As a fairly new Superintendent, I have been learning a ton! Minnesota has one of the most complicated education funding systems in the nation. Our district has a lot of projects in the works. I want to take a moment to share updates regarding those projects including how the projects are being funded.
The state provides schools with funding by putting the money in certain “buckets” which are coded for specific types of expenditures. The projects I have listed below do not affect our general education fund balance, but are projects designed to provide a better learning environment for staff and students, provide long term facilities planning and updates, as well as add security and safety measures. Click here to continue reading, Wildcat Chat: How Projects Are Funded.
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Friday, January 26 - Grade 4 Kindness Retreat
Saturday, January 27 - NLS National Honor Society Polar Plunge for Special Olympics
Thursday, February 1 - Senior Photos are due
Friday, February 2 - Grades 7-12 Grade Check
Thursday, February 8 - Dine Out for PreK Fundraiser
Monday, February 12 - Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention Presentation for Grades 5-8
Monday, February 12 - Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention - Free Community Presentation
Tuesday, February 13 - Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention Presentation for Grades 9-12
Friday, February 23 - Grades 7-12 Grade Check
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If an eLearning day is called, our families, students, and staff will have some time to adjust their day and our teachers will be accessible both online and by telephone during the normal school hours to assist parents and students. If more than five inclement weather days are called, the school board will determine if the days will be made up. Families will receive weather related announcements via an automated phone call, text message, and email from the school district if they are signed up to receive "priority" notifications in Parent Portal. In addition, the district will post messages on local tv and radio stations, on the school district website, and on our social media sites. New this year! Our Cub Kids Preschool will be participating in eLearning! Any Cub Kids families that do not have a Parent Portal account can email Stacy: to set up their account. | |
Our Heartfelt Condolences - A Message From the School Board | |
The New London-Spicer School Board extends our heartfelt condolences to the Dahl family. We also extend care and support to our students and staff, who have been significantly impacted by the passing of Will and Harry. Each student is precious. Will and Harry will be missed and remembered by the many whose lives they touched.
We thank our staff, counselors, and the SWWC Crisis Team for supporting the Dahls, our students, and our families. We would also like to thank our community members and businesses for their unwavering support for the Dahl family and our school during this heart-wrenching time. We are grateful for the support of our surrounding communities and school districts. When difficult times happen, it is comforting and uplifting to know that we have a district, community, and surrounding communities that come alongside those who are hurting.
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Artist Showcase Award
This months' Artist Showcase Award recipients are Bree Mages, Layla Simpson, Morgan Thein, and Lucy Woltjer. Students were selected for this award based on the merit of their work as they completed the assignment of Pet Portrait, "Treat your favorite pet like the Mona Lisa and draw a formal portrait with drawing techniques inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci." The students' drawings are displayed in the high school office area. Congratulations to this month's recipients.
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High School - Principal Bonnie Spohn | |
Mr. Boonstra's 9th grade class was tasked with creating Middle East jigsaw puzzles. The students had a lot of pride in their final projects and enjoyed spending time viewing their classmates' maps. To view all the map projects, follow this link: | |
Wildcat Activities
We had five students from both band and choir selected to attend this year's Wright County Conference Honor Band and Honor Choir event on Saturday, January 6th. They spent the day rehearsing with other students selected from area schools and then performed in an evening concert in Delano. New London-Spicer students selected for band included; Jackson Barber (trumpet), Kylee Nash (trombone), Lucas Poverud (bari sax), Paul Skretvedt (alto sax) and Sam Weber (percussion). The five choir students selected were Victoria DeBernardis, Emily Renstrom, Avery Newman, Beckett Newman, and Harper Hoffman.
Every week, the activities department recognizes a student(s) as our Wildcat of the Week. These students are recognized not only based on their accomplishments, but also how they display the R.O.A.R principles - Respect, Ownership, Attitude, and Responsibility. Our most recent Wildcats of the Week for 2024 were Gavin Radabaugh (boys basketball) and Carson Cronquist (Boys Hockey).
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Middle School - Principal Dr. Jenn Fuchs
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Congratulations to our December 2023 Middle School ROAR Award recipients, Oliver Sietsema, Max Truscinski, and Evangeline Dalton.
💛Evie (grade 7) was nominated for having a good attitude. She is a kind, caring, and fun student. She also never gives up and works hard to understand all math concepts.
🖤Max (grade 6) was nominated for having a good attitude. He is positive about school, kind to everyone, and is a great leader in class.
💛Oliver (grade 5) was nominated for responsibility. He works hard and gets his homework done on time, always prepared for class, and listens well to everyone that is speaking.
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Our Middle School Student Council organized January 23rd, 2024, as a day to honor Harry Dahl by wearing his favorite color, red. (Pictured: Grade 6 in the MS Gym) | |
Prairie Woods - Principal Randy Juhl | |
December Students of the Month! Congratulations to these students for showcasing Respect, Ownership, Accountability, and Responsibility behaviors!
Kindergarten: A. Nienaber, L. Contreras, H. Bast, L. Sand, B. Jenny
First Grade: A. Brown, E. Duenaz, K. Mateski, L. Frauendienst, Not Pictured: G. Christenson
Second Grade: M. Hooper, H. Pfeifer, D. Orlowski, A. Contreras, K. Grotelueschen, I. Boelter
Third Grade: B. Ryks, J. Schmitt, G. Sabol, Z. Narragon. Not Pictured: E. Bice
Fourth Grade: K. Collins, B. Jeseritz, J. Pfeifer, L. Carr, Q. Kalkbrenner
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Community Education - Director Tricia Lilleberg | |
We are very excited to announce that starting February 1, 2024, we will transition to Arux to manage all registration and billing for our PALS, Lil' PALS, and Cub Kids Preschool. This will be our new online registration system for participation, attendance and registration. More information will be available on the community education website early next week so you can make your registration profile before we the programs open.
Cub Kids Preschool registration is a first come first serve basis. Families will be alerted around March 1, 2024 if their application has been approved and a spot has been reserved for the 2024-25 school year.
Lil' PALS is only accepting applicants who are currently registered in Cub Kids Preschool for our summer 2024 registrations.
PALS will be open for all kids who have completed Kindergarten through 4th grade and are enrolled in at Prairie Woods Elementary.
Please note that all children registered for PALS must have their Summer Recreation Program Registration completed by May 8th. There are NO exceptions to this date if you would like PALS to transport your child to/from their activities this summer. Summer registration will be open no later than April 1, 2024.
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Prairie Meadows - Coordinator Jennifer Hellickson | | |
Cub Kids Preschool this month is all about SNOW! We are learning all about ice and snow. We are bringing snow into our classrooms to investigate and explore and we are finally playing outside in the snow (when the temps are right)!
We still have some room in our Mid Winter Mover and Shakers ECFE class! Join us for a mini-session where we will focus on moving our bodies. In this class we will dance, stretch, and explore movement of all kinds. This class is for children ages birth-5 years old and their parents. This class does separate. Parents and children will explore together during the first half of class. The second half of class will consist of parent discussion time in the parent room, while the children stay in the classroom with a teacher. (Children under the age of 1 will stay with their parents during separation time). This class runs from 9:00-10:30AM or 5:30-7:00PM on Thursdays January 18th - February 1st. Register:
Do your kids need to burn off some energy? Join us for Stop by and Play! The gym at Prairie Meadows will be open from 9:00 – 11:00AM on Fridays when school is in session (gym will be closed when there is no school). Children must be supervised by a parent/adult at all times. Gym toys are provided. $3/child or $5/family. Register online at or pay at the door.
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35th Annual Event
New London Spicer Post Prom
Saturday, May 4th 11:00PM - 3:30AM
Prairie Woods Elementary School Gym
Post Prom is open to all NLS juniors and seniors whether or not they attend prom. It is also open to all guests who attend prom.
Juniors, seniors and their guests should sign up by clicking HERE.
This year's theme is: Hollywood Nights
**Post Prom is coordinated by a committee of volunteers and is funded through donations and fundraising. It is not a school sponsored event but rather a community tradition and effort of NLS parents to keep our students safe on prom night.
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Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention
Free Community Event
February 12, 2024, at 6:30PM
NLS Performing Arts Center
Join Kristen, Mental Health Advocate, as she shares her message of hope and recovery. After experiencing significant trauma as a young child, Kristen shares the path she took to replace negative coping skills with positive ones. Kristen being a young person in recovery, proves it's never too late or too early to get the help you need. This event has been organized by the New London-Spicer's SOCON group and Duck Cup Memorial.
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Address: 101 4th Ave SW New London, MN 56273 | |
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