Inspire Every Student, Every Day

Thankful & Grateful

Greetings Megan,

Following the November 8, 2022, election, New London-Spicer School District announced three newly elected school board members and one re-elected board member. These four school board members will be sworn to office on Monday, January 9, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in the New London-Spicer School District Conference Room. Our board would like to thank all the candidates who ran during this election. It is inspiring to see interest in serving our district and community. We’re excited to welcome these new board members along with a returning board member and look forward to working with each one of them in the coming years,” said Lucinda Dahlberg, School Board Chair. Continue reading here.






The 2022-23 District calendar is available on our website. 

Saturday, November 19 - Shaun Johnson Big Band Experience Christmas Show - Get your tickets!

Saturday, November 19 - State Football Tournament Semi-Finals - Get your tickets!

Wednesday, November 23 - No School: Teacher Inservice

Thurs. Nov. 24 - Fri. Nov. 25 - No School: Thanksgiving Break

Monday, November 28 - School Board Meeting

Thurs. Dec. 1 - Sat. Dec. 3 - Annie the Musical - Get your tickets!

Monday, December 5 - Truth in Taxation Meeting via ZOOM:

Monday, Decemeber 5 - School Board Meeting

Thurday, December 8 - ASVAB Exam for Sophomores

Monday, December 12 - Grades 6-12 Choir Concert

Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. WWW.MTISHOWS.COM Book By THOMAS MEEHAN | Music By CHARLES STROUSE | Lyrics By MARTIN CHARNIN | Original Broadway Production Directed by MARTIN CHARNIN | Based on "Little Orphan Annie" By Permission of Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Join us as the NLS High School Theatre Department sings and dances the everlasting optimism of "Tomorrow"!

Tickets $10. All Showtimes at 7pm:

  • Thursday, Dec. 1
  • Friday, Dec. 2
  • Saturday, Dec. 3


High School Happenings

National Honor Society Inductees

Congratulations to our newest National Honor Society inductees; Brynn Arnsdorf, Jackson Barber, Adriana Behl, Victoria DeBernardis, Emery Gabrielson, Delaney Hanson, Elijah Jacobson, Zinia Jansen, Luke Knudsen, Paige Lageson, Johanna Maxwell, Avery Newman, Grant Paffrath, Lillian Prentice, Gavin Radabaugh, Emily Renstrom, Claire Rolighed, Emily Ruter, Adam Sandau, Kenneth Schmiesing, Julia Severtson, Layla Simpson, Ethan Spors, and Ella Wieland. National Honor Society inductees must achieve a GPA of 3.5 or higher to be eligible for the selection process.

New London-Spicer NHS members participate in a variety of activities and philanthropic work from Adopt-A-Highway Ditch Cleanups to Blood Drives to their Annual Walk for Suicide Awareness. The amount of community hours they complete makes a huge impact on our communities!

Wildacts Make it to Semi-Finals in State Tournament

Saturday, November 19 at 4:30 pm our Wildcats will be taking on Watertown-Mayer in the semifinals of the state football tournament at US Bank Stadium! Tickets for the state tournament football game are available for purchase online only, here.

Please Note: No Bags can be no larger than 12" x 6" x 12". No outside food or drink can be brought into the stadium.  All US Bank Stadium policies will be in effect, so please visit their website to review prohibited items.

Middle School Minutes

Respect Ownership Attitude and Responsibility (ROAR)

Each week, we will be awarding the Middle School R.O.A.R Award. One of our recent recipients was Arianna Skindelien. She nominated by Ms. Thein for taking ownership in her school work and participating postively in class. Congratulations Arianna!

Our next recipient was Colton Engels. Colton was nominated by Ms. Wilder for using his time wisely and always being prepared. He is also great at remembering important dates and tasks. Congratulations Colton!

5th Graders Research Native American Cultures

Recently in 5th grade, our students spent two weeks researching the cultures of an assigned Native American tribe. They then created a museum type display to represent the culture of that tribe. They also completed a written portion for this project. Pictured below are some of the projects!

Prairie Woods Elementary News

50th Day of Kindergarten

To celebrate the 50th day of school for our youngest Wildcats, our Kindergarten staff dressed to impress with poodle skirts and matching white sneakers. The actvities with the theme of '50' were a big hit. Can anyone say, "sock hop?"

2022 Honoring Veterans

On November 11th, staff and students throughout our district spent time honoring Veterans. From the FFA hosting a Veterans Day breakfast to local Veterans visiting elementary classrooms - we wanted to acknowledge and honor the service and sacrifices that Veterans make for our country. Visit our website to watch the video created by Malibu Sand that highlights the Prairie Woods' assembly. Many thanks to Diane Holmquist and Karen Johnson for their time spent coordinating this event.

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Address: 101 4th Ave SW New London, MN 56273
P: 320-354-2252
F: 320-354-9001