Weekly Newsletter for February 08, 2024

Zoom Links

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acaQZ0PtyT

Ideas Worth Contemplating

1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30 am

Zoom Link:


Phone connection: 346-248-7799; Meeting ID: 978 2654 4113; Passcode: 932628

Worship Service on Zoom

Sundays at 11:45 am (2nd Sundays are Zoom only)

Zoom Link:


Phone Connections:346 248 7799; Meeting ID: 952 5592 9970; Passcode:  605730

New Zoom Link!!!

Morning Coffee* with The Pastoral Care Team

Wednesdays at 10 am


Meeting ID: 936 8147 8930

Hi, Wildflowers! Come check in about life, the universe and everything. 

Our Pastoral Care Team will continue to offer deep listening and support to members of our congregation. Jan Austin, formerly a Licensed Professional Counselor, will be available for 1:1 Zoom sessions with her if you wish at calendly.com/jhigaus

Board Meetings

1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Zoom Link:


Sunday Service

In Person and via Zoom

Sunday, February 11 at 11:45 am

Service Leader: Sara Green

We have a covenant. Now, what?

 Having a covenant is one of Unitarian Universalism's defining features; often times, it is a source of pride. And yet, we find ourselves at a loss for what's next in building and maintaining our community- particularly after change or during conflict. Let's use our imagination to build a buffet of spiritual practices that boost and supercharge the covenants we make with one another.

Bio of guest minister: Sara Green (she/her) is a Unitarian Universalist clergyperson, cultural organizer and artist based in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a connector focusing on food and climate justice through embodied strategy, performance and institutional change. For the last decade, she has been working with groups to create organizational cultures based in sustainability, integrity and holistic well-being. As a storyteller, she leads groups to imagine their way forward with inspiring and transformational narratives surrounding organizational vision and mission, and fundraising based on collective memory and cultural practice.

If you’re interested in viewing a recent service, contact the Worship Team at [email protected].

Service Feedback for the worship team

Religious Education For Children and Youth

No meeting on 2nd Sundays- Zoom Only Service

Children (age 5 and older) and Youth will be meeting in person in their classes after being present in the sanctuary for the first part of the service. Children 6 weeks to 4 years of age are welcome in our Nursery.

Congregational Information

Opportunity to contribute to Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools Austin – Wildflower’s first quarter of 2024 second offering

On Sunday, Simone, shared information about the CDF Freedom Schools Austin. It is a year-round culturally responsive family support network that culminates in a free six-week literacy and STEAM education program for scholars ages 6-11. It is a program of the Welcome Table, Inc., “a source of abundance for families in East Austin”.

See the information at the end of this item for how to donate to this organization!

Since 2014, almost 400 scholars averaged a 9 month increase in reading level during the summer program. The scholar’s success is promoted with family support, a team of college-aged Servant Leader interns, and professionals in the community who come together to support and celebrate their potential.

CDF Freedom School Austin offers:

• Literacy, STEM, and arts enrichment

• Support or character strengths needed to make good decisions

• Culturally responsive teaching and learning

• A community that believes in them

In addition, the program extends the summer experience with year-round family engagement, family centered events, books, educational and cultural materials, community partnerships and family support.

To donate to our SECOND OFFERING - CDF Freedom Schools Austin

Text: (833) 277-7250 and write “second” after the amount

Donate Online: https://wildflowerchurch.org/giving/

& enter amount in “Second Offering Contribution” line

Check: include “second offering” in memo line

Register Now for Feb. 10 Community Conversation!

Our Community Conversation will be Saturday, Feb. 10, from 9 a.m. to noon, in the Community Room and on Zoom. All are welcome, and childcare will be provided. We need to know how many to expect, so please register now at this link. Questions? Contact [email protected].

Team Council Meeting

Sunday, February 18 at 1:30 pm

Wildflower Community Room or via Zoom (link below)

The Zoom link is: https://zoom.us/j/91787588106

This Team Council is made up of all the Team chairs, but meetings are open to anyone in the congregation who would like to attend. The Council meets periodically to discuss the business of the church. This meeting will happen during our February post-service potluck. Bring some food to share, or attend on Zoom!

10 Week Meditation Circle Beginning this February!

Sundays, 10:15-11:15 am in one of the classrooms

Sarah Riehl will be offering a ten-week meditation class at 10:15 am on Sundays in person starting in mid-February. Anyone is welcome to attend, even if they are not a Wildflower member. This meditation technique uses the breath to cultivate a mind that is calm and still, yet alert and awake. Over the course of the class, you’ll gradually learn the fundamentals of this powerful practice, and we’ll explore Buddhist dharma, or teachings. Cushions and tea will be provided.

This form of meditation was adapted for Western laypeople by a Thai former monk in 1960s Britain; it has its roots in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Sarah has been practicing since 2008 and was invited to teach in 2018. She’s excited to share the practice.

** Please sign up by February 12th. Questions and to register, email [email protected].

Many disability accommodations are available; you can use the same email to inquire.

Tarot Circle for Intuitive Transformation!

Come and explore your spiritual life through the lens of the Tarot. Whether you are an experienced reader or have never yet held an oracle card, you'll discover how this tool offers all of us support for personal growth and collective evolution. Open to all Wildflowers & Friends.

Contact [email protected] with questions and to register.

Meetings held on Zoom, 7-8:30 pm

3rd Wednesday of every Month


February Nature Hike: McKinney Falls State Park

This month's Fun & Fellowship Nature Hike will be at the amazing South Austin McKinney Falls State Park. McKinney Falls charges an entrance fee of $6 per person (under 12 is free), however if one or two people in our group have an Annual Texas State Park Pass, we can carpool to the park under that person's pass!

For this hike we will meet up at Wildflower Church at noon and then carpool to the park.

Artists & Crafters - register here to reserve a table for your items

Join us for a few hours of swapping, gifting, or even discovering and acquiring a new hobby. Such items will consist of arts and crafts supplies, fabrics, or tools. These would be our once-loved, but unfinished or unused materials. This is a cash-free event for adults and youngsters interested in finding a new hobby or sustaining a current hobby.

Come enjoy the company of local artists

and crafters. There'll be live music and some

snacks and refreshments.

Wildflower's Movie Club!

Movie Club Invitation

Wildflowers and Friends are invited to our new Movie Club! Fun & Fellowship is excited to offer a Movie Club starting March 9th, to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of when a popular American icon debuted. How it Works: Small groups of people interested in movies will be matched to people who wish to host nearby. Each group will manage its own approach and timing.

For anyone wishing to participate, and for those interested in hosting a movie in their home, please complete this form based on area of interest by March 3.

Worship Team Corner:

February 2024 Sunday Services 

During February, we will be focusing on the theme of Building Relationships. All services begin at 11:45 am and last approximately 60-75 minutes. Please join us in person or on Zoom for our blended services. Our Zoom only service is the second Sunday of the month.

Our worship leaders/creators for the month will be:

February 18 (blended) - Simone Monique Barnes - CYRE* classes

February 25 (blended) - Rev. Mykal Slack - CYRE* classes

*CYRE: Children and Youth Religious Education

The Worship team would love to have your feedback on our services.

Here is a form for that very purpose!

Ongoing Events

New Zoom Link!!!

Morning Coffee* with The Pastoral Care Team

Wednesdays at 10 am


Meeting ID: 936 8147 8930

Hi, Wildflowers! Come check in about life, the universe and everything. 

Our Pastoral Care Team will continue to offer deep listening and support to members of our congregation. Jan Austin, formerly a Licensed Professional Counselor, will be available for 1:1 Zoom sessions with her if you wish at calendly.com/jhigaus

Ideas Worth Contemplating

1st and 3rd Sundays at 9:30 am

Zoom link at top in shaded box

Ideas Worth Contemplating is an ongoing group led by Wildflower Mike Ignatowski that uses inspiring and thought-provoking TED Talks to generate discussion about important topics.

Popcorn & Coffee (& Water, Tea, & Hot Chocolate)1st Sunday of every month, after the worship service in the Community Room

Potluck: 3rd Sunday of every month, after the worship service in the Community Room

Regional Information

Central Texas Interfaith Spring Meeting

Saturday, February 17, 9am-3pm

St Ignatius Catholic Church ( down the street from Wildflower)

Everyone invited to join leaders from around the CTI network for an energizing look at how we build relationships and our institutions as we prepare for the challenging year ahead! Lunch provided! Please use the link to RSVP


Connect and Take Action w/ the Texas UU Justice Ministry!

• TXUUJM's BIPOC Connections Circles return Feb. 3 (in person for Central/South Texas) and Feb. 5 (for all BIPOC UUs statewide) on Zoom. 

Learn more & Register here! 

For everyone, TXUUJM's weekly Action Hour is back 7pm CT every Thursday with focus on democracy, reproductive justice, climate justice, and many more vital issues! Sign up here!

Austin Queer and Crafty Meetup

Saturdays at 4-6 pm


Meetup Group: https://meetu.ps/e/M1j1k/gHCX4/j 

and also on Discord server: https://discord.gg/vcnJ3UdfVJ

For Your Information

Content Submission Guidelines

NOTE: Please do not use ALL CAPS nor "quotation marks" when submitting content.

Please submit content for weekly newsletter using this form: bit.ly/wildflowerannounce

Content should be submitted no more than (approximately) 2 weeks in advance of event.

Weekly Newsletter:

Wednesday by 12 PM

Weekly Announcement Insert:

Fridays by 12 pm

Don't be left out!

Join "The Info List", Wildflower's informal email networking system.

It's free and it's easy!!

Many of our members are unaware of our informal electronic mailing list. This list can be very useful to share information about a variety of subjects, including upcoming non-church-related events, recommendations requests for various services [i.e. plumbers], sale or service offers, etc. Being listed in our database does not automatically subscribe one to the Info List. Subscription is required in order to participate. Instructions to subscribe can be accessed here:


There are a few guidelines regarding the content of the emails that we ask everyone to follow but other than that, it is free and it is easy! Happy Networking!!