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December 1, 2023

Dear siblings in Christ,

Grace and peace be with you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I write to you today with a heartfelt appeal to consider a noble and transformative calling — that of becoming foster parents through Holy Family Services (HFS), one of our diocesan institutions. The need for loving and compassionate foster homes has never been greater, and I believe that as members of our faith community, we are uniquely positioned to respond to this urgent call.

As followers of Christ, we are called to emulate his love, compassion, and care for the most vulnerable among us. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." These words serve as a poignant reminder of the importance of safeguarding and nurturing the children in our midst. By opening our hearts and homes to children in need, we participate in God's redemptive work and embody his love in a tangible way.

Our faith teaches us that we are all part of God's family, bound together by his grace and mercy. Through foster care, we have the extraordinary opportunity to extend this familial love to children who may have never experienced the warmth and security of a loving home.

I understand that the idea of embarking on the journey of foster parenting may feel daunting, and you may have concerns about the challenges that lie ahead. But be assured that our faith community and Holy Family Services will walk alongside you every step of the way. HFS provides comprehensive training, ongoing support, and a network of dedicated professionals to ensure that you have the tools and resources necessary to provide a nurturing and stable environment for these precious children.

Opening your hearts and homes to foster children is an act of sacrificial love that brings immeasurable joy and blessings not only to these children but also to you and your own family. The rewards of witnessing a child flourish and grow in a safe and loving environment far outweigh the temporary inconveniences and challenges that may arise.

If you feel even the slightest stirring in your heart, I encourage you to reach out to HFS and take the first step toward opening your home and changing a child's life forever.

HFS has free Zoom foster orientations monthly. They can be reached at 213.202.3900 or [email protected], or check out their informative website.

HFS, which will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2024, also welcomes donations to continue its great work of foster care and adoption.

May God bless you abundantly as you contemplate this sacred calling.

Yours in God's love,

The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor

VII Bishop of Los Angeles