason, T. Thalberg

Third Grade - M. Jacons. X. Walz, C. Kershner, C. Griffith, K. Plumley

Fourth Grade - D. Booyens, L. Schueller, B. Hooper, W. Keefe, B. Wallentine

Community Education - Director Tricia Lilleberg

Our Winter Community Education Brochure will hit the mailboxes this week! You may notice that it does not include a PALS Summer Registration or a 2024-25 Prairie Meadows Preschool Application, as we are switching to a new online registration system in February.

New this year! We will be offering a summer Lil' PALS program at Prairie Meadows for our kids who are currently registered for the 2023-24 school year at Cub Kids! 

On the second page of the Community Education Brochure we included important information to familiarize you as we move into summer registration and the 2024-25 school year. With the new registration system, we will have important deadlines you will not want to miss.

Prairie Meadows - Coordinator Jennifer Hellickson

On November 21st we held one of our favorite events; Family Craft Day! We had 14 families provide crafts and over 50 families join their preschoolers for a morning of crafting fun! The preschoolers made various christmas ornaments, oreo turkeys, reindeer food, thanksgiving necklaces, and many other items to get ready for the holiday season!

Our next big event is our Bake Sale and Cookies & Milk with Santa! Join us from 5:00 - 7:00 on Thursday, December 14th to meet and take a photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus, make a Christmas ornament, and decorate a cookie! You can also purchase some goodies to take home with you. The event is a Free Will Donation with a suggestion of $5 per child. Funds raised will go directly into the program either for scholarships of families in need or purchase of new learning materials for preschoolers.

New London-Spicer Educational Foundation Awards $3,500 for a Stage Backdrop

The New London-Spicer Educational Foundation Awarded $3,500 to Paula Prill, Theatre Director, for her grant titled, "Stage Backdrop." Previously, the New London-Spicer Theatre Department did not have a paintable or a rear projection backdrop system. Using Community Endowment for the Arts funds to purchase a backdrop provided the program the ability to change the landscape throughout scenes during their most recent theatrical performance, The Sound of Music.  

The stage backdrop arrived in late October and students quickly put it to good use. The students were thrilled to have the opportunity to work on such a large scale canvas, something that has previously not been available to them. While the grant was written with the intent of improving the NLS Theatre Department, Paula noted that it could also be used by other organizations and events held in the PAC to enhance the stage presence. This backdrop will be stored on the fly system and will be lowered or removed to allow theatre and visual arts students the ability to paint it and even repaint for each new usage.

New London-Spicer Educational Foundation is a non-profit organization filed under 501c3 tax status. If you are interested in supporting the New London-Spicer Educational Foundation and grants to the New London-Spicer School District, you can do so online at: or by mail: NLS Educational Foundation, PO BOX 58, New London, MN 56723. 


Questions? Reach out to the foundation by email ( or phone 320.354.2252 ext. 2422.

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Address: 101 4th Ave SW New London, MN 56273
P: 320-354-2252
F: 320-354-9001