September 16, 2021
Jerry Swam Sidi led the Opening Orientation Chapel
at King University this semester.
We used our newly updated College Students room for the first time last Sunday. Thanks to all our donors and supporters, our college students now have a welcoming space where they can both hang out and worship.
Twin-Branched College Ministry Takes Root

Dear Church Family,

All glory and honor be ascribed to the almighty God for a good start for our college ministry. I am honored to lead and equip young college students. My role as the Director of Contemporary Worship and Campus Ministry Evangelist at King University since my family and I moved to Bristol has been a joyful one. We are so grateful to God for our church family at First Pres.

Working closely with Rev. Dr. Sam Weddington, Dr. Brian Alderman (Chaplain at King), and Chase Arndt (Student Life) has been an experience of a lifetime. I am grateful for the enthusiasm and wisdom they bring to the table. As an employee of First Pres, I was humbled to lead the Opening Orientation Chapel at King this semester. I have actively led Tuesday rehearsal, and with three of my King student volunteers, Stephen Locket, Delaney Porter, and Jacob Reynolds, lead chapel worship every Wednesday morning. Together, we lead morning worship from 9:00 to 10:00 and College Worship nights every Sunday from 8:00 to 9:00. The rotation is for us to have two worship nights on the King campus and one here at First Pres once a month.
Thank you for the support from First Pres and for the MEF grant which has enabled the programming of my role, supported the propagation of the gospel, and strengthened the faith of the young people we have ministered to on the King campus. You are supporting the mission and education outreach activities of First Presbyterian Church of Bristol.
Working patiently with the Chaplain, King staff, and faculty these few months has helped me establish relationships on campus and build bridges of pastoral care with students and athletes. Usually, 25 to 30 students gather to worship, study, and pray every Sunday night. I am already talking to some of our college students and faculty staff about having an early Monday morning meetup Bible study and prayer. This will help in the faith formation of both students and faculty.
I am grateful to the lead shepherd of our church and to the session for their guidance and visionary leadership. I am grateful for the opportunity to influence the young leaders of tomorrow’s church here and at King. I am optimistic that our partnership with the university will give our students all the necessary tools and skills they need as we seek to glorify God and equip the next generation of Christian leaders for service. I am confident that our partnership with King will help evangelize students and create a welcoming environment in our church community.

In Christ's grip,
Jerry Swam Sidi
September 19
17th Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 23
Ezekiel 34:11–16
Luke 15:1–10
Parables of the Lost Coin
and the Lost Sheep
Sam Weddington
Last Sunday’s Attendance
9:00: In person: 94;
Livestream: 49; Playback: 95
11:00: In person: 53;
Livestream: 14; Playback: 58
All worship services are also livestreamed.

Sunday, September 19
9:00 a.m.
Contemporary Worship
Fellowship Hall
10:10 a.m.
Sunday School
11:00 a.m.
Traditional Worship
4:00 p.m.
Evangelism & Outreach Committee
Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, September 21
10:00 a.m.
Staff Meeting
Room 123
7:00 p.m.
Finance Committee
Boy Scout Troop 3
Scout Hall
Wednesday, September 22
6:15 p.m.
Adult Enrichment
High School Small Groups
Student Room
Wednesday Night Kids
Education Wing
6:15 p.m.
Handbell Practice
7:15 p.m.
Choir Practice
Thursday, September 23
7:00 a.m.
Men’s Bible Study

7:00 p.m.
Praise Band Practice
Fellowship Hall
Tell Us Your Stories!

Our Stewardship campaign for 2022 is about to take off, and we are asking you to help fuel it by sharing your stories of the part the church has played in your life and family in 2021. We are eager to hear how you have experienced community and grace in our life together. Please send us an email telling your story or a way you have experienced God’s grace in our communal life. If you can, please include pictures and videos! Your story could be used by the Stewardship Committee in the upcoming campaign. You may, of course, ask to remain anonymous. Email your stories, pictures, and videos directly to the committee or link to the mailer.
FPC folks served with Sharing Christ in June.

Dish Out Spaghetti and Care at Sharing Christ Oct. 9

Our next opportunity to serve those in need in downtown Bristol will be on October 9. We are looking for folks who would like to join us in this outreach through the Sharing Christ mission. We need people to bake spaghetti casseroles (here's the easy recipe), and a few volunteers to help at the mission by serving dinner and cleaning up afterwards. After dinner, we’ll give diners sack lunches for the next day. Perhaps a family would volunteer to make 65 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at home, then deliver them to Sharing Christ on October 9? Please contact Beth Flannagan or Becca Tate to volunteer for any of these tasks.
Two Kids’ Events Coming Up

Children’s Ministries has two events coming up soon. On Friday, September 24, we will once again hold a Parents’ Night Out! It will be from 5:30 to 8:00, and all activities will be outside: slip-n-slide, pizza, and fun! Children will need a bathing suit, a towel, and a change of clothes.

On Sunday, September 26, our Fusion group of 5th and 6th graders will meet at the church at 4:00 p.m. to go Putt-Putting and eat at Blue Circle. Now doesn’t that sound like fun?
Wednesday Programs
Have Begun

Our fall semester is under way with full programming for all age groups. At 6:15, adults meet in the chapel for Bible study and worship, children meet in the children’s wing, and Student Small Groups meet in the student wing upstairs. Choir, Praise Team, and Handbells all practice as scheduled. We hope to resume fellowship meals by October 6.

The Home Groups curriculum leads our thoughts and reflections this semester as we study the parables of Jesus. Please see the lessons posted here. We encourage you to sign up for resources and sharing. To join, lead, host, or register a group, sign up here.
Online Home Group Meeting Friday

Home Groups help individuals and families grow in relationship and faith as they meet together for fellowship and Bible discussion. Those wanting an online Home Group meeting option can join us on Friday nights at 7:00. Download the curriculum in advance here. Here is the connection information:

Topic: FPC Virtual Home Group
Time: Sept. 17, 2021, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every Friday

Meeting ID: 831 6494 2420
One-tap mobile
+16465588656,,83164942420# US (New York)
+13017158592,,83164942420# US (Washington, D.C.)
That Light at the End of the Tunnel

If it isn’t too cloudy Monday night, we will see the Harvest Moon shining down on us like the oncoming light of the autumnal equinox, set to ride the 3:20 into the northern hemisphere September 22. Bruce Gannaway (September 15–18) and Ron Fox (September 22–25) will meet them both at the station.
Please Help Us Prepare for Advent
We need a few more reflections from our congregation to fill blank pages in our forthcoming Advent Devotional. If you are willing to write a devotion of no more than 300 words to help us all to prepare for the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, email Han Ong or Candy Phelps as soon as possible.
Give Safely
During the pandemic, we encourage you to use text, mail, or our website for your continued, faithful support of our ministries. You can give online by going to and clicking on “Give” in the upper right corner. You can send your pledge, offering, or special gift by texting fpcbristol to 73256. You can also mail your checks directly to the church.
How to Join Us Online
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch the livestream of our worship services and other activities. Go to and type in “FPC Bristol.” Click on the link and hit “subscribe” to receive notifications of new videos. To connect to our various Facebook sites, go to Facebook and type in “FPC Bristol.” Several accounts will show up. “Like” the page, or ask to join a group.
Gifts to the Church

Memorials and honoraria are published in the newsletter only after the family has been personally notified by our business office. Today we gratefully acknowledge the following gifts in memory of:
  • Mac Calcote: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
  • Frank DeFriece Jr.: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
  • Laverne & Fred Frazier: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
  • Patsy Frizzell: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
  • Ron Grubbs: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
  • Carolyn King: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
  • Louis & Lib King: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
  • Joe Rowell: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
  • Marynan Smith: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
  • Robert Vann: to the Technology Fund from Bill & Billie Whisnant
Organist's Footnotes

Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns (1835–1921) was a French composer, organist, conductor, and pianist of the Romantic era. Saint-Saëns was a musical prodigy; he made his concert debut at the age of ten. After studying at the Paris Conservatoire he followed a conventional career as a church organist, first at Saint-Merri, Paris, and, from 1858, at La Madeleine, the official church of the French Empire. After leaving the post 20 years later, he was a successful freelance pianist and composer, in demand in Europe and the Americas. This daguerreotype portrait of Saint-Saens seated at a desk was made in July 1858, when he was 22.

Saint-Saëns composed his Fantasie in E-flat Major at age 21 while still at Saint-Merri. The piece has two sections. The first, con moto, is gentle and displays the softer colors of the organ as the organist alternates quickly between manuals. The second section, Allegro di molto e con fuoco, is indeed full of “fire” and full-bodied sound. The two sections are intended to be played together, but I will play them separately (as prelude and postlude) to save time.
Pray for One Another
We want to pray for and celebrate with you! Send your prayer requests and glad tidings to

In Our Prayers
Please also pray for the members of our community who wish to remain anonymous.
Jean Addison
Anna Arbo & family
Bill & Betty Bingham
Bristol Tennessee City Schools
Bud & Marg Branscomb
Becky Busler
Randi Edwards
K.D. Forsha
Garrett Foster & family
DeeDee Galliher
John Graham Sr.
Emma & Gina Grubbs
Lou Hebb
Eddie Hill
Porter Hillery
Davan & Kristi Johnson
Kaduna State, Nigeria
Jim & Joan Keith
Marty & Kara Keys
Morgan & Josh King & family
Nancy Lilly
Diana Mattison
Dot Mattison
Roger McCracken
Kathy McGlothlin
Montana Indian Ministries
Family of Alice Moore
Abigail Myers
National & international leadership
Breanna Necessary
Palestine & Israel
Pastor Bruce Plummer
Cora Lee Raccioppo
Family of Frances Roberts
Michelle S.
Malcolm Sprinkle
Family of Stan
Teachers & school administrators
Margaret Wade
Michael Weller
Deadline & Subscriptions
Monday is the deadline for contributions to Windows. Subscribe to our free e-newsletter, by sending your name and preferred email address to the editor.
701 Florida Avenue | Bristol, TN 37620 | 423-764-7176 |