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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 2, Issue 4 (February 23/17)
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What does WPH believe?

Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

Is the City of Hamilton ready to become a Living Wage employer?

living wage logo The Hamilton community, spearheaded by organizations such as Hamilton's Roundtable for Poverty Reduction, the Social Planning and Research Council and Workforce Planning Hamilton have been campaigning for the establishment of a Living Wage in Hamilton since 2011.  

Who does a Living Wage help? 

Close to 30,000 people who live in Hamilton work, but are not earning enough to move themselves or their families out of poverty: they are Hamilton's working poor.  

Now, six years later, Hamilton has been very successful in having over 30 local employers who have adopted a living wage for their employers. 

In November 2016 a recalculating was completed and the Living Wage was adjusted to $15.85 per hour, more than Ontario's current minimum wage of $11.40 per hour.

What happens tomorrow?

Friday, February 24, 2017 will see a historic vote at Hamilton City Council as the councillors are asked to vote on whether to pay municipal part-time and casual workers a living wage.

A yes vote would improve wages for 500 part-time and casual employees of the City of Hamilton, municipal crossing guards, recreation centres workers and people employed in the Hamilton Public Library system.

If you would like to see the City set an example for other businesses to follow you can contact your City Councillor and let them know how you feel about paying a Living Wage 
to municipal workers. 

Robots threaten jobs from truck driver to wealth manager - and it changes how graduates should approach the working world

Self-driving cars threaten the job security of millions of American truck drivers. At banks, automated tellers are increasingly common. And at wealth management firms, robo -advisers are replacing humans.

"Any job that is routine or monotonous runs the risk of being automated away," Yisong Yue, an assistant professor at the
California Institute of Technology, told Business Insider.

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