Wildmen Dispatch 09/27/2010
Outpost & Allies News
Pinellas County, FL
Largo, FL
Sarasota, FL
Lutz, FL
Tampa, FL
New Port Richey, FL
Chattanooga, TN
Johnstown, PA
Penrith, Australia
Prayer Requests
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Wildmen Ministry is a non-profit ministry. We have no paid staff. We have no deep-pocket investors; just a small band of brothers who love God and want to see more men live the life of freedom Christ offers.

Therefore, any
donations are gladly accepted and help to further our cause of setting men's heart's free.

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Week of September 27, 2010

From John Eldredge's book - Desire.

Echoes from the Past

Aren't there times in your life that if you could, you would love to return to? I grew up in Los Angeles but spent my boyhood summers in Oregon where both my mother and father's parents lived. There was a beauty and innocence and excitement to those days. Woods to explore, rivers to fish, grandparents to fuss over me. My parents were young and in love and the days were full of adventures I did not have to create or pay for but only live in and enjoy. Rafting and swimming in the Rogue River. Playing in the park. Huckleberry pie at Becky's along the road to Crater Lake. We all have places in our past when life, if only for a moment, seemed to be coming together in the way we knew in our hearts it was always meant to be.

There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
The earth, and every common sight,
To me did seem
Appareled in celestial light,
The glory and the freshness of a dream.

Heaven lies about us in our infancy;
Shades of the prison-house begin to close
Upon the growing boy,
But he beholds the light, and whence it flows.
He sees it in his joy;

At length the man perceives it die away,
And fade into the light of common day.

Wordsworth caught a glimpse of the secret in his childhood, saw in it hints from the realm unknown. We simply must learn the lesson of these moments or we will not be able to bring our hearts along in our life's journey. For if these moments pass, never to be recovered again, then the life we prize is always fading from view, and our hearts with it.

How is your heart doing? Is there an echo from the past haunting you? Know that Christ's desire is for you to have life, life to the full. I invite you to join with your brothers this week at one of our locations so that, together, we can pursue the life abundant. And our hearts.

Jan - trimmed beard
Blessings to you,

Jan Broucinek
Wildmen Ministry


MATC - TPA Nov 2010p.s. Men at the Cross is coming back to First Baptist Church of Indian Rocks on November 20th for a one day event. This is the "year two" presentation named "Prize Fighters".

It is quite different from what was presented last year.

Go to www.MenAtTheCross.org for further information. We are in talks with Men at the Cross to see if we can get discounted tickets. We'll let you know.

p.p.s - There is a conference coming to Idlewild Baptist Church in Lutz, FL this weekend, October 1 and 2, that should be of some interest to most guys. Some of the speakers are; Tony Dungy, Danny Wuerffel, and Michael Flaherty. It is called Impact for Living. Click the link for more information.
News and Events
Wildmen Outposts & Allies
Wildmen Outpost Pinellas - Seminole, FL
Tuesday September 28th at 6:45pm

We are continuing our series in "Heart of Gold". God is seeking those who will follow him "with all of their heart."

Bring your friends!

One of our guys, Vic Miranda is looking for a roommate. He has a small room to rent for $350 a month, includes utilities. Please contact him directly at 727-235-5210.

Wildmen Outpost Pinellas meets at The Barn
13001 74th Avenue, Seminole, FL 33776

For more information contact jan@wildmenministry.com
or call
Men of Pathways - Largo, FL
Tuesday September 28th at 6:45pm

Experiencing GodWe are continuing our series by Henry Blackaby - Experiencing God.

Most Bible studies help people; this one changes them forever.

For more than 15 years, God has used Experiencing God in His work, showing believers how to know Him intimately while encouraging them to step out in faith and join Him in His work-with miraculous results.

Facilitated by Rich Roberts and Pastor Bill Losasso.

Ally, Men of Pathways meet at Pathways Community Church
801 Seminole Blvd, Largo, FL 33770

For more information send contact rich@pathwayscc.com
or call the church office at 727-397-4707
Wildmen Outpost - Sarasota, FL
Tuesday September 28th at 6:45pm

Secrets of the VineWe are continuing: "The Secrets of the Vine".

In this eight-part tutorial, best-selling author Bruce Wilkinson guides viewers through the stages of spiritual growth. Along the way, he helps them understand how God communicates with them and provides them with the spiritual resolve that can lead them into the light of His kingdom.

October 19th, Woodland (home of Wildmen Sarasota) will be hosting James Henderson. He holds the world record for (drug free tested) bench press (711 lbs!). He was one of the original members of the Power Team and is an ordained minister and evangelist, giving full time to speaking in schools, churches, men's events, and other gatherings. More info to come as the date nears.

Also, don't forget our blog site.
Wildmen Sarasota / Bradenton Meet at Woodland Community Church,
9607 E SR 70, Bradenton, FL 34202.

For more information contact Sarasota@WildmenMinistry.com.
or call 941-412-6808.
Wildmen Ally at Grace Family - Lutz, FL
Tuesday September 28th at 7pm

Come join us for a meal, great teaching, and awesome fellowship.

Wildmen Ally at Grace Family Church meets at
Grace Family Church Van Dyke Campus
5101 Van Dyke Road
Lutz, Florida 33558

For more information contact Jerry Batista at: jbatista@gracefamilychurch.org
or call the church office at 813-265-4151

Wildmen Outpost - Tampa, FL
Teddy RooseveltWednesday September 29th at 7pm

Join us as we delve deeper into the heart of a man.

Wildmen Outpost Tampa meets in a private home and is presently an invitation only group.

Contact Joe Diange for details at jdiange@tampabay.rr.com
or call 813-781-2520

Wildmen Ally - New Port Richey, FL
FreedomWednesday September 29th at 7pm

Join us for a great time of fellowship and learning what it means to be a follower of Christ.

Wildmen Ally New Port Richey meets at Jim Colucci's home.
Contact Jay Fopma or Jim Colucci for details and directions.

R. Jay Fopma

Jim Colucci
Wildmen Outpost - Chattanooga, TN
Friday October 1st at 6:30am

Wildmen Chattanooga meet at:
Shoney's Restaurant in East Ridge.

For more information contact Scott Ptak at Scott@WildmenMinistry.com
or call 423-504-9518 for location details

Wildmen Outpost - Johnstown, PA
Presently on break.


Wally Hubbard

Cell: 727-239-6235
Work: 814-534-2052

Wildmen Ally - Penrith (NSW), Australia
Wildmen Australia Logo Contact:

Glenn Dillon
Call for details
Phone number: 0412 423 222

Prayer Requests
Praying hands
  • Anthony, he is doing quite poorly. Hospice is now involved. Pray for him and his family.
  • Jim is preparing to start a new church-plant in NC. Pray for the needs they have to be met. Grand opening is scheduled for Thanksgiving weekend.
  • Ron for strength as he continues to minister to his ill bride.
  • Scott for some health issues on his knee,and Jeen for her hand.
  • Billy and Nancy, as he ministers to her, and Nancy as her hand heals from recent surgery.
  • Al needs work. It has been too long. Please pray for the Lord's favor and blessing.
  • Moses, for safety as he is traveling.
  • Bob needs some carpentry or woodworking clients.
  • Safety for Henry's son-in-law, stationed in Afghanistan.
  • Our missionaries in Guatemala. Their church has a huge need right now due to a break-in last week.
  • Mark for clarity of purpose and blessing on his business.
  • Quite a few men we know are struggling in their marriages. Pray that they listen for the Lord's direction and rescue their beauty - no matter the cost. That is what Jesus did for us.
  • Men at the Cross, coming back to First Baptist Church of Indian Rocks on November 20th for a half day event.
  • All of your Wildmen leaders wherever they may be. We are all going through something. The attack is intense right now.
  • Men of Pathways for the success of the series Experiencing God.
  • Men at the Cross as they ramp up for their November 20th event at First Baptist Church of Indian Rocks.
Dr. with StetoscopeCheckup Questions
  • How is your relationship with God?
  • How is your relationship with your wife?
  • How is your relationship with your child(ren)?
  • What have you done this week to spend quality, relational time with your family?
  • What did you do this week to take care of your body (exercise, diet, and rest)?
  • Are you growing in strength? (1 Cor. 16:13)
  • What did you do this week to maintain your joy in spite of life's daily circumstances?
  • What temptations are you facing and how are you dealing with them?
  • Do your coworkers know you are a Christ-follower?
  • How has your thought life been this week?
  • How are you guarding yourself against lustful thoughts, actions, and/or materials? If you need help, ask us. We have tools.
  • Are you giving your best at work or at school?
  • Have you been above reproach in financial matters this week?
  • Are you tithing? Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
  • Have you been investing regular time in the Word and in prayer?
  • Who have you been sharing the Gospel with?

The Warrior's Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Your warrior prepares for battle
Today I claim the victory over Satan by putting on the whole armor of God!

I put on the GIRDLE of TRUTH!
May I stand firm in the truth of YOUR WORD so that I will not be a victim of Satan's lies.

May it guard my heart from evil so I will remain pure and holy, protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.

I put on the SHOES of PEACE!
May I stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel so Your peace will shine through me and be a light to all I encounter.

I take the SHIELD of FAITH!
May I be ready for Satan's fiery darts of doubt, denial, and deceit so I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.

I put on the HELMET of SALVATION!
May I keep my mind focused on YOU so that Satan will not have a stronghold on my thoughts.

I take the SWORD of the SPIRIT!

May the two-edged sword of YOUR WORD be ready in my hands so I can expose the tempting words of Satan.

By faith your warrior has put on the WHOLE armor of God! I am prepared to live this day in spiritual victory!