The Future is Electric...

"Plug In" as an Electrify Cincy Ambassador!

OES and our partners are excited to announce Electrify Cincy - an educational effort to help our community understand and take steps towards home electrification. Whether you’re a guru on the topic or couldn’t define it if you tried - we want YOU to consider spending an hour or so per week this spring as an Electrify Cincy Ambassador. 

An Electrify Cincy Ambassador is someone who will learn about home electrification - a key to improving air quality, health, finances, and more - and then share that information with family, friends, and neighbors.

Home electrification, especially of home heating and cooling at scale, is a key way of supporting healthier air, housing, and residents. We want to build buzz on the topic and that’s why we need YOU to help. Check out the activities, qualifications, and benefits below. Intrigued? “Plug in” to the first round of Electrify Cincy Ambassadors - SIGN UP HERE. 

Ambassador Activities: 

  • Share Electrify Cincy outreach materials as provided twice per week online and/or in-person in public areas
  • Attend up to three 1 hr Ambassador Meetings (orientation, mid-stream check in, and closing)
  • Recruit attendees to a building electrification event hosted by Electrify Cincy at the conclusion
  • Track weekly activity including number of people reached using the tool provided


  • An interest in environmental sustainability and/or community outreach
  • A willingness to learn about building electrification 
  • An openness to engaging with family, friends and neighbors on the topic
  • Ability to commit to attending three total scheduled meetings over 10 weeks (orientation, mid-stream check in, and closing - mostly virtual) 


  • Establish yourself or continue as a leader in your community 
  • Gain experience in community education, marketing, and engagement, and event operations
  • Gain detailed education and training in building electrification 
  • Better understand local sustainability initiatives and the role of residents in making change
  • Potentially receive one of a limited number of small stipends


Orientation: March 15th (in-person) or 22nd (virtual) 6:00-7:30PM

Serve as Ambassador: April 3rd - May 26th

Reach out to Kelsey Hawkins-Johnson, Electrify Cincy Community Education Lead, at [email protected] with questions. 


The Mission of OES is to lead Cincinnati City Government
and the broader community toward sustainability and
the practice of good environmental stewardship.
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