Dear Shabazz Community,

Happy month of May! This is such a busy month as we work our way towards graduation and the end of our 2020-2021 school year. As always, I encourage you to keep a watchful eye for Hannah’s updates and emails. 

Let’s kick off the first week of May with Shabazz’s Teacher Appreciation Week. I have some really nice treats planned for a staff that has continued to put students first in all decision making over this difficult past year. If you have a free moment, please send an email or a shout-out to a teacher or teachers who you, too, want to celebrate. Everyone loves kind words and actions.
I want to thank all of our students and their families, as we have had a very successful start back to face-to-face instruction. Our health and safety protocols we have put in place are working well within the building, and are allowing students to feel safe and secure while reestablishing our strong sense of belonging and community within Shabazz.

Concurrent teaching is going nicely and it is great to see a bridged connection between our face-to-face and virtual students continue. As a school community, we again came together to handle another pivot in our learning process, and I couldn't be more proud.
It's been another impressive spring of accomplishments as we have completed our design process for our new schedule for the 2021-2022 school year. As you can see there have been a few shifts within the design. 

Things that we prioritized as a community:

  • Shifting to semester classes to allow for deeper learning and connections
  • Students have an opportunity to gain more credit within a standard school year
  • A strong commitment for Project Based Learning classes that have a strong component of standards, experiential education, and service learning
  • Prioritizing teacher collaboration and planning for the most authentic-engaging classes for students

You can preview it here.

I realize that there might be questions about our scheduling design so I will be holding some drop-in sessions for families to ask questions.
Wednesday, May 12 (12-12:30 pm)
Join Zoom Meeting

Thursday, May 13 (4:30-5:00 pm)
Join Zoom Meeting

Lastly, another great addition, with the help of our district partners, is the Shabazz new logo, seen on our Newsletter banner and below. We are very excited about it. 

As always, thank you so much for your support.

Mary Jankovich
Malcolm Shabazz City High School Principal
Enrollment is open for summer school! Do you need credits toward graduation? This is the perfect opportunity to get ahead and prepared for next year! Check out the website for more information about time and date of programming. Email Elizabeth Long with questions!
One More Opportunity to Attend In-Person
Middle and High school students will have the option to return to on-site instruction during the week of May 3. The district will share the second round of the Returning Preference App on May 3. Families will have until May 7 to have their virtual students opt in to in-person learning. These new in-person students will begin on May 25. Please watch for emails from both the District and from Hannah here at Shabazz. We hope to see some new in-person students for the final days of the 2020-21 school year! Here, returning In-Person students enjoy lunch outdoors after classes last Thursday.
Deadline to Purchase a Yearbook is May 14

Students had an opportunity to purchase a yearbook during online enrollment at the beginning of the year. However, any student can still purchase a yearbook from now until May 14! The cost is $20.00. The order form must be submitted and payment made by May 14. Fill out this GOOGLE FORM to indicate your interest in purchasing a yearbook and how you will submit your payment. Yearbooks should be ready for distribution during the final days of the fourth quarter (early June). Anyone who purchased a yearbook will need to come to Shabazz during designated pick-up times (TBD).
Two Ways to Schedule Your Vaccine!

  • Vaccine Finder is an easy way to help you find locations that offer COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. Search according to vaccine type and zip code. Vaccine Finder will pull up availability near you, and in some instances you can even schedule your appointment directly.

Do You Know a Potential Shabazz Student?

We are now accepting applications for the 2021-22 school year. All MMSD students who are currently in grades 8-11 are welcome to apply. Our new video, highlights everything that makes Shabazz a special place. The process begins by completing a short Application Form online. For more information about applying to Shabazz visit our admissions page.
Our 2021 Graduation will take place on Tuesday, June 8 at Monona Terrace. Arrival time is 6:30 and our ceremony begins at 7:00 pm. Every graduate may invite up to four guests to the ceremony, which will be both livestreamed and taped to view later on MMSD's YouTube channel. All Graduation information can be accessed online on our Graduation Info 2021 website. Here is a recap.

Graduates have the following items to pick up:
  • Cap (your color choice) and Rainbow Tassel
  • Yard sign
  • Face mask
  • Wildflower Seeds

In-person graduates can pick up their items on any school day. Virtual graduates can pick up their items Tues - Fri, 8AM - 4PM. Just call Hannah when you arrive at (608) 204-2446. If you aren’t able to pick up, the items will be available for you at graduation. You will also receive a commemorative pot and plant at graduation.
Senior Picture
We will have a photo “booth” at graduation, where you can take photos with your cap and certificate! Be sure to bring your phones. We encourage you to post them to Instagram with the hashtag #Shabazz2021! If possible, we will try to take a socially distanced group photo.
Sending Final Transcripts
Students should request final transcripts through Orders can be placed anytime but students should select ‘Hold for Grades’ so the transcript is not sent until Sem. 2 is added.
Google Takeout (keeping your files after graduation)
Take a look at these instructions on how to save all of your Google docs after graduation before your MMSD email is turned off: 
Senior Exit Survey/ Interview
On May 17, the Senior Survey will be sent out via email. Please complete the survey by May 28. Coaches will also connect with their seniors during May to talk through this document and review their post high school plans.
Senior Checklist
Senior checklist for a list of tasks that every senior should do.
New Wheels for Shabazz Field Trips!

We are so fortunate that MMSD is as excited about Shabazz's experiential and project based vision as we are! And this 9-person Ford van (along with our old reliable vehicle) will truly help us achieve our goal. As you can see below, Principal Mary Jankovich and Social Studies/Experiential Learning teacher, Brian Counselman are anxious to get rolling, if only the COVID-19 restrictions would disappear. If not this year, next year for sure! Crossing fingers.        
Farewell Message from School Social Worker Susan Kaye

Dear Shabazz community,

It’s official. After 28 years as a social worker in MMSD, 19 of them at Shabazz, I will be retiring this June. It’s time to get gone while I can still ride a bike, make art, travel the world and have new adventures. There are many highly skilled candidates applying for the social worker position, so I'm sure you will be in good hands.

I have been honored to serve this school, participate in and witness it’s ongoing efforts to embody its values of justice and anti-racism, and experience joy together. So much joy! I feel so fortunate to have had a career serving people who are a constant source of inspiration. I’ve gotten to work with some of the most incredible students who approach life with courage, humor and creativity. We have laughed together, cried together and fought for justice together. It has been an honor to earn your trust and share in your journeys of self-discovery, growth and healing. I have been able to grow so much professionally and personally through my years at Shabazz. I am also grateful to have worked with some of the finest, kindest, emotionally intelligent, hardworking, open-hearted, committed, hilarious and creative educators in the world. 

I plan to continue to become proficient in Spanish and put that skill to use somewhere in some capacity. I will keep on going with art and may even be back to volunteer with Rachel’s pottery classes. Either way, I will hold you all in my heart and carry the gifts your presence in my life has given me, wherever my next chapter takes me.

With deepest gratitude,
Susan Kaye, School Social Worker   
Mama Duck Chooses Shabazz

While the humans were away, Mother Nature, in the form of a female duck named Dolores, moved into a secluded nesting spot at Shabazz. By our calculations her feathered babies will be hatched mid-May. Students and staff are keeping a watchful eye on her and you too can keep current through Instagram: #doloreswatch and #savemotherdolores.       
2021-22 Fall Semester Course Selection Process
It’s almost time to begin choosing courses for the fall! The fall course selection process will be similar to the past semester. Students will again meet with their Virtual Learning Coach and then complete the course selection form with them in their meeting.
Meeting with the Virtual Learning Coach will be essential in supporting students to choose courses that move them along a path toward graduation. If you’re unsure who your Virtual Learning Coach is, please look at your schedule in IC. Under the HR period, your Coach will be listed.
Step 1: Review course offerings
Monday, May 17 - Fall semester 1 course offerings will be available on the Shabazz website 
Step 2: Students meet with Virtual Learning Coach & Complete Course Selection Form
Monday, May 17 - Friday, May 28th
Purpose of meeting: Review transcript & complete course selection form
Course selection form DUE Monday, May 31st
Step 4: Student Schedules Finalized 
Student schedules will be finalized over the summer
Schedules will be available the last week of August 2021
You May Be Eligible for Grocery Benefits

Throughout our district, children who normally get free or reduced-price meals at school have been learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. To help, the federal government created the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program to provide $6.82 to families for each day that a student in a free and reduced-price meal program learned from home. Click on one of the links below to see if you get benefits.
Seniors! This Is For You

Did you “turn in” your Post High School Action plan on the Senior Google classroom? If not, please take a moment to login and turn it in today!

Do you need help getting everything set for college next fall?
Sign up to receive text reminders about things you need to do to get ready for next year (housing deposits, register for classes, job applications etc). You can receive text and/or email messages from an MMSD School Counselor. Your information will only be shared with MMSD School Counselors working on this project. Complete the Summer Texting Campaign Sign Up Form today!

Summer Post High School Planning From Your Phone
Sign up to receive text reminders about things you need to do to get ready for next year (housing deposits, register for classes, job applications etc). You can receive text and/or email messages from an MMSD School Counselor. Your information will only be shared with MMSD School Counselors working on this project. Complete the Summer Texting Campaign Sign Up Form today!

Shabazz Scholarship
Have you applied for the Shabazz Scholarship? Applications are due May, 19, 2021. Take a moment to apply now!

How are you paying for college? If you haven’t already, all senior families, regardless of income, should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This will qualify your student for grants, loans, scholarships and work-study.. FAFSA should be completed as soon as possible to qualify for the most aid. Parents and students need to register for an FSA ID prior to completing the FAFSA. For more information on financial aid check out the Federal Student Aid YouTube Channel 
Student Support Staff Contact Information

Our full-time Student Support Staff are available to our students and families Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. See our Shabazz Student Support Staff page here.
Shabazz City High School
1601 Sherman Avenue
Madison WI 53704
