Wind Farms Require

Nature-Based Offsets

Planetary Future: IntelliReefs Renewable Energy

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What are Ocean Wind Farms?

Ocean wind farms, often referred to as offshore wind farms, represent a dynamic and promising frontier in the renewable energy landscape. Harnessing the immense power of offshore winds, these farms are strategically situated in expansive bodies of water, where wind speeds tend to be higher and more consistent than on land. The proximity to coastal population centers ensures efficient transmission of the generated electricity. One of the most compelling advantages of ocean wind farms is their potential for substantial energy generation.

Windfarm After Energy Marine Protected Fishing for Coastal Communities
YouTube Video on Our Wind Farms

Ocean Wind Farms | IntelliReefs

Suggested Methods for Coastal Property Deployment

At the first Coastal Property Proposed Site, we would deploy an AR array composed of 50 large Oceanite modules manufactured by IntelliReefs and 10 concrete control modules manufactured using the same molds. The Coastal Property or Proposed Site would have a mixed sediment habitat with a water depth of 5-7 m. The Oceanite modules will be approximately cubic in shape (93 cm x 93 cm footprint with an average height), with a sloping top and multiple concave indentations to mimic habitat complexity of natural rocky reefs.

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