Inspire Every Student, Every Day

Homecoming on the Horizon

As we continue into the new school year, we would like to take a moment to share the following important reminders with our families;

Technology: As a 1:1 technology school district we have safeguards put in place to protect our students online. Lightspeed is a software program that has been installed on school devices which tracks searches and emails - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's important that our families are aware that if a school administrator reaches out to you after hours during the week or on the weekend, it may mean that we have received an alert about something that your child is doing related to their device. It is very important that we can reach you, so please answer our call. 

Attendance Policy #503: Regular school attendance is highly important, a responsibility shared by the student, parent/guardian, teacher, and administrator, and requires all students to attend classes unless the student has been excused for valid reasons.

Drop off: While dropping off students in the mornings, we ask that our families be mindful of our building's drop off times: HS/MS begins at 7:45 a.m. and PW begins at 7:50 a.m. We ask that parents do not drop off their children earlier than those times.







For the most up to date information visit our website calendar.

  • Mon. Sept. 25 - Fri. Sept. 29 - Homecoming Week!
  • Monday, September 25 - Grade 6 Candy Bar Fundraiser Begins
  • Monday, September 25 - School Board Meeting
  • Wednesday, September 27 - PreK Picture Day 1
  • Thursday, September 28 - PreK Picture Day 2
  • Friday, September 29 - Homecoming Football Game (NLS vs. Watertown-Mayer)
  • Monday, October 2 - Friday October 6 - Annual Wolf Ridge Field Trip
  • Friday, October 6 - Activities Grade Check (Grades 7-12)
  • Monday, October 9 - School Board Work Session
  • Tuesday, October 10 - High School Picture Retakes
  • Friday, October 13 - Tackle Cancer Football Game
  • Saturday, October 14 - The Continental Ballet Company presents "Cinderella" - Get Tickets!

Saturday, October 14th, 2023 at 7pm 

In the New London-Spicer Performing Arts Center


This production of “Cinderella” is an original creation by Riet Velthuisen, Founder/Director of Continental Ballet Company.  She carefully selected music from Rossini and the entire ballet is her original choreography. In 2000, this production was recognized by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts which placed Continental Ballet Company (CBC) on their Roster of Approved Artists. This performance features CBC’s professional dancers. The lead roles will be performed by company members Maylu Pena and Wesley Rocha.  Other cast members include Hope Easter, Nanami Nakajima, Adrienne Berrington, Michaela Macauley, Lily Griffith, Alarica Hassett, Jaime Casey, Aaron Davies, Matthew Halpaus, and Richard Smith. Cinderella’s stepsisters will be performed by Keegan Eide and John Agurkis. Her stepmother will be performed by Joseph Bingham.  While this trio adds quite a bit of humor to the production, the dancing, costumes and sets are exquisite and will have fairies, a castle, a ball scene and the quest to find who can fit into the missing shoe!

Sponsored by: Dooley's Petroleum, Jennie-O, Lake Region Bank, Rambow & United MN Bank.


MN Fallen Heroes Football Game

On Friday, September 15, two schools and several communities gathered to participate in the second annual MN Fallen Heroes Football Game. The MNFHG's purpose is to honor and remember our Minnesota Military Service members and emergency first responders who have died at the hands of hostile forces, were killed due to a direct attack, or emergency first responders who died during the line of duty. Over 1,600 people attended the MN Fallen Heroes event to give tribute to our local heroes that paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend and protect this great country of ours.

At 5:15 p.m. a motorcyle and fire truck escort led the Dassel-Cokato team to NLS where patrons at the tailgating event cheered everyone on. The program began at 6:30 p.m. with the Honor Guard and the presentation of the flags. The crowd was silent as "TAPS," was performed by Berge Johnson on the saxophone and "A Patriotic Trilogy," arranged by Andy Clark and the "National Anthem," performed by the NLS school band echoed across the field. Twenty football players from New London-Spicer and Dassel-Cokato gave up their names for the evening and played in honor of a local fallen hero. These players had the opportunity to meet and escort their hero's Gold Star family or representative across the field as the Fallen Hero's biography was read by announcer Eric Newman. During halftime, Rick and Tracy Clark along with the Honor and Remember MN Chapter recognized local fallen hero, Fire Fighter Ryan Erickson, with a special presentation of the flag to his loved ones. This is more than just a football game; it is a tradition of carrying with us the memories of these brave men and women.

The MN Fallen Heroes Football Game was created in collaboration with the Ryane Clark's Heroes Project and the New London-Spicer Educational Foundation, 501c3. Tax Deductible Donations can be mailed to: NLS Educational Foundation, P.O. Box 58, New London, MN 56273.

Proceeds go to the Fallen Heroes Scholarship at New London-Spicer Schools.

High School - Principal Bonnie Spohn

2023 Homecoming Dress Up Days

These dress up days are a part of the high school's Homecoming week! Please Note: Elementary and Middle School staff and students will have their own dress up days.

  • Monday, September 25 - Anything BUT a Backpack Day!
  • Tuesday, September 26 - Color Day: Seniors = Pink, Juniors = Blue, Sophomores = Green, Freshmen = Yellow, and Staff = Purple
  • Wednesday, September 27 - Wear your best western attire!
  • Thursday, September 28 - Dress up in tropical Hawaiian clothes!
  • Friday, September 29 - Show Your Wildcat Pride!

Wildcat Activities

September 25 - 29 is a big week at NLS as it is Homecoming week. This is a good time to remind everyone what it means to be a Wildcat. Always remember to show Respect, Ownership, Attitude, and Responsibility, in all that you do. Being a Wildcat isn't just for when you are at school. Remember, you represent yourself, your school, and your family everywhere you go and in all that you do. It's a great day to be a Wildcat!

Wildcats of the Week

Every week, the activities department recognizes a student as our Wildcat of the Week. These students are recognized not only based on their accomplishments, but also how they display the R.O.A.R principles - Respect, Ownership, Attitude, and Responsibility. Our last two Wildcats of the Week for 2023 were Brody Duke and Avery Newman.

Middle School - Principal Dr. Jenn Fuchs

Our building is busy with fundraising! We have completed pizza sales for 5th grade's Wolf Ridge Trip. Our 6th grade students started selling candy bars on September 25th and 7th grade has finished their fundraiser selling Gold Cards. 8th graders are now selling Moose Drool Chocolates and Boon Supply. 

We completed our STAR testing for reading and math and will be using that data to determine additional students who may need reading or math interventions.

 Our middle school will celebrate Homecoming with their own dress up days.

  • Monday: Pajama Day
  • Tuesday: Jersey Day
  • Wednesday: Western Day (No Hats)
  • Thursday: Hawaiian Day
  • Friday: Wildcat Spirit Day

Prairie Woods - Principal Randy Juhl

As we get a few weeks into school, it is a great time to remind all families about our student attendance policy #503. Regular school attendance is highly important, a responsibility shared by the student, parent/guardian, teacher, and administrator, and requires all students to attend classes unless the student has been excused for valid reasons. Click here to continue reading key things to konw about our attendance policy.

Your child is encouraged to help show his/her best Wildcat Pride as we celebrate Homecoming next week! Here are the Prairie Woods Elementary Dress Up days for Monday, Sept. 25- Friday, Sept. 29.

Monday: Pajama Day

Tuesday: Color Day

● Kindergarten: Green

● 1st Grade: Purple

● 2nd Grade: Orange

● 3rd Grade: Red

● 4th Grade: Blue

Wednesday: Western Day

Thursday: Hawaiian Day

Friday: Wildcat Spirit Day (Wear Black and Gold)

Prairie Meadows - Coordinator Jennifer Hellickson

We had a wonderful night at our Dine Out for Pre-K at Alley on Ash! We are so thankful to everyone who came out to support our preschoolers! The funds raised will go to our scholarship fund to help preschool families. A special thank you to the staff at Alley on Ash for all of their hard work.

Do your kids need to burn off some energy? Join us for Stop By and PlayThe gym at Prairie Meadows will be open from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. on Fridays starting September 29th. The cost is $3 for one child or $5 for a family. Pay when you get here or register online here.

Preschool Picture Days are Wednesday, September 27 and Thursday, September 28. You can Order online at Use Order Code: 78039NB

Here are Prairie Meadows Dress Up Days for Homecoming week!

  • Monday: Pajama Day
  • Tuesday: Your Favorite Color Day
  • Wednesday: Picture Day
  • Thursday: Picture Day
  • Friday: Show Your Wildcat Pride Day

NLS Community Education

We have a lot of new programming this fall and the kids are enjoying the new offerings! Please note: New classes, ads, or information for our Fall/Winter Booklet are due October 13th to the Community Education Office. 

Also, the Cinderella Ballet is coming up quickly! Please make sure you get your tickets today - we have sold half of our capacity already! 

Lastly, we have a Shooting Camp for 4th - 12th grade basketball players on Sunday, November 12th. This is an awesome opportunity and participants get a take home program from Jay Wolf, our camp instructor. You can sign up through the community education website

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Address: 101 4th Ave SW New London, MN 56273
P: 320-354-2252
F: 320-354-9001