Do One Thing - New Green You Resolution!
At the beginning of every year, we always hear “What’s your New Year’s resolution?”  

Now that 2021 is here and we are all more than ready to leave 2020 behind us we have a burning desire to start over and refresh our lives with a little more hope and positivity. We still might not be able to have those physical connections and interactions with friends and family, but we’ve learned there are other ways to connect and show our love. 

Wilton Go Green is launching its “Do One Thing - New Green You Resolution” campaign.
This campaign is designed to help our community connect with one another on a different level. It aims to let us see what our friends and family are doing by making simple changes to help us all become more sustainable. These efforts can be made in different areas of our lives and spread positivity by showing us that we can make a difference.  

In a time when we are generally bombarded with negative messaging about our environment, it is a reminder that simple, yet positive and effective solutions that each individual can make toward curbing our collective carbon footprint. 
“The year 2020 has been exceptionally different for all of us. So much of our work at Wilton Go Green relies on our positive face to face interactions within our community,” said Tammy Thornton, president of Wilton Go Green. 

“Fostering sustainable behaviors relies heavily on watching and knowing others are feeling the same way. It also means trying something new and we hope to make that sense of community more visible to the residents of Wilton through this campaign,” she said.

During the campaign, you’ll first hear from Wilton Go Green board and committee members about their “Do One Thing” goal, and then something new they look forward to doing in the new year.  

Moving forward in the campaign, Wilton Go Green hopes to highlight what other residents are doing. 

Residents may already be engaging in many simple actions such as using reusable water bottles, containers and shopping bags. Perhaps use use bar soap, turn off the lights when you leave the room, turn your thermostat down at night or remove yourself from unnecessary junk mail. Maybe now, you're looking for new areas to increase your sustainable actions and that's where our campaign comes in.

The “Do One Thing” campaign isn’t about bragging rights or showing off. It is truly about building a sense of community around fostering sustainable behaviors. The hope is that your actions can have the ripple effect within your family, friends and neighbors as you share what you are doing.  

Residents can join the campaign by first visiting our “Do One Thing” website to view the different areas we can make changes and consider a new action to try for 2021. Those interested can sign up using our online form and a Wilton Go Green member will then follow up. Wilton Go Green hopes to create an online campaign and share stories through its website, newsletter and social media. Residents can also follow Wilton Go Green on Facebook and Instagram to follow the campaign’s progress. 
Wilton Residents - Join A Wilton Go Green Committee as Your Do One Thing!
Wilton Go Green is looking for dedicated Wilton residents to join us as we work to make Wilton a more sustainable community.  

No experience necessary! We welcome ALL Wilton residents who are interested in these topics, want to learn more, and engage with fellow citizens for positive change. We know that each person brings their own unique gifts to the table.

Our Board has identified five different Committees, each with a specific goal and topics to address.  Each Committee will convene monthly via Zoom. Each Committee will review and discuss goals and will work towards a component of the re-imagined Zero Waste Faire & Sustainable Living Expo for March 2021. 

Head to our website to learn more.
Stay in Touch
Check out all the ways you can stay in touch with Wilton Go Green as we share more tips, announce events and programs.

  • Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our website.
  • Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter