As Bill Sees It
Willingness is the Key

No matter how much one wishes to try, exactly how can he turn his own will and his own life over to the care of whatever God he thinks there is?

A beginning, even the smallest, is all that is needed. Once we have placed the key of willingness in the lock and have the door ever so slightly open, we find that we can always open it some more.
Though self-will may slam it shut again, as it frequently does, it will always respond the moment we again pick up the key of willingness.
Page 122


"By helping to insure the sobriety of others to come, we insure our own sobriety today"

October 1987 quote
The Home Group: Heartbeat of AA,

Step Six

Thinking about "Six Step" from the Book - Real AAs, Real Recovery "Step By Step"

"Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character."

Step 6: The Sixth step is not dramatic. There are no enthusiastic witnesses to rush up and shake one's hand. The Sixth Step means facing ourselves, and that is often more difficult than being honest with another person. I have found it difficult to lie to others but still lie to myself. Really? Who is kidding who?

This step has proven a real eye-opener for many AAs. The Sixth Step represents the beginning of a change in self and a new perspective.

The Sixth Step says, "Were entirely ready to have God remove these defects of character." How to be entirely ready to have the character defect removed can be puzzling. God does the removing not me, and God decides what will be removed. The process of becoming ready and willing to have God remove these defects of character starts with asking for God's guidance and to go about our business as though we were going to get it--it will.

This step represents the beginning of a drastic change in self. Change is scary, even if it promises a better life. Are you willing to go to any length to have a better life? Taking a leap of faith and trusting God will bring relief as long as I am willing.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Covid-19
and our Seventh Tradition

Along with the rest of the world - continue to experience an unprecedented situation. Without question, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Fellowship, including our organized service structure, is facing enormous challenges, locally and globally. For many of us the most prominent example is that, for the first time in 85-year history our Fellowship, we are navigating the lack of face-to-face meetings. While we have found creative ways to allow for the vital interaction between one alcoholic and another, and welcoming newcomers daily, it is clear that the health crisis has other far-reaching consequences.

As we all adapt to the present reality of digital meetings, the question now is, "How do we responsibly practice self-support, Our Seventh Tradition?" As we can no longer pass a physical basket we are working to find ways to support the Fellowship at all levels, from our groups to intergroups and Central Offices, from our Districts and Areas to the General Service Office itself.

The reality is that even though the meetings, Twelfth Step services and operation has shifted to a virtual enviroment, expenses continue to accumulate during this crisis, which underscores the importnace of proacting the Seventh Tradition.

The entire A.A. Fellowship has come together to provide onging support. Among them:

  1. Many home groups are still paying rent for a room and meeting are on line and some platforms still have costs
  2. Intergroups/Central Offices are still stocking literature and fielding Twelfth Step calls, redirecting A. A. member and those looking for recovery to online meetings.
  3. Area-level committees are working to keep channels open between the Fellowships and the delegates and board members that make up our General Service Conference, as well as to do public information, corrections and other services.
  4. G.S.O. in New York is continuing to support all levels of service. Literature still needs to be published and distributed, calls need to be answered, online platforms still need to be updated and support operation sustained.

Dealing with Loss

It is a sad day when one finds out a pillared of A. A. passes. This recently happened in our Tri-States. Both men were strong examples of carrying the message to Alcoholics. Dealing with loss is difficult and yet the reality is, we must adjust to an environment in which both men are missing.

As we learn to go on with our activities without our friend, we allow ourself the feelings of loss and time to grieve. The memories of Carey and Ted will remain and the people they touched will pass on the message of Service Work within Alcoholics Anonymous.
Rest in Peace Carey F. and Ted H.
Service Opportunity

Become a Service Rep
Grapevine Representatives are the link between AA Grapevine and the groups. It's a fun way to get involved! All you have to do is announce the latest issue at your meeting, let people know how they can participate by sending in stories, or jokes. It's easy to get started. Simply let your homegroup know that you are interested. Register online and you will receive a complete information kit from the Grapevine office.

If you would like to mail or fax your registration,

The River Cities Central Office

New Hours for Central Office
Currently the office is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday New hours Tuesday and Thursday 10AM to 3:00PM starting July Wednesday 10AM to 7:00PM
Looking for more volunteers to help keep the office running.

Please remember we all have Elections coming up at Central Office for "The Intergroup Committee Officers" they are voted into position. The are Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and IGL(like a GSR). Chosen by each Intergroup within the Area by a method of their choosing.  Responsibility of the Intergroup Liaison is also determined by each Intergroup as are term of office and eligibility requirements. It is suggested that the term of office be concurrent with that of Area Officers and Coordinators. These positions are like all AA positions and have term limits. (Spirit of Rotation) Elections will be coming up sometime soon. If you are interested please come to a meeting to learn more. The Intergroup meetings are the second Monday of every month .
Central Office Activity
Re-cap of March : No Meeting in June
Meetings at Central Office :
Intergroup Meeting Second Monday @ 6:30 PM
Dist. 09-903 Business Meeting 3rd Monday @ 6:00 PM
River Cities Roundup 3rd Sunday @ 2:30 PM
Month of July Roundup Meeting will be July 19, 2020


AA Meetings in the area

Lake Havasu Area
